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HOTFIXES: Win2000 SP4, WinXP SP2, WinXP SP3 and Win2003 SP2

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Posted (edited)


The following is a complete list of all critical HotFixes (patches) along with download link and switches examples for:

- Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 4

- Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3

- Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2

- Windows 2003 Server with Service Pack 2



August 15, 2008

**A million apologies about the LOOOOONG delay. I hope that that doesn't happen again.**

Added KB953839, KB953838, KB952954, KB951748, KB951698, KB951066, KB950974, KB950749, KB948590, KB945553, KB944338, KB943055, KB942831, and KB941693 for Win2k SP4

Added KB953839, KB953838, KB952954, KB951748, KB951698, KB951376, KB951066, KB950754, KB950762, KB950749, KB948590, KB946026, KB945553, KB943055, KB942831, KB942830, and KB941693 for WinXP SP2

Added KB953839, KB953838, KB952954, KB951748, KB951698, KB951376, KB951066, KB950754, and KB950762 for WinXP SP3

Added KB953839, KB953838, KB952954, KB951748, KB951746, KB951698, KB951066, KB950754, KB950762, KB949014, KB948745, KB948590, KB946026, KB945553, KB943055, KB942831, KB942830, and KB941693 for Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, WinXP SP3, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB942615, KB941644, KB941568, KB941202, KB938829, KB926122, KB921503, and KB917344 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB942615, KB941644, KB941568, KB941202, KB938829, KB921503, KB919007, and KB917537 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB942615, KB941672, KB941644, KB941568, KB941202, KB926122, and KB921503 for Win2k3 SP2

January 8, 2008

**Thanks to DarkShadows for help with this month's updates**

Added KB941644 for Win2k SP4

Added KB942763 and KB941644 for WinXP SP2 and Win2K3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB917953 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB933360 and KB917953 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB933360 for Win2K3 SP2

December 11, 2007

Added KB942615, KB941569, KB941568, and KB937894 for Win2k SP4

Added KB944653, KB942615, KB941569, KB941568, and KB937894 for WinXP SP2

Added KB944653, KB944275, KB942615, KB941569, and KB941568 for Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4 and Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB905474 andKB890830 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB939653, KB923689, and KB904706 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB939653 and KB904706 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB939653 for Win2k3 SP2

November 12, 2007

**Thanks to DarkShadows for help with this month's updates**

Added KB943460 for WinXP SP2 and Win2K3 SP2

Added KB941672 for Win2K3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB935966 for Win2K3 SP2

October 23, 2007

Updated KB936357 for WinXP SP2

October 18, 2007

List maintenance!

Added KB917537 for WinXP SP2

October 9, 2007

Added KB923810, KB933729, KB939653, and KB941202 for Win2k SP4

Added KB933729, KB939653, and KB941202 for WinXP SP2 and Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB917736, KB923694, and KB937143 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB937143 for WinXP SP2 and Win2k3 SP2

September 11, 2007

Added KB938827 for Win2k SP4

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB932168 for Win2k SP4

August 28, 2007

Added KB933360 for WinXP SP2 and Win2k3 SP2

Added KB939683 for WinXP SP2

Corrected KB905474 for WinXP SP2

August 14, 2007

Added KB921503, KB936021, KB936782, KB937143, KB938127, and KB938829 for Win2k SP4

Added KB921503, KB936021, KB936782, KB937143, KB938127, KB938828, and KB938829 for WinXP SP2

Added KB921503, KB936021, KB936782, KB937143, and KB938127 for Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB917734, KB924191, KB929969, and KB933566 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB924191, KB929969, and KB933566 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB929969 and KB933566 for Win2k3 SP2

July 17, 2007

This is a catch-up day.

Added KB927891 for Win2k SP4 and Win2k3 SP2

Added KB927891 and KB929399 for WinXP SP2

July 10, 2007

Added KB926122 for Win2k SP4

Added KB936357 and KB939373 for WinXP SP2

Added KB925398, KB926122, KB933854, and KB936357 for Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 and KB925398 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB885626 for WinXP SP2

June 12, 2007

Added KB933566, KB935839, and KB935840 for Win2k SP4

Added KB929123, KB933566, KB935839, and KB935840 for WinXP SP2

Added KB924667, KB929123, KB933566, KB935839, and KB935840 for Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB917422 and KB931768 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB917422, KB923694, and KB931768 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB931768 for Win2k3 SP2

May 8, 2007

Added KB931768 and KB935843 for Win2k SP4

Added KB930916, KB931768, and KB935843 for WinXP SP2

Added KB931768 and KB935966 for Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

Removed KB928090 for Win2k SP4, WinXP SP2, and Win2k3 SP2

April 3 and 10, 2007

**Thanks to Nilfred and DStealth for help with this month's updates**

Added KB932168, KB931784, KB930178 and KB925902 for Win2k SP4

Added KB935448, KB932168, KB931784, KB931261, KB930178 and KB925902 for WinXP SP2

Added KB932168, KB931784, KB930178, KB929969, KB928090, KB925902 and KB890830 for Win2k3 SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

Updated KB905474 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB896424, KB912919 and KB920958 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB896424, KB912919 and KB928843 for WinXP SP2

March 13, 2007

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

February 13, 2007

Added KB928843, KB928090, KB927779, KB926436, KB924667, and KB918118 for Win2k SP4

Added KB928843, KB928255, KB928090, KB927802, KB927779, KB926436, KB924667, and KB918118 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

Updated list to require MDAC 2.8 SP1 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB925454, KB922616, and KB911562 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB922616 and KB921398 for WinXP SP2

January 9, 2007

Added KB929969 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

Removed KB925486 for Win2k SP4

January 4, 2007

Removed KB925454 (IE6) and KB926247 (optional Windows Component) for WinXP SP2

Removed KB926247 and KB926121 (optional Windows Components) for Win2k SP4

December 12, 2006

Added KB925454, KB926247, KB923694, KB926121, KB925398, and KB923689 for Win2k SP4

Added KB926247, KB926255, KB923694, and KB925398 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

Removed KB922760, and KB911567 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB920214 and KB911567 for WinXP SP2

November 14, 2006

Added KB923980, KB922760, KB920213, and KB924270 for Win2k SP4

Added KB923980, KB923789, KB920213, and KB924270 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for Win2k SP4 and WinXP SP2

Removed KB890046, KB918899, and KB921883 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB890046, KB899589, KB913433, KB885835, KB894391 (Replaced by KB902400) and KB921883 for WinXP SP2

November 10, 2006

Under new Management!

Added KB925486, KB924191, KB923414, KB923191, KB922582, & KB920685 for Win2k SP4

Updated KB920958, KB918899 and KB890830 for Win2k SP4

Removed KB917159, KB833989 and KB832483 for Win2k SP4

**Added IE7 and WMP11 to base install**

Removed KB925486, KB924496, KB918899, KB917734 and KB917344 for WinXP SP2 because of IE7/WMP11.

October 10, 2006

Added KB925486, KB924496, KB924191, KB923414, KB923191 & KB922819 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB917159 for WinXP SP2

September 12, 2006

Added KB922582, KB920872, KB920685 & KB919007 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for WinXP SP2

August 8, 2006

Added KB922616, KB921883, KB921398, KB920683, KB920670, KB920214, KB918899, KB917422 & KB905474 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB916281, KB888113 & KB887742 for WinXP SP2

** Thanks to the_guy for the Win2K update **

July 11, 2006

Added KB917159, KB916595 & KB914388 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB896422 for WinXP SP2

June 27, 2006

Updated KB911280 (Version 2) for WinXP SP2

June 13, 2006

Added KB918439, KB917953, KB917734, KB917344, KB916281, KB914389, KB913433 & KB911280 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB913446, KB912812, KB911565 & KB885250 for WinXP SP2

May 9, 2006

Added KB913580 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB890830 for WinXP SP2

April 25, 2006

Added KB900485 for WinXP SP2

April 11, 2006

Added KB912812, KB911567, KB911562 & KB908531 for WinXP SP2

Updated KB911565 & KB890830 for WinXP SP2

Removed KB905915 for WinXP SP2

March 14, 2006

Updated KB890830 for WinXP SP2 and Win2K SP4

** Thanks to the_guy for the following Win2K update **

Added KB912919, KB911565, KB911564, KB908523, KB908519 & KB905915 for Win2K SP4

Removed KB885492 & KB896688 for Win2K SP4





WITH IE7 & Windows Live Messenger 8.1 installed

IE7 is breaking RunOnceEx! You can either install the latest Internet Explorer update from svcpack or follow the directions stated in KB927357 to work around this bug.

Switches examples are used in the SVCPACK.INF file (this is the resultant of the/integrate: switch)

*** NEW ***

KB953839 -> Cumulative security update for ActiveX

Download -> 487 KB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953839.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB953838 -> Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer Download -> 8.50 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953838.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB952954 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 538 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB952954.exe /q /n /z

KB951748 -> Description of the security update for DNS in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000 Server (client side): July 8, 2008

Download -> 1.33 MB (July 7, 2008)

Switches: KB951748.exe /q /n /z

KB951746 -> Description of the security update for DNS in Windows Server 2008, in Windows Server 2003, and in Windows 2000 Server (server-side): July 8, 2008

Download -> 1.41 MB (July 7, 2008)

Switches: KB951746.exe /q /n /z

KB951698 -> Vulnerabilities in DirectX Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 1.09 MB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB951698.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB951066 -> Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail

Download -> 791 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB951066.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB950974 -> Vulnerabilities in Event System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 579 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB950974.exe /q /n /z

KB950762 -> Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) Could Allow Denial of Service Download -> 539 KB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB950762.exe /q /n /z

KB949014 -> Description of the security update for Active Directory in Windows Server 2008, in Windows Server 2003, and in Windows 2000 Server (server-side): June 10, 2008

Download -> 1.18 MB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB949014.exe /q /n /z

KB948745 -> Vulnerability in WINS Could Allow Elevation of Privilege

Download -> 553 KB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB948745.exe /q /n /z

KB948590 -> Vulnerabilities in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 669 KB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB948590.exe /q /n /z

KB946026 -> Vulnerability in WebDAV Mini-Redirector could allow remote code execution Download -> 573 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB946026.exe /q /n /z

KB945553 -> Vulnerability in DNS Client Could Allow Spoofing Download -> 611 KB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB945553.exe /q /n /z

KB944653 -> Vulnerability in Macrovision driver could allow local elevation of privilege

Download -› 493 KB (December 10, 2007)

Switches: KB944653.exe /q /n /z MUST delete secdrv.sys or secdrv.sy_ from I386 folder before using /integrate

KB944275 -> Vulnerability in the Windows Media file format could allow remote code execution in Windows Server 2003

Download -› 2.08 MB (December 10, 2007)

Switches: KB944275.exe /q /n /z

KB943485 -> Vulnerability in LSASS Could Allow Local Elevation of Privilege

Download -› 960 KB (January 7, 2008)

Switches: KB943485.exe /q /n /z

KB943460 -> Vulnerability in Windows URI Handling could allow remote code execution

Download -› 3.18 MB (November 12, 2007)

Switches: KB943460.exe /q /n /z

KB943055 -> A vulnerability in OLE Automation could allow remote code execution Download -> 620 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB943055.exe /q /n /z

KB942831 -> Vulnerability in Internet Information Services could allow elevation of privileges Download -> 581 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB942831.exe /q /n /z

KB942830 -> Vulnerability in Internet Information Services could allow remote code execution Download -> 659 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB942830.exe /q /n /z

KB942763 -> December 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems

Download -› 510 KB (December 20, 2007)

Switches: KB942763.exe /q /n /z

KB941569 -> Vulnerability in Windows Media file format could allow remote code execution

Download -› 565 KB (December 10, 2007)

Switches: KB941569.exe /q /n /z

KB941693 -> Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege Download -> 1.76 MB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB941693.exe /q /n /z

KB938127 -› Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language could allow remote code execution

Download -› 783 KB (August 13, 2007)

Switches: KB938127.exe /q /n /z

KB936782 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 2.36 MB (August 14, 2006)

Switches: KB936782.exe /q /n /z

KB936021 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 1.03 MB (August 14, 2006)

Switches: KB936021.exe /q /n /z

KB935840 -› Vulnerability in the Windows Schannel Security Package Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 582 KB (June 11, 2007)

Switches: KB935840.exe /q /n /z

KB935839 -› Vulnerability in Win 32 API Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 875 KB (June 8, 2007)

Switches: KB935839.exe /q /n /z

KB933854 -› Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 3.38 MB (July 10, 2007)

Switches: KB933854.exe /q /n /z

KB933729 -> Vulnerabilities in RPC could allow denial of service

Download -› 911 KB (October 8, 2007)

Switches: KB933729.exe /q /n /z

KB932168 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Agent Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 583 KB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB932168.exe /q /n /z

KB931784 -> Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege

Download -> 4.68 MB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB931784.exe /q /n /z

KB930178 -> Vulnerabilities in CSRSS Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 696 KB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB930178.exe /q /n /z

KB929123 -› Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail

Download -› 1.54 MB (June 8, 2007)

Switches: KB929123.exe /q /n /z

KB927891 -> You receive an access violation error and the system may appear to become unresponsive when you try to install an update from Windows Update or from Microsoft Update (V5)

Download -> 1.21 MB (May 7, 2007)

Switches: KB927891.exe /q /n /z

KB925902 -> Vulnerabilities in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 2.93 MB (April 3, 2007)

Switches: KB925902.exe /q /n /z

KB925398 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player 6.4 could allow remote code execution (V2)

Download -› 779 KB (July 10, 2007)

Switches: KB925398.exe /q /n /z

KB924667 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Classes could allow for remote code execution (V2)

Download -› 1.86 MB (June 11, 2007)

Switches: KB924667.exe /q /n /z

*** UPDATED ***

KB890830 -› Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool (v2.1)

Download -› 6.84 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB890830.exe /q (cannot use the /integrate; option)

MANDATORY CRITICAL HOTFIXES - May not show up on your configuration!

KB936357 -› A microcode reliability update is available that improves the reliability of systems that use Intel processors

Download -› 701 KB (June 11, 2007)

Switches: KB936357.exe /q /n /z



WITH IE7 & WMP11 & Windows Live Messenger 8.1 installed

IE7 is breaking RunOnceEx! You can either install the latest Internet Explorer update from svcpack or follow the directions stated in KB927357 to work around this bug.

Switches examples are used in the SVCPACK.INF file (this is the resultant of the/integrate: switch)

*** NEW ***

KB953839 -> Cumulative security update for ActiveX

Download -> 489 KB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953839.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB953838 -> Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer Download -> 8.50 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953838.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB952954 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 521 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB952954.exe /q /n /z

KB951748 -> Description of the security update for DNS in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000 Server (client side): July 8, 2008

Download -> 1.04 MB (July 7, 2008)

Switches: KB951748.exe /q /n /z

KB951698 -> Vulnerabilities in DirectX Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 1023 KB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB951698.exe /q /n /z

KB951376 -> Vulnerability in Bluetooth Stack Could Allow Remote Code Execution v2 Download -> 592 KB (June 19, 2008)

Switches: KB951376.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB951066 -> Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail

Download -> 799 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB951066.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB950974 -> Vulnerabilities in Event System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 582 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB950974.exe /q /n /z

KB950762 -> Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) Could Allow Denial of Service Download -> 547 KB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB950762.exe /q /n /z

KB941569 -> Vulnerability in Windows Media file format could allow remote code execution

Download -› 2.06 MB (December 10, 2007)

Switches: KB941569.exe /q /n /z

KB939683 -› FIX: Update for Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP

Download -› 549 KB (August 27, 2007)

Switches: KB939683.exe /q /n /z

KB938127 -› Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language could allow remote code execution

Download -› 781 KB (August 13, 2007)

Switches: KB938127.exe /q /n /z

KB936782 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 5.53 MB (August 14, 2006)

Switches: KB936782.exe /q /n /z

KB929399 -> FIX: Subscription services cannot extract metering data when the services try to synchronize metering data on a client computer that is running the Windows Media Format 11 SDK (V2)

Download -> 626 KB (March 30, 2007)

Switches: KB929399.exe /q /n /z

*** UPDATED ***

KB890830 -› Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool (v2.1)

Download -› 6.84 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB890830.exe /q (cannot use the /integrate; option)



WITH IE7 & WMP11 & Windows Live Messenger 8.1 installed

IE7 is breaking RunOnceEx! You can either install the latest Internet Explorer update from svcpack or follow the directions stated in KB927357 to work around this bug.

Switches examples are used in the SVCPACK.INF file (this is the resultant of the/integrate: switch)

*** NEW ***

KB953839 -> Cumulative security update for ActiveX

Download -> 489 KB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953839.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB953838 -> Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer Download -> 8.50 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953838.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB952954 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 521 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB952954.exe /q /n /z

KB951748 -> Description of the security update for DNS in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000 Server (client side): July 8, 2008

Download -> 1.04 MB (July 7, 2008)

Switches: KB951748.exe /q /n /z

KB951698 -> Vulnerabilities in DirectX Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 1023 KB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB951698.exe /q /n /z

KB951376 -> Vulnerability in Bluetooth Stack Could Allow Remote Code Execution v2 Download -> 592 KB (June 19, 2008)

Switches: KB951376.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB951066 -> Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail

Download -> 799 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB951066.exe /q /n /z

*** NEW ***

KB950974 -> Vulnerabilities in Event System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 582 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB950974.exe /q /n /z

KB950762 -> Vulnerabilities in Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) Could Allow Denial of Service Download -> 547 KB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB950762.exe /q /n /z

KB950749 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 2.87 MB (May 12, 2008)

Switches: KB950749.exe /q /n /z

KB948590 -> Vulnerabilities in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 610 KB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB948590.exe /q /n /z

KB946026 -> Vulnerability in WebDAV Mini-Redirector could allow remote code execution Download -> 558 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB946026.exe /q /n /z

KB945553 -> Vulnerability in DNS Client Could Allow Spoofing Download -> 564 KB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB945553.exe /q /n /z

KB944653 -> Vulnerability in Macrovision driver could allow local elevation of privilege

Download -› 485 KB (December 10, 2007)

Switches: KB944653.exe /q /n /z MUST delete secdrv.sys or secdrv.sy_ from I386 folder before using /integrate

KB943485 -> Vulnerability in LSASS Could Allow Local Elevation of Privilege

Download -› 810 KB (January 7, 2008)

Switches: KB943485.exe /q /n /z

KB943460 -> Vulnerability in Windows URI Handling could allow remote code execution

Download -› 2.96 MB (November 12, 2007)

Switches: KB943460.exe /q /n /z

KB943055 -> A vulnerability in OLE Automation could allow remote code execution -> 726 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB943055.exe /q /n /z

KB942831 -> Vulnerability in Internet Information Services could allow elevation of privileges Download -> 579 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB942831.exe /q /n /z

KB942830 -> Vulnerability in Internet Information Services could allow remote code execution Download -> 619 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB942830.exe /q /n /z

KB942763 -> December 2007 cumulative time zone update for Microsoft Windows operating systems

Download -› 502 KB (December 20, 2007)

Switches: KB942763.exe /q /n /z

KB941693 -> Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege Download -> 1.35 MB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB941693.exe /q /n /z

KB941569 -> Vulnerability in Windows Media file format could allow remote code execution

Download -› 2.06 MB (December 10, 2007)

Switches: KB941569.exe /q /n /z

KB939683 -› FIX: Update for Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP

Download -› 549 KB (August 27, 2007)

Switches: KB939683.exe /q /n /z

KB939373 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 621 KB (July 9, 2007)

Switches: KB939373.exe /q /n /z

KB938828 -› Error message when the Explorer.exe process crashes on a Windows XP SP2-based computer: "STOP 0xc0000005"

Download -› 830 KB (July 24, 2007)

Switches: KB938828.exe /q /n /z

KB938127 -› Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language could allow remote code execution

Download -› 781 KB (August 13, 2007)

Switches: KB938127.exe /q /n /z

KB937894 -> Vulnerability in Message Queuing Service could allow remote code execution in Windows XP and in Windows 2000

Download -› 997 KB (December 11, 2007)

Switches: KB937894.exe /q /n /z

KB936782 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 5.53 MB (August 14, 2006)

Switches: KB936782.exe /q /n /z

KB936021 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 890 KB (August 14, 2006)

Switches: KB936021.exe /q /n /z

KB935843 -› Stop 0x0000007F error when you try to print from computers that are running Windows XP or Windows 2000 and that have GDI security update 925902 installed

Download -› 1.35 MB (April 18, 2007)

Switches: KB935843.exe /q /n /z

KB935840 -› Vulnerability in the Windows Schannel Security Package Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 551 KB (June 11, 2007)

Switches: KB935840.exe /q /n /z

KB935839 -› Vulnerability in Win 32 API Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 784 KB (June 11, 2007)

Switches: KB935839.exe /q /n /z

KB935448 -> The Realtek HD Audio Control Panel may not start, and you receive an error message when you start the computer: "Illegal System DLL Relocation"

Download -> 703 KB (April 3, 2007)

Switches: KB935448.exe /q /n /z

KB933729 -> Vulnerabilities in RPC could allow denial of service

Download -› 856 KB (October 8, 2007)

Switches: KB933729.exe /q /n /z

KB932168 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Agent Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 563 KB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB932168.exe /q /n /z

KB931784 -> Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege

Download -> 2.19 MB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB931784.exe /q /n /z

KB931261 -> Vulnerability in Universal Plug and Play Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 549 KB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB931261.exe /q /n /z

KB930916 -› Error message when you try to open files on a NTFS file system volume on a Windows XP-based computer: "Stop 0x0000008E"

Download -› 777 KB (April 24, 2007)

Switches: KB930916.exe /q /n /z

KB930178 -> Vulnerabilities in CSRSS Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 621 KB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB930178.exe /q /n /z

KB929399 -> FIX: Subscription services cannot extract metering data when the services try to synchronize metering data on a client computer that is running the Windows Media Format 11 SDK (V2)

Download -> 626 KB (March 30, 2007)

Switches: KB929399.exe /q /n /z

KB929123 -› Cumulative security update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail

Download -› 1.52 MB (June 8, 2007)

Switches: KB929123.exe /q /n /z

KB928255 -› Vulnerability in Windows Shell could allow elevation of privilege

Download -› 2.98 MB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB928255.exe /q /n /z

KB927891 -> You receive an access violation error and the system may appear to become unresponsive when you try to install an update from Windows Update or from Microsoft Update (V3)

Download -> 1.2 MB (May 7, 2007)

Switches: KB927891.exe /q /n /z

KB927802 -› Vulnerability in Windows Image Acquisition Service could allow elevation of privilege

Download -› 594 KB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB927802.exe /q /n /z

KB927779 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components could allow remote code execution

Download -› 769 KB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB927779.exe /q /n /z

KB926436 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft OLE Dialog could allow remote code execution

Download -› 525 KB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB926436.exe /q /n /z

KB926255 -> Vulnerability in Windows could allow elevation of privilege

Download -> 723 KB (December 11, 2006)

Switches: KB926255.exe /q /n /z

KB925902 -> Vulnerabilities in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 1.73 MB (April 3, 2007)

Switches: KB925902.exe /q /n /z

KB925398 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player 6.4 could allow remote code execution (V2)

Download -› 779 KB (July 10, 2007)

Switches: KB925398.exe /q /n /z

KB924667 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Classes could allow for remote code execution

Download -› 1.73 MB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB924667.exe /q /n /z

KB924270 -› Vulnerability in Workstation Service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 979 KB (November 13, 2006)

Switches: KB924270.exe /q /n /z

KB923980 -› Vulnerability in the Client Service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 665 KB (November 13, 2006)

Switches: KB923980.exe /q /n /z

KB923789 -› Vulnerabilities in Macromedia Flash Player from Adobe could allow remote code execution

Download -› 543 KB (November 13, 2006)

Switches: KB923789.exe /q:a /r:n

KB923414 -› Vulnerability in Server Service could allow denial of service

Download -› 708 KB (October 9, 2006)

Switches: KB923414.exe /q /n /z

KB923191 -› Vulnerability in Windows Explorer could allow remote code execution

Download -› 4.04 MB (October 9, 2006)

Switches: KB923191.exe /q /n /z

KB922819 -› Vulnerabilities in TCP/IP IPv6 could allow denial of service

Download -› 836 KB (October 9, 2006)

Switches: KB922819.exe /q /n /z

KB922582 -› Error message when you try to update a Microsoft Windows-based computer: "0x80070002"

Download -› 549 KB (September 11, 2006)

Switches: KB922582.exe /q /n /z

KB920872 -› Audio playback does not play the audio file from the correct position after you pause it, and you randomly receive a Stop error message when you try to play audio files in Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)

Download -› 602 KB (August 17, 2006)

Switches: KB920872.exe /q /n /z

KB920685 -› Vulnerability in Indexing Service could allow cross-site scripting

Download -› 1.24 MB (September 11, 2006)

Switches: KB920685.exe /q /n /z

KB920683 -› Vulnerability in DNS resolution could allow remote code execution

Download -› 593 KB (August 7, 2006)

Switches: KB920683.exe /q /n /z

KB920670 -› Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Hyperlink Object Library could allow remote code execution

Download -› 511 KB (August 7, 2006)

Switches: KB920670.exe /q /n /z

KB920213 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Agent could allow remote code execution

Download -› 670 KB (November 13, 2006)

Switches: KB920213.exe /q /n /z

KB918439 -› Vulnerability in ART image rendering could allow remote code execution

Download -› 553 KB (June 8, 2006)

Switches: KB918439.exe /q /n /z

KB918118 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft RichEdit could allow remote code execution

Download -› 876 KB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB918118.exe /q /n /z

KB916595 -› Stop error message on a Windows XP-based computer: "STOP 0x000000D1"

Download -› 596 KB (June 6, 2006)

Switches: KB916595.exe /q /n /z

KB914389 -› Vulnerability in Server Message Block could allow elevation of privilege

Download -› 972 KB (June 12, 2006)

Switches: KB914389.exe /q /n /z

KB914388 -› A vulnerability in the DHCP Client Service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 994 KB (July 10, 2006)

Switches: KB914388.exe /q /n /z

KB913580 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator could allow denial of service

Download -› 1.24 MB (May 9, 2006)

Switches: KB913580.exe /q /n /z

KB911927 -› Vulnerability in Web Client Service could allow remote code execution.

Download -› 604 KB (February 13, 2006)

Switches: KB911927.exe /q /n /z

KB911564 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player plug-in with non-Microsoft Internet browsers could allow remote code execution.

Download -› 598 KB (February 13, 2006)

Switches: KB911564.exe /q /n /z

KB911562 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) function could allow code execution

Download -› 560 KB (April 10, 2006)

Switches: KB911562.exe /q /n /z

KB911280 -› Vulnerability in Routing and Remote Access could allow remote code execution (V2)

Download -› 1.04 MB (June 27, 2006)

Switches: KB911280.exe /q /n /z

KB910437 -› Automatic Updates can no longer download updates after an Access Violation error occurs

Download -› 1.13 MB (December 12, 2005)

Switches: KB910437.exe /q /n /z

KB908531 -› Vulnerability in Windows Explorer Could Lead to Remote Code Execution (V2)

Download -› 4.44 MB (April 25, 2006)

Switches: KB908531.exe /q /n /z

KB908519 -› Vulnerability in Embedded Web Fonts Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 584 KB (January 9, 2006)

Switches: KB908519.exe /q /n /z

KB905749 -› Vulnerability in Plug and Play Could Allow Remote Code Execution and Local Elevation of Privilege

Download -› 569 KB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB905749.exe /q /n /z

KB905474 -› Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications application (v1.7.0018.7)

Download -› 1.26 MB (December 14, 2007)

Switches: WGANOT~1.exe /q /n /z (MUST extract WGANOT~1.exe from downloaded file!

KB905414 -› Vulnerability in Network Connection Manager Could Allow Denial of Service

Download -› 607 KB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB905414.exe /q /n /z

KB902400 -› Vulnerabilities in MS DTC and COM+ Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 4.70 MB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB902400.exe /q /n /z

KB901214 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Color Management Module could allow remote code execution

Download -› 612 KB (July 11, 2005)

Switches: KB901214.exe /q /n /z

KB901017 -› Vulnerability in the Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects could allow code execution (Windows)

Download -› 0.99 MB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB901017.exe /q /n /z

KB900725 -› Vulnerabilities in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 4.92 MB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB900725.exe /q /n /z

KB900485 -› Error message in Windows XP Service Pack 2: "Stop 0x7E"

Download -› 571 KB (April 25, 2006)

Switches: KB900485.exe /q /n /z

KB899591 -› Vulnerability in Remote Desktop Protocol could allow denial of service

Download -› 571 KB (August 8, 2005)

Switches: KB899591.exe /q /n /z

KB899587 -› Vulnerabilities in Kerberos could allow denial of service, information disclosure, and spoofing

Download -› 721 KB (August 8, 2005)

Switches: KB899587.exe /q /n /z

KB898461 -› Installs a permanent copy of the Package Installer for Windows version

Download -› 477 KB (June 27, 2005)

Switches: KB898461.exe /q /n /z

KB896428 -› Vulnerability in Telnet client could allow information disclosure

Download -› 513 KB (June 13, 2005)

Switches: KB896428.exe /q /n /z

KB896423 -› Vulnerability in Print Spooler service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 551 KB (August 8, 2005)

Switches: KB896423.exe /q /n /z

KB896358 -› A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution

Download -› 0.99 MB (June 13, 2005)

Switches: KB896358.exe /q /n /z

KB893803 -› Windows Installer 3.1 (v2) is available

Download -› 2.46 MB (May 12, 2005)

Switches: KB893803.exe /q /n /z

KB893756 -› Vulnerability in Telephony service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 676 KB (August 8, 2005)

Switches: KB893756.exe /q /n /z

KB891781 -› Vulnerability in the DHTML editing component ActiveX control could allow code execution

Download -› 397 KB (February 7, 2005)

Switches: KB891781.exe /q /n /z

KB890859 -› Vulnerabilities in Windows kernel could allow elevation of privilege and denial of service

Download -› 5.81 MB (April 11, 2005)

Switches: KB890859.exe /q /n /z

*** UPDATED ***

KB890830 -› Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool (v2.1)

Download -› 6.84 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB890830.exe /q (cannot use the /integrate; option)

KB888302 -› Vulnerability in Windows could allow information disclosure

Download -› 387 KB (February 7, 2005)

Switches: KB888302.exe /q /n /z

KB886185 -› Critical Update for Windows XP

Download -› 385 KB (December 13, 2004)

Switches: KB886185.exe /q /n /z

KB885836 -› A vulnerability in WordPad could allow code execution

Download -› 517 KB (December 13, 2004)

Switches: KB885836.exe /q /n /z

KB873339 -› Vulnerability in HyperTerminal could allow code execution

Download -› 598 KB (December 13, 2004)

Switches: KB873339.exe /q /n /z

MANDATORY CRITICAL HOTFIXES - May not show up on your configuration!

KB936357 -› A microcode reliability update is available that improves the reliability of systems that use Intel processors (V2)

Download -› 692 KB (October 23, 2007)

Switches: KB936357.exe /q /n /z

KB873374 -› Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool

Download -› 216 KB (September 21, 2004)

Switches: KB873374.exe /Q:A /R:N (HALT BOX)

import this registry setting instead:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\GdiDetectionTool" /v "GDITool" /t REG_DWORD /d "00000001" /f





MS WINDOWS 2000 PRO SP4 - (71)

WITH IE 6 SP1 & WMP 9 & DirectX 9.0c & MSN Messenger & MDAC 2.8 SP1 installed

Switches examples are used in a BATCH file (run from cmdlines.txt) or SVCPACK.INF

*** NEW ***

KB953839 -> Cumulative security update for ActiveX

Download -> 485 KB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953839.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

*** NEW ***

KB953838 -> Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer Download -> 4.01 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB953838.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

*** NEW ***

KB952954 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows Image Color Management System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 512 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB952954.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB951748 -> Description of the security update for DNS in Windows Server 2003, in Windows XP, and in Windows 2000 Server (client side): July 8, 2008

Download -> 817 KB (July 7, 2008)

Switches: KB951748.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB951698 -> Vulnerabilities in DirectX Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 986 KB (June 9, 2008)

Switches: KB951698.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

*** NEW ***

KB951066 -> Security Update for Outlook Express and Windows Mail

Download -> 2.31 MB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB951066.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

*** NEW ***

KB950974 -> Vulnerabilities in Event System Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 565 KB (August 11, 2008)

Switches: KB950974.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB950749 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 2.89 MB (May 12, 2008)

Switches: KB950749.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB948590 -> Vulnerabilities in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 605 KB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB948590.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB945553 -> Vulnerability in DNS Client Could Allow Spoofing Download -> 563 KB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB945553.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB944338 -> Vulnerability in VBScript and JScript Scripting Engines Could Allow Remote Code Execution Download -> 813 KB (April 8, 2008)

Switches: KB944338.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB943485 -> Vulnerability in LSASS Could Allow Local Elevation of Privilege

Download -› 1.14 MB (January 7, 2008)

Switches: KB943485.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB943055 -> A vulnerability in OLE Automation could allow remote code execution Download -> 744 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB943055.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB942831 -> Vulnerability in Internet Information Services could allow elevation of privileges Download -> 583 KB (February 11, 2008)

Switches: KB942831.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB941569 -> Vulnerability in Windows Media file format could allow remote code execution

Download -› 2.31 MB (December 10, 2007)

Switches: KB941569.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB941693 -> Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege Download -> 1.25 MB (April 7, 2008)

Switches: KB941693.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB938827 -> Vulnerability in Microsoft Agent Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 967 KB (September 11, 2007)

Switches: KB938827.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB938127 -› Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language could allow remote code execution

Download -› 1.42 MB (August 13, 2007)

Switches: KB938127.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB937894 -> Vulnerability in Message Queuing Service could allow remote code execution in Windows XP and in Windows 2000

Download -› 1.31 MB (December 11, 2007)

Switches: KB937894.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB936782 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 5.53 MB (August 14, 2006)

Switches: KB936782.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB936021 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft XML Core Services Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 890 KB (August 14, 2006)

Switches: KB936021.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB935843 -› Stop 0x0000007F error when you try to print from computers that are running Windows XP or Windows 2000 and that have GDI security update 925902 installed

Download -› 1.25 MB (April 18, 2007)

Switches: KB935843.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB935840 -› Vulnerability in the Windows Schannel Security Package Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 551 KB (June 11, 2007)

Switches: KB935840.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB935839 -› Vulnerability in Win 32 API Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 720 KB (June 11, 2007)

Switches: KB935839.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB933729 -> Vulnerabilities in RPC could allow denial of service

Download -> 690 KB (October 8, 2007)

Switches: KB933729.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB931784 -> Vulnerability in Windows Kernel Could Allow Elevation of Privilege

Download -> 1.53 MB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB931784.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB930178 -> Vulnerabilities in CSRSS Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 608 KB (April 9, 2007)

Switches: KB930178.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB928843 -› A vulnerability in the HTML Help ActiveX control could allow remote code execution

Download -› 705 KB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB928843.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB927891 -> You receive an access violation error and the system may appear to become unresponsive when you try to install an update from Windows Update or from Microsoft Update

Download -> 1.21 MB (May 7, 2007)

Switches: KB927891.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB927779 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components could allow remote code execution

Download -› 1.78 MB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB927779.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB926436 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft OLE Dialog could allow remote code execution

Download -› 521 KB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB926436.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB925902 -> Vulnerabilities in GDI Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -> 1.54 MB (April 3, 2007)

Switches: KB925902.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB925398 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player 6.4 could allow remote code execution (V2)

Download -› 779 KB (July 10, 2007)

Switches: KB925398.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB924667 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Foundation Classes could allow for remote code execution

Download -› 1.15 MB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB924667.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB924270 -› Vulnerability in Workstation Service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 1.29 MB (November 13, 2006)

Switches: KB924270.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB923980 -› Vulnerability in the Client Service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 632 KB (November 13, 2006)

Switches: KB923980.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB923810 -> Vulnerability in Kodak Image Viewer could allow remote code execution

Download -> 1.34 MB (October 8, 2007)

Switches: KB923810.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB923414 -› Vulnerability in Server Service could allow denial of service

Download -› 601 KB (October 9, 2006)

Switches: KB923414.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB923191 -› Vulnerability in Windows Explorer could allow remote code execution

Download -› 773 KB (October 9, 2006)

Switches: KB923191.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB922582 -› Error message when you try to update a Microsoft Windows-based computer: "0x80070002"

Download -› 542 KB (September 11, 2006)

Switches: KB922582.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB921398 -› Vulnerability in Windows Explorer could allow remote code execution

Download -› 1.18 MB (August 7, 2006)

Switches: KB921398.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB920685 -› Vulnerability in Indexing Service could allow cross-site scripting

Download -› 1023 KB (September 11, 2006)

Switches: KB920685.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB920683 -› Vulnerability in DNS resolution could allow remote code execution

Download -› 560 KB (August 7, 2006)

Switches: KB920683.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB920670 -› Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Hyperlink Object Library could allow remote code execution

Download -› 509 KB (August 7, 2006)

Switches: KB920670.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB920213 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Agent could allow remote code execution

Download -› 1.04 MB (November 13, 2006)

Switches: KB920213.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB918439 -› Vulnerability in ART Image Rendering Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 558 KB (June 7, 2006)

Switches: KB918439.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB918118 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft RichEdit could allow remote code execution

Download -› 692 KB (February 12, 2007)

Switches: KB918118.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB917537 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Services using Active Server Pages Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 612 KB (July 10, 2006)

Switches: KB917537.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB917008 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Management Console could allow remote code execution

Download -› 1.27 MB (August 7, 2006)

Switches: KB917008.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB914389 -› Vulnerability in Server Message Block Could Allow Elevation of Privilege

Download -› 1.16 MB (June 12, 2006)

Switches: KB914389.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB914388 -› Vulnerability in DHCP Client Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 604 KB (July 10, 2006)

Switches: KB914388.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB913580 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Could Allow Denial of Service

Download -› 5.21 MB (May 9, 2006)

Switches: KB913580.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB911564 -› Vulnerability in Windows Media Player plug-in with non-Microsoft Internet browsers could allow remote code execution.

Download -› 598 KB (February 13, 2006)

Switches: KB911564.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB911280 -› Vulnerability in Routing and Remote Access Could Allow Remote Code Execution (V2)

Download -› 907 KB (June 27, 2006)

Switches: KB911280.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB908531 -› Vulnerability in Windows Explorer that could allow remote code execution (V2)

Download -› 1.18 MB (April 25, 2006)

Switches: KB908531.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB908519 -› Vulnerability in Embedded Web Fonts Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 584 KB (January 9, 2006)

Switches: KB908519.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB905749 -› Vulnerability in Plug and Play Could Allow Remote Code Execution and Local Elevation of Privilege

Download -› 507 KB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB905749.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB905495 -› Vulnerability in the Windows FTP client could allow file transfer location tampering

Download -› 555 KB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB905495.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB905414 -› Vulnerability in Network Connection Manager Could Allow Denial of Service

Download -› 508 KB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB905414.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB901214 -› Vulnerability in Microsoft Color Management Module could allow remote code execution

Download -› 567 KB (July 12, 2005)

Switches: KB901214.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB901017 -› Vulnerability in the Microsoft Collaboration Data Objects could allow code execution (Windows)

Download -› 765 KB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB901017.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB900725 -› Vulnerabilities in Windows Shell Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 2.21 MB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB900725.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB899589 -› Vulnerability in the Client Service for NetWare Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Download -› 496 KB (August 10, 2005)

Switches: KB899589.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB899587 -› Vulnerabilities in Kerberos could allow denial of service, information disclosure, and spoofing

Download -› 1.02 MB (August 8, 2005)

Switches: KB899587.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB896423 -› Vulnerability in Print Spooler service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 579 KB (August 8, 2005)

Switches: KB896423.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB896358 -› A vulnerability in HTML Help could allow remote code execution

Download -› 821 KB (June 13, 2005)

Switches: KB896358.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB893803 -› Windows Installer 3.1 (v2) is available

Download -› 2.46 MB (May 12, 2005)

Switches: KB893803.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB893756 -› Vulnerability in Telephony service could allow remote code execution

Download -› 565 KB (August 8, 2005)

Switches: KB893756.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

KB891861 -› Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 (V2)

Download -› 31.2 MB (September 13, 2005)

Switches: KB891861.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

*** UPDATED ***

KB890830 -› Microsoft® Windows® Malicious Software Removal Tool (v2.1)

Download -› 6.84 MB (August 12, 2008)

Switches: KB890830.exe /q

KB873374 -› Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool

Download -› 216 KB (September 21, 2004)

Switches: KB873374.exe /Q:A /R:N (HALT BOX)

import this registry setting instead:

REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\GdiDetectionTool" /v "GDITool" /t REG_DWORD /d "00000001" /f

KB842773 -› update package that includes BITS 2.0 and WinHTTP 5.1

Download -› 695 KB (February 22, 2005)

Switches: KB842773.exe /passive /norestart /quiet

Edited by the_guy

Removed KB925486, KB924496, KB918899, KB917734 and KB917344 for WinXP SP2.

is just because IE7 & WMP11 ?

Yes it is. I'll post that in the main list.



It seems slipstreaming ie7 with nlite is the easiest way to install this. my only concern is that the hotfixes i install with a batch file will over wright some of the files included in ie7. I took out the fixes that The Guy listed as no longer needed when ie7 is installed. should i be safe then?

also i only noticed 1 wmp10 hotfix as no longer needed when wmp11 is installed. what about the other 5 or so hotfixes that where with wmp10 they are safe to leave out of an install now i assume?


The only WMP hotfix that was in the list was MS06-024. Only include 911564 for WMP fixes if you're including WMP11 (plugin flaw, not media player).

Remove all the IE6 updates.



I created a new ISO with nLite, integrated the needed hotfixes and also my WMP11 addon.

Everything is fine, except when I go to Windows Update it said I have to install:

Security Update for Windows Media Player 10 for Windows XP (KB911565)

What's the problem? Should I install it?


Microsoft messed up with the detection.

All you need to do is add the registry entries. If you want, I could post the required ones in .INF form.


Posted (edited)

Yes, more info would be very much appreciated, thanks ;)

Too bad IE7 & WMP11 are such a CRAP :realmad:

I'm already taking in consideration the idea to downgrade to WMP9 & IE6 and then use FF2.

Thanks for your help the_guy :thumbup

Edited by rado354

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