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Try to first import registry of serial. After the installation it's located in:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info

And then run:

Nero.msi STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" /QB REBOOT=ReallySuppress

  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone,

I hope someone here can help me out! First of all, I'm a newbie, and needless to say, I'm seriously confused.

The only method I know for installing Apps is RunonceEx, and my Nero is the following:


1. Do I have to extract this file to get both Nero.msi and Setupx, or not?

2. If I use yvyvyvyv's method,:

Try to first import registry of serial. After the installation it's located in:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info

And then run:


Nero.msi STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" /QB REBOOT=ReallySuppress

And I take it he is using an extracted Nero Update, how can I adapt this to my RunOnceEx method? Would the following work?
cmdow @ /HID

@Echo Off

SET PP=%SystemDrive%\install\

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Programs" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Nero" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%PP%\Nero\Nero.msi STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" /QB REBOOT=ReallySuppress" /f


Using this RunOnceEx method, where would I put the reg file? What should the command for it be and where should it go? Would I have to add another command to my cmdlines.txt?




  • 3 months later...

hi guys, i simply want to install silently nero tha package complete as it is. Is there a simple switch to install it in that way? /quiet /norestart could go? if yes do i have to use the .msi right?and what about the serial?how can i automatically put in (throught a .reg)?

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Nero 7.1.2 silent install for those of you using wpi IS AS FOLLOW:


your path in config.js: %cdrom%\...............\Nero- /qb /norestart


applying the necessary info to registry:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]






This way of installation makes no icons for me. Could anybody help? Thx

I'm using this: installnero.cmd

cmdow @ /HID

start /wait %systemdrive%\Nero- /qn /norestart NERO_SCOUT=FALSE
regedit /s %systemdrive%\reg.reg

but yeah I got not ICONS or Start Menu shortcuts

I need the full packlage uA, any simple solution?


no now everything works fine even desktop and start menu shortcuts :)

Edited by Wesmosis
  • 2 months later...

Hi, there

I read several topics about silent installing Nero, but they either have a 2 pages long of .msi editing with ORCA or they offer there own custom version which doesn't suite me.

Either way I found a very simple solution for producing your own custom installation.

1. Extract Nero using administrative install switches

2. Then goto "Redist" folder

3. Then Config folder and you will find the "conf.txt" file

Thats the very file you want and remove features you dont want to.

So how does it work?

If you launch the installation, the features u chose not to install, will not be available :P.

I have still to try a silent installation, but that wont be a problem


Posted (edited)

I am going to give this a go

are these the lines which should be edited?

INCEXCFTR (B035464E) (NeroStartSmart) NeroStartSmart INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (BCAFF604) (NeroBurningRom) NeroBurningRom INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (2FF8B816) (Features) NeroHome INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (57D52359) (Features) NeroVision INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (D773A6E2) (NeroShowTime) NeroShowTime INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (6035F00C) (Actions) NeroRecode INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (53BEFA20) (Features) NeroMediaHome INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (CB9D5429) (Features) NeroBackItUp INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (7CE8D626) (Actions) NeroCoverDesigner INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (ED1EAF52) (Features) NeroPhotoSnap INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (FA3A3F7B) (Features) NeroWaveEditor INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (716FE146) (Actions) NeroSoundTrax INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (72CC518F) (Features) NeroBurnRights INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (E38B9E06) (Features) NeroImageDrive NOTWOW64BITS

INCEXCFTR (82602EE0) (Features) NeroCDDVDSpeed INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (7DFFCC12) (Features) NeroDriveSpeed INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (E72D824A) (Features) NeroInfoTool INCLUDE

INCEXCFTR (C5AB9CFD) (SpecialFeatures) NeroFastCDDVDBurningPlugin INCLUDE

Edited by dirtwarrior

I opened the file with WinRar. Edited the config file and repacked the file with the editted config file.


to Dirtwarrior: the file read-only. change its attributes in properties.

And yes, do what the text says, for example

"INCEXCFTR (E38B9E06) (Features) NeroImageDrive NOTWOW64BITS" should not be edited.


Well this seems like a good idea, Chuchubi, thanks for the share on this one

but I have 1 question

say i dont want to install this would i just delete this line completly?

INCEXCFTR (D773A6E2) (NeroShowTime) NeroShowTime INCLUDE

If thats it, wow its pretty simple indeed, nice work



This is what it says on top of the file:

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This part of config file is used for including/excluding features from GM.


# Syntax:

# INCEXCFTR ([uniqueID]) ([ApplicationName]) [FeatureName] INCLUDE

# or

# INCEXCFTR ([uniqueID]) ([ApplicationName]) [FeatureName] EXCLUDE


# INCLUDE (or anything other except EXCLUDE) after feature name - feature is included

# EXCLUDE after feature name - feature is excluded


# If feature is excluded files will be on GM

# but end-user will not be able to see or select excluded features


# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# !!!!!!!Please don't change anything except INCLUDE/EXCLUDE flags bellow

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Posted (edited)

Does'nt work for me correctly all items EXCLUDE'd are still INCLUDE'd :(

I Extracted the original archive with winrar

Then modified the conf.txt by changing INCLUDE to EXCLUDE

like so:

#  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This part of config file is used for including/excluding features from GM.


# Syntax:

# INCEXCFTR ([UniqueID]) ([ApplicationName]) [FeatureName] INCLUDE

# or

# INCEXCFTR ([UniqueID]) ([ApplicationName]) [FeatureName] EXCLUDE


# INCLUDE (or anything other except EXCLUDE) after feature name - feature is included

# EXCLUDE after feature name - feature is excluded


# If feature is excluded files will be on GM

# but end-user will not be able to see or select excluded features


# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# !!!!!!!Please don't change anything except INCLUDE/EXCLUDE flags bellow

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INCEXCFTR (B035464E) (NeroStartSmart) NeroStartSmart EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (BCAFF604) (NeroBurningRom) NeroBurningRom INCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (2FF8B816) (Features) NeroHome EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (57D52359) (Features) NeroVision EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (D773A6E2) (NeroShowTime) NeroShowTime EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (6035F00C) (Actions) NeroRecode INCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (53BEFA20) (Features) NeroMediaHome EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (CB9D5429) (Features) NeroBackItUp EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (7CE8D626) (Actions) NeroCoverDesigner EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (ED1EAF52) (Features) NeroPhotoSnap EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (FA3A3F7B) (Features) NeroWaveEditor EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (716FE146) (Actions) NeroSoundTrax EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (72CC518F) (Features) NeroBurnRights EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (E38B9E06) (Features) NeroImageDrive EXCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (82602EE0) (Features) NeroCDDVDSpeed INCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (7DFFCC12) (Features) NeroDriveSpeed INCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (E72D824A) (Features) NeroInfoTool INCLUDE
INCEXCFTR (C5AB9CFD) (SpecialFeatures) NeroFastCDDVDBurningPlugin INCLUDE


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This part of config file is used for including/excluding language supports from GM.


# Syntax:

# INCEXCLNG [LanguageShortName] USER_LANG

# or

# INCEXCLNG [LanguageShortName] ALWAYS


# USER_LANG (or anything other except ALWAYS) after language short name - language is "selected by default" only if it is end-user language

# ALWAYS after language short name - language is "selected by default" always independent from end-user default language


# If language is included all languages dependent files will be "selected by default" in installer

# All language files will be always on GM.

# English is always included.


# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# !!!!!!!Please don't change anything except USER_LANG/ALWAYS flags

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# This part of config file is used for changing MSI properties.


# Syntax:


# or

# MSIPROPERTY [Property Name] "Your value"


# DEFAULT_VAL after property name - Property will be set with default value

# "Your value" after property name - Property will be set with your value


# Property explanation:

# SERIALNUM - Serial Number for whole software registration ("1111-2222-3333-4444-5555-6666")

# TARGETDIR - Specifies the root destination directory for the installation

# ARPHELPLINK - Internet address, or URL, for technical support

# ARPHELPTELEPHONE - Technical support phone numbers


# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# !!!!!!!Please use Quotation to bound your property value!!!!!!!

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# !!!!!!!Please don't change anything except DEFAULT_VAL/"Your value" flags

# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


MSIPROPERTY ROOTDIR "[ProgramFilesFolder]Nero\Nero 7"

Then i repackaged the installer with winrar using the same archive comments as in the original installer

like so:

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Title=Nero 7 Demo

Then i installed silently using the usal switches

like so:

Nero- /qn /norestart SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"

Like i said after all that it did'nt work for me,

Would what i done be correct or incorrect ?


UPDATE: Just to let you know that i have now figured it out not really sure where i went wrong but instead of extracting the original nero package i just opened it up in winrar and navigated to the conf.txt file and double-clicked on it and open in notepad edit the file as above and saved it and closed notepad and winrar now asks to save modified file selected yes waited a couple of minutes or so and then edited the archive comments to include the serial and silent switches and hey presto! it worked!


Edited by ironside

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