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@MJC -- if you have (or think you'll have) enough people interested in your project, you may be able to cut down on your code by making a nice base that would allow for plug-ins???

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I see this tool as being for the developer of a specific toolset rather than for an end user.

For example

A hardware developer wants to include his own drivers in a Windows installation, for example a new SCSI controller chipset. He creates an info.xml file describing his driver, and AIOG modifies the files accordingly.

A software developer wants to provide his own stripped down version of Windows. He provides a list of the APIs he needs access to, and AIOG strips down everything except his desired APIs and their dependancies.

A system integrator wants to provide an automatically updating Remote Installation Services image with the latest drivers and hotfixes for testing with his software/hardware configurations. He provides an info.xml describing his RIS configurations, and it runs via at or cron to update RIS images once per week.

Wow. This goes waaaay beyond what the average MSFNer is trying to accomplish, me thinks. Create an info.xml file? Provide a list of APIs? Hahahahaha. I think you just scared the "Idiots." At least, I hope you did.

Yeah, how 'bout it, Alanoll? I wrote the script for him and then he had the balls to ask others to test it for him.

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@MJC -- if you have (or think you'll have) enough people interested in your project, you may be able to cut down on your code by making a nice base that would allow for plug-ins???

The application is turning out to be a framework, where you create XML files to describe patches/reshacks/OEM addons/slipstreams/removals/etc.

Thus, the hardest part (which is mostly done already) is creating the app itself, and the rest is creating the descriptions for all the various projects around msfn and google.

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I see this tool as being for the developer of a specific toolset rather than for an end user.

For example

A hardware developer wants to include his own drivers in a Windows installation, for example a new SCSI controller chipset. He creates an info.xml file describing his driver, and AIOG modifies the files accordingly.

A software developer wants to provide his own stripped down version of Windows. He provides a list of the APIs he needs access to, and AIOG strips down everything except his desired APIs and their dependancies.

A system integrator wants to provide an automatically updating Remote Installation Services image with the latest drivers and hotfixes for testing with his software/hardware configurations. He provides an info.xml describing his RIS configurations, and it runs via at or cron to update RIS images once per week.

Wow. This goes waaaay beyond what the average MSFNer is trying to accomplish, me thinks. Create an info.xml file? Provide a list of APIs? Hahahahaha. I think you just scared the "Idiots." At least, I hope you did.

Yeah, how 'bout it, Alanoll? I wrote the script for him and then he had the balls to ask others to test it for him.

The idea is to take all the various projects (rvm, reshacker-based stuff, nlite-style removals, etc) and make an XML description for it. once that's done, the entire process can be automated.

It will at some point be "wizard"-level easy, but it needs to be extendable, and I am doing it in such a manner that the entire project is, in and of itself, a pluginfest.

Obviously there are no plugins available =) and as such these are the uses. But to share one's AIOG modifications all they have to do is unzip/unrar/7unzip/etc to the plugins directory and then enable the modification in AIOG.

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mjc You Wrote

# Downloads and slipstreams the appropriate service pack

# Downloads and installs the latest RyanVM pack (this should instead be downloading and installing the latest hotfixes directly from MS in the future)

Would You Add An Option To Install These From A Source Location If You Already Have Them Downloaded ??

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mjc, great project. I've been working on some of the components you mentioned over the past few months of and on.

Ambitious project.

My take on Hotfixes:

should be downloaded from ms directly(licensing/security). I wouldn't use a hotfix for production that came from anywhere else. I started down the road with ryans update pack, but ran into problems post sysprep.

Windows Update/Baseline Analyser etc can determine which service packs or hotfixes are needed. MS maintains the list. Why not use that and just use the data already provided. I parse through mssecure.xml (which is avail for download) It provides me a list of patches for effected product id and the download location. As a bonus it also provides info about the patch which I use to create dynamic patch documentation in html format.

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