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This is pretty neat! :w00t:

I just went through every section to compare the results w/what I already had and was very impressed.

There were some entries I'm not sure are valid, some I'm not sure what they're supposed to do, and some that I have that weren't there.

Keep up the good work! :thumbup


This is a good piece of application for people like me who are not too good with the registry.

Just one thing that I have encounter. When I checked the "Disable Auto Re-Size of Images", the auto re-size in IE is still enabled.

Posted (edited)

The tweak to turn Balloons of doesn't work.

It should be :






At least the last key didn't do anything for me.

Edited by Zhubajie

Hi, I have a couple suggestions for this great program:

- The ALT key underline option

- show cut/copy/paste icons in explorer (instead of move to etc)

- status bar enabled in explorer

Also, I find it hard to know what tweaks i have fiddled with, because some are ticked or unticked by default. Not sure what a solution would be, a cumbersome way would be to "open up" different sections by demand...


Thanks heaps anyway.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Not sure if this was posted before, but this might be a better way to implement the "Remove Shared Documents from My Computer" setting.


I think thats a little cleaner than removing the namespace entry for it.

Edited by f0rbez
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Reviewed all documentation and posts but can't find the answer to this question:

What version of Windows is this for?

I get a feeling from some of the posts that people are using it on XP, but is it also for 2000? If it works with 2000, do all of the tweaks work except for the "XP Service Pack 2" tab of tweaks?


I must admit, I did not take the time to read all posts here but I do have an idea for the next release.

Is it possible to disable shared folders with your tool?

It's easy to do manually, but would be nicer with Unattended tool.

Removal of the key {59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee} in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\My Computer\NameSpace\DelegateFolders.

Disables Shared folders



  • 2 weeks later...

This seems really cool. Good job. An idea is to have the program have an ini file that stores it's default settings and allow user to run the program.exe /silent to enable those particular registry settings. This visual settings prog has that option http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=30078

; Add Command Prompt Here to Right Click Menu of Folders

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\Command Prompt Here\command]

@="cmd.exe /k cd %1 "

How would I have the command for the right click command prompt here go to cd %1 then "cd .." (one directory above the directory that is being right clicked)? Thanks


It's also unfortunate it doesn't read data from an .ini or .dat file, instead of all tweaks being compiled inside. That would make this tool the be-all-end-all.

Something along the lines of:


Name: Remove Throbber

Default: off

Data: "[RegistryKey]"

Field1: off

Name: Set Default Homepage

Default: on

Data: "[RegistryKey]"

Field1: "HomePage: ", "www.google.com"

*[Explorer Tweaks]


--> Field1: Name of the field, any default data in the field.

Easily allow for tweaks that need multiple Field's, Field2, Field3, etc.

Giving [+] Expandable/closeable Titles within the app each headers tweaks, with a scroll bar on the right.

Typo's and bugfixes could be handled by the end-user, and adding more reg-tweaks a snap, instead of relying on a new compiled release just for a simple bug fix.

My 0.02, If the Author's even reading this Thread anymore ;)

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