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Nero Burning ROM v7 installation


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I find this command gets rid of nero scout:

regsvr32 /u /s "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Ahead\Lib\MediaLibraryNSE.dll"

thats right that works perfectly but scout still is present on the hd it doesnt border me thow i've downloaded the help pack from ahead site so i can get the proper help file's i've extracted the help files of programs that i don't install now i've got the minor problem that on my own computer in smartstart the helpfiles ar present and on vm they are not does anyone know why that is ??

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I've managed to get nero to insstall without rebooting BUT running the nero.msi to install cause's the install to ignore the conf.txt file so it is not a custom install as such but it does install with default components and does not reboot.

Here's what i did:

1. Unistalled Nero if already installed and rebooted

2. Run the standard installer without any parameters and waited until extracrted and first welcome screen appears

3. Then go to temp folder where files were extracted to and copy them to anoter folder on your hard drive

4. Then cancel out of the install wizard

5. Go to the folder where you copied the extracted files (at this point you can try to modify the conf.txt file but in my case it had no affect on installed components other than default - let me know if it works for you) and select all the files and folders and create a SFX archive with winrar using the following comment:

;The comment below contains SFX script commands


6. That's it ! You should now have a fully contained silent installer which needs no external switches to install silently

P.S. As i said above this will only install the default components without the reboot for some reason it doesnt matter if the conf.txt file is modified or not or maybe you might have more succes than me let us know if you do.

I hope that is explained clearly for you let me know how it goes it you try it.


Using this method, I get a shell manager error in Nero. Any idea why?

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I'm guessing that you get this error when installing nero, Right ?

And i'm also guesing that you already have a copy of nero already installed ?

I would suggest uninstalling any previous installations of nero products and then use their clean tools found here:


To clean up the registry and any other files/folders left behind by the unistall process to ensure a clean install.

I hope that helps

Edited by ironside
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Did you use the files extracted by starting the original installer then copying the extracted files from the temp folder to create the new installer ?

Have you removed/edited any files/folders ?

Are you istalling via setupx.exe or nero.msi ?

And Which switches are you using to install ?

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1. I downloaded Nero from nero website.

2. I extracted it using winrar.

3. I run the setupx.exe until the first screen appears.

4. I re-packaged everything using this comments in winrar.

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Setup=nero.msi /QB /NORESTART STARTPARAM="CallFromExe" DONOTRUNSETUPX="1" SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" AGREETOLICENSE="TRUE" ADDLOCAL=NeroBurningRomBCAFF604,NeroCoverDesigner7CE8D626,NeroImageDriveE38B9E06

I have not, edited anything.

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The only other thing it may be is that you extracted the original archive with winrar, So instead of using winrar just double click on the original installer and wait till extracted to temp directory and then copy the files over and recreate the silent installer.

It may or may not work but that seems the only thing that you have done differently to me.

EDIT: I just tried it by extracting with winrar and double clicking setupx.exe and i got was a few files/folders in the temp directory, Did'nt you think this was a bit odd ?

If you follow my way i descibed above you should have a rarsfx folder in the temp folder use the contents of that folder to re-create the new installer using your switches.

Edited by ironside
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