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All-in-One Guru

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What I like in Nlite is the fact it is modular and may (and may not) use external packages

If something doesn't work well for you (for exemple the mass stockage package), you can just skip the fonctionality

It works well now

I dont' see what a all in one app could bring.

Nlite IS already a all in one app

Why not just improve Nlite that everyboby is familiar with and agree to recognize the quality ?

The modular conception of Nlite permits adding new fonctions/integrations I think

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What I like in Nlite is the fact it is modular and may (and may not) use external packages

If something doesn't work well for you (for exemple the mass stockage package), you  can just skip the fonctionality

It works well now

I dont' see what a all in one app could bring.

Nlite IS already a all in one app

Why not just improve Nlite that everyboby is familiar with and agree to recognize the quality ?

The modular conception of Nlite permits adding new fonctions/integrations I think

arrogance. and no it's not. and i hope that it NEVER will be.

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Oh I don't know, I think nLite is well on it's way to being that all-in-one......

Prehaps a page to install apps will come to be, and others.......we'll see what

Nuhi has in mind............ And I think it should move in that direction and now

Nuhi has a little more inspiration, it's all good...........for us the users............

Whats a matter Alanoll, why would you not want nLite to move in that direction?


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Oh I don't know, I think nLite is well on it's way to being that all-in-one......

Prehaps a page to install apps will come to be, and others.......we'll see what

Nuhi has in mind............ And I think it should move in that direction and now

Nuhi has a little more inspiration, it's all good...........for us the users............

Whats a matter Alanoll, why would you not want nLite to move in that direction?

BD  B)

I'm finished with the slipstreaming system and working on a generic framework for app installs, nLite style removing of components, and so on.

This project will be released under the GPL in the next two weeks for public beta.

Currently it slipstreams 25% faster than nLite on my computer on a ramdisk. I've also written a generic website and installer parser that should be able to mostly automatically create silent installs.

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Whats a matter Alanoll, why would you not want nLite to move in that direction?

I don't want nLite to be a program past it's original intention. I would have no problem if nuhi made a seperate program, and kept each module different from eachother.

The problem i have with programs doing everything for you, is that they do everything for you requiring no thought. While at times, this can be helpful....it has the drawbacks of idiots coming and using it and screwing up everything and then complaining.

I'm a STRONG believer of nLite being just a stripper and nothing more. After all, it's name is nLite! I have no problem of using multiple programs to do something. Form follows function. nLite's original function was stripping and should have stayed as such in my opinion. The main problem i have with nLite though is NOT that it does what it does, and more then what it's name implies, but purely the people that it brings that want everything done for them and don't want to do anything for themselves.

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Thank heavens we can all have our own thoughts and wishes........because I

have been pushing Nuhi for nLite to be an All - in - One from the beginning.......and

I think he didn't even know where he wanted to go with it in the beginning and may

be not now, all I can say from our talks this is what I believe is going to happen....

ALL - IN - ONE.........


@mjc good luck with this proggie, there will always be those that want and need

all in one's for many different reason's.....

Edited by bonedaddy
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Very interesting project. I'll certainly beta-test it :)


it has the drawbacks of idiots coming and using it and screwing up everything and then complaining.

I concur. The two major origins of the weirdest problems with unattended installs reported in Russian forum are nLite and pirated distros (they can be stripped off some components, you never know). So when I see something weird, I ask: "Have you used nLite". I don't use nLite, but have nothing against it. I just don't need it. Noobs, on the other hand, abuse nLite's features.

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Thank heavens we can all have our own thoughts and wishes........because I

have been pushing Nuhi for nLite to be an All - in - One from the beginning.......and

I think he didn't even know where he wanted to go with it in the beginning and may

be not now, all I can say from our talks this is what I believe is going to happen....

ALL - IN - ONE.........

Like i said before, if nuhi were to create such a thing, i'd just prefer it to be seperate from nLite. If everything is in one program, then people will be tempted to try something and cry murder when "the program" screwed up their windows. If i had something against nLite other then the users that sometiems follow it, then i wouldn't have added nLite to the Unattended Guide, or asked if nuhi believed it was time for a full nLite guide...

I just wish if nuhi were to make a program to do Applications and such, that he would remove the Unattended,Drivers from nLite and create a new application for that purpose. That way if nothing else, if people download the one MEANT for Unattended creation, they wouldn't be tempted to remove components and possibly screw something up.

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The problem i have with programs doing everything for you, is that they do everything for you requiring no thought. While at times, this can be helpful....it has the drawbacks of idiots coming and using it and screwing up everything and then complaining.

main problem i have with nLite though is NOT that it does what it does, and more then what it's name implies, but purely the people that it brings that want everything done for them and don't want to do anything for themselves.

This is a couple of statements made and I hope I can comment without offending anyone. A lot of years back thousands even dinasaurs would crap by the caveman door,well these cavemen would scoup up the crap and carry it away so they wouldnt smell it. One smart caveman invented a wheel with a container on it so it would be easier to carry this dinasaur crap away. Was the cavemen lazy or idiots?

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Was the cavemen lazy or idiots?

Did the cavemen use the wheel successfully? or did they keep tipping the container every few steps and complain that it's the wheel's fault?

Perhaps i should point out, i'm not saying that ALL of nLite's users are idiots, but that a program of it's nature brings them regardless. But like i said before, i have NO problem with the program it self other then it does more then the name implies. I've used itmyself at times when i was in a rush and such. But I know what's happening behind the scenes so if something DOES screw up, i know where to look to fix it. Even if i didn't know the specifics, I atleast do some testing to narrow down the cause of it, rther then just saying "nLite screwed up. Now fix it!"

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@Alanoll, you amaze me...you here support this nlite-copy but nlite can't be what it is already becoming.

@mjc, as far as I see here this is only to spite me because I didn't gave source to you when you asked me and because of nlite-corporate limitations.

Fine but to go in public like this and talk low of my work with arrogant smile, that is simply childish.

Only way I see you remove components so fast is to copy nlite....low, very low indeed.

@others, If someone wants to help him earn his paycheck then please stop discussing nlite, this is [sarcasm]tooootally different program[/sarcasm].

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Just so everyone is clear where i stand on nLite, i have no problem with the program itself, but some of the users using it without knowing what they're doing and then demanding help without helping themselves.

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