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Everything posted by Sonic
BitLocker is disabled when you use Unattend section. (since May 2024).
Windows 7 do not support EFI boot , choose BIOS. it's in Windows\Logs\WinNTSetup\
rollback to 5.3.5
sorry for my wording, I've re-re-re-edited my post.
v5.3.5.1 crash when I click "Setup" button after selecting Boot part then Windows part without source (ok if I select a source) v5.3.5 is ok without source (used to post install boot/integrate drivers/reg tweaks ...)
EDIT: Tick "Use Classic 'legacy' boot menu Legacy" from Boot Menu Style set Policies to attempt force disabled Hiberboot (=Disabled Fast Startup) with HiberbootEnabled=0 in "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System" and "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System" (this last seems wrong, if we look at ADMX). but these Policies doesn't work and they are not required. Need to be replaced by HiberbootEnabled=0 set in "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Power" location (sorry for my wording)
Oh , I've missed this great function ! Big thanks for your great job !!
not deleted , but updated manually my base folder... I like to check what files changed ... deleted the older wimlib but missing copy the new ....
winnt setup not start if missing Tools\x64\wimlib.dll. A popup to inform would be nice.
MergeIDE is useful, even nowadays, no more for the old IDE controller but for SATA AHCI / NVMe : it allow the hardware switch without a first safemode boot. MerdeIDE import reg entries from MerdeIDE_*.ini to the applied system registry.
A popup for VOLUMECOPY mode to notice the destination drive will be formatted (as contrary as WIM apply which keep data by default). Or better, an option with VOLUMECOPY to keep existing data on destination ? and even better an option to VOLUMECOPY with WimScript.ini support to skip Temp files, etc ? (perhaps already asked, I'm not remember if it's possible )
wimscripts are missing in combo list in "Local Windows installation" since WinNTSetup 5.30 beta 7. Works in 5.26 + 5.30 beta 6
Can you share your fix ? Do you exclude OneDrive folder ?
I have not checked the used cluster, but resized partition to 200GB was done by windows in seconds then volume copy was successful.
"VOLUME COPY" display "insufficience space" when source is eg. : 500 GB partition with 60 GB used and destination is a 250 GB partition. Can we bypass the check or account used space instead whole partition space ?
works with your test version !
# Kingston sata DC GPT |970 Pro GPT 1To |Hitachi HGST 4To GPT |970 Evo Plus 2To en MBR |QNAP boitier 4 HDD |USB_ExtremePro128 |USB_ExtremePro64 DriveComboExclude={54B4B614-0E5A-43A1-80F7-C18469290354} |{1CC633DE-DD91-4FD3-AF52-CF6FD8BBA4C7} |{9C9C7C96-951E-49F7-9373-2D33057ECA5C} |DBE68027 |QNAP TR-004 DISK00|QNAP TR-004 DISK01|QNAP TR-004 DISK02|QNAP TR-004 DISK03 |0AB90B28 |B650E7B5 isn't the "ini data" ? (sorry for my english) "winntsetup.exe disks" display correctly disks, seems nothing wrong with output, it ignore DriveComboExclude imho, it seems under win pe , loading DriveComboExclude over 8 items from ini result in a blank DriveComboList same .ini under full windows works correctly, so atm, I have a .ini for winpe usage , with <8 DriveComboExclude ...
# Kingston sata DC GPT |970 Pro GPT 1To |Hitachi HGST 4To GPT |970 Evo Plus 2To en MBR |QNAP boitier 4 HDD |USB_ExtremePro128 |USB_ExtremePro64 DriveComboExclude={54B4B614-0E5A-43A1-80F7-C18469290354} |{1CC633DE-DD91-4FD3-AF52-CF6FD8BBA4C7} |{9C9C7C96-951E-49F7-9373-2D33057ECA5C} |DBE68027 |QNAP TR-004 DISK00|QNAP TR-004 DISK01|QNAP TR-004 DISK02|QNAP TR-004 DISK03 |0AB90B28 |B650E7B5 if set in winntsetup.ini , DriveComboList will be blank in Win10XPE (reproduced on real hw & vmware) , I need remove two entries to keep 8. I can't reproduce in live system.
is there possible to customize shutdown button in rdp session ? it reset to "sign out". i mainly use "disconnect"
cosmetic bug v522 DriversWinRE=1 from [WinNT6] section is in .ini , is done by WinNTSetup but on GUI the case "Drivers Add to WinRE" isn't ticked. Thanks for extended DriveComboExclude list. End of multi .ini for me :-) Last, I'm blind : where is MinWin button ?!
oups, edited, I mean DriveComboExclude > 8 result in blank DriveComboList
thanks. forget to post DriveComboList is blank if more than 8 drives are specified in DriveComboExclude. (yes it's possible 😁 : 4 internals, 4 externals via enclosure, 2 usb key)
a rescan disk button would be nice. i use diskpart script before winntsetup, if i fire up winntsetup too fast, efi part isn't displayed in combo box. i need to restart winntsetup.
perhaps a new feature : DriveExcludedFromComboList= ? with same option as BootMountExclude= Because sometimes USB itself is choosen for Boot or install drive by mistake !