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This app just what i've been wanting for ages. I enabled the extensions for links/shortcuts : Microsoft Word.lnk, and i cant turn it off with registrytweakage. Even in the registry things look too complicated!

any help?



well basicly, understanding whats going on in the tweak is pretty straight forward. The tweak looks at each key and you see the:


string value being set to -, when =- is set it means that the string is going to be deleted just like [-HKCU etc is for a key. So to get it back all you need to do is add a string named "NeverShowExt" like so:

; Hide Extended File Extensions (.lnk/.url etc.)

The above code re-adds the string value "NeverShowExt" and sets its default value to blank and this should hide the extensions.

I have attached a reg file so you just have to execute it. Tell me if it works or not.



this is great! so many options that i don't even know what to do with...

the hover info suggestion is a great idea.

how about some "security suggested" check option? or atleast downloadable profiles that are recommeded?

so much power here, and i don't know what options are "right" for me.

"optimize core system performance"... hmmm...


Users could share profiles, but with new updates its hard to keep the old profiles working with the new updates due to the amount of changes :). I might release some profiles which have recommended disabling of services and other stuff but most is personal preference.

I will look into the hovering and stuff, its alot of work for me to code into the program tho, i might write it all up on my website and then link it.

Posted (edited)

Hi Mike,

Congrats passing your exam :thumbup

Is it normal to have double \\ and %% ?


; Add Device Manager to Right Click Menu of My Computer
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Device Manager\command]
@="mmc.exe %%SYSTEMDRIVE%%\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\devmgmt.msc"

Edited by Smurf22

Mike Check this out















try to integrate that... it removes all the crazy fade, and smooth scroll. Thanks

Posted (edited)

Here's another to add to Security Tweaks section

;Dissable Network Connections in classic Start Menu->Settings

I like to see a reg tweak that hides the "Settings" option from the Classic Start Menu alltogether.

Also like to see a tweak to stop access to "Taskbar and Starmenu" options from anywhere whithin windows.

Thank You Mike for your excellent Utility.


Edited by smashly

Havin trouble with this sunjava icon in systemtray upon first use following install, disabled with the following tweak but still shows in systemtray? Until I manually hide? :angry:

;Disable System Tray Icon for the Sun Java VM

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\1.5.0_04]



well, i already told you in the last version that

mmc.exe %%SYSTEMDRIVE%%\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM32\\devmgmt.msc

is not compatible with those wo use other windows directory names like me (WINNT).

you changed it for all other options, but not for this one, plz change it to %windir% or %systemroot%

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