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Nero Burning ROM v7 installation


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I've tried this method with the new version, It seem's to work alright except for the fact that it now reboots the pc after installation, The /norestart swirch seem's not to work anymore on this version, But on a plus side at least it registers correctly !

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does the uninstaller work ??

Yes, I can confirm it does unistall no problem,

But i'm more concerned about it rebooting at the end of installation

has anybody else tried this new buid to see if thet get the same reboot at end of install issue ?

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I hope this works for you guys at solving the reboot problem


So yeah basically you can't run from a SETUPX.EXE well because the /norestart switch is only valid when parsed through a .MSI


NOW, can any of you please help me with this little problem... I remember once being able to make a direct shortcut to Nero Encoder without having to load up nero burning rom and then going into extras\encoder (or hitting F8). I lost the shortcut syntax to get that happening again but I remember it being something like

nero.exe /blah /blah /[f8]

Hope you guys can answer, I'm too lazy to make 2 post even though I know that's probably not too appropriate for this forum. Thanks

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I have searched for this a lot.....

I want to remove Nero Scout from the taskbar.

I have installed Nero usinge the recipe found here.---> No problem :P

I found this; regsvr32 /u /s "%commonprogramfiles%\Ahead\Lib\MediaLibraryNSE.dll"

It removes Scout from Explorer.

I know you can press option and then unclick, and then scout is gone, but I want to do it with a reg file or a script during instal----Unattended :)


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@ironside -> I have just tried Nero- and no Scout is added :)

But now it reboots after install!!!

This is what I have ;

;The comment below contains SFX script commands

Setup=setupx.exe /qb /norestart SERIALNUM_USERVAL="xxxx-xxxx-xxx1-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"




Title=Nero 7 Demo


Nero- /qn /norestart

Can anybody figure out why it reBooTs?

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@Floppy -> Nero installation adds Nero Scout, but it's very easy to get rid of it.

You just need to make a .reg with the following info:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Nero Scout"

I made all the steps posted in this topic, and as Floppy said, after the installation the computer restarts.

Can anybody figure out why it reboots?



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@Floppy -> Nero installation adds Nero Scout, but it's very easy to get rid of it.

You just need to make a .reg with the following info:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="Nero Scout"

I made all the steps posted in this topic, and as Floppy said, after the installation the computer restarts.

Can anybody figure out why it reboots?



Thanks works great......and now we have to find a solution to the REBOOT problem :blink::blink:

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I personally never had the reboot problem. Nero is extracted in the $OEM$ ($1) folder

I'm using Windows Post Installer (WPI) and I have the following commands which worked for me:

command 1: REGEDIT /S c:\nero\register.reg

command 2: c:\nero\SetupX.exe /quiet


my register.reg file looks like this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]







one side note:

For some reason when it silently installs, it takes waay longer than "normal" way of installing.

I hope this works for you mates,


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No ...I still get the reboot. :angry:

I tried;

REGEDIT /S register.reg

SetupX.exe /qb /norestart


REGEDIT /S register.reg

SetupX.exe /quiet

register.reg Looks like this;

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info]






@Annita; Any luck? :whistle:

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