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  1. I unpacked those KB's, along with all the other Win2K Hotfixes I use, including WildBill's unofficial hotfixes. I ran a .cmd file I created to find the most recent versions of files in all the unpacked hotfixes. 1) The highest Version number was kept. 2) If the version of the two files was the same, the script would prefer files from the UpdateRollup. _) ELSE the file from the highest numbered KB was kept. I noticed something fairly interesting once I was sure the script was working. NOTE: I generated the file list with Total Commander, SubDir Branch view, sorted files by Name, and secondarily sorted by Date (Newest First). Selected all files and pressed the button assigned to calling the batch. It could likely be generated with a few DIR commands, and subsequent SORT's. As well, I also extracted some of the subsequent CAB files inside the Hotfix folders. All of these Hotfix folders were empty, when the script was complete. Extracting Hotfix Command: (Selected Files in TC, and Ran with a TC ButtonBar button: Command: cmd /c ExtractMSHotFix.cmd Parameters: %S @ECHO OFF :MAIN IF "%~1" == "" GOTO:EOF MKDIR %~n1% 1>NUL 2>&1 IF "%~x1" == ".exe" %~1 /q -x:%~n1&&SHIFT /1&&GOTO:MAIN IF "%~x1" == ".EXE" %~1 /q -x:%~n1&&SHIFT /1&&GOTO:MAIN IF "%~x1" == ".msi" msiexec /a %~1 /qb TARGETDIR="%~dp1%~n1"&&SHIFT /1&&GOTO:MAIN IF "%~x1" == ".MSI" msiexec /a %~1 /qb TARGETDIR="%~dp1%~n1"&&SHIFT /1&&GOTO:MAIN SHIFT /1 GOTO:MAIN MAIN Hotfix file mover, MvHF1.cmd @ECHO OFF CD l:\_SLIPS_\HF_2K__Unpacked2\ IF "%~2" NEQ "" GOTO:NEXT%~2 FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN ('DIR /ad/b') DO ( MKDIR ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\empty.cat ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\iecustom.dll ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\spmsg.dll ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\spuninst.exe ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\*.inf ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\*.cat ..\HF_2K_Removed2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\eula.txt ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\iecustom.dll ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\spcustom.dll ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\update.exe ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\update.inf ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\update.ver ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE .\%%F\update\updspapi.dll ..\HF_2K_ReMoved2\%%F\update 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE/Y .\%%F\WM41\* .\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE/Y .\%%F\WM71\* .\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE/Y .\%%F\WM8\* .\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE/Y .\%%F\WM9\* .\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE/Y .\%%F\WM9L\* .\%%F 1>NUL 2>&1 ) COPY "%~1" .\TCFileList.dat :: Remove this GOTO:EOF, if you want to run the .cmd all in one pass. GOTO:EOF :NEXT1 DEL HFFileList.ver 1>NUL 2>&1 DEL HFFileList.uni 1>NUL 2>&1 IF NOT EXIST .\TCFileList.dat COPY "%~1" .\TCFileList.dat FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN (TCFileList.dat) DO ( IF "%%~xF" == ".dll" CALL:_ParseBINARY "%%~F" IF "%%~xF" == ".exe" CALL:_ParseBINARY "%%~F" ) :: Remove this GOTO:EOF, if you want to run the .cmd all in one pass. GOTO:EOF :NEXT2 SET CWD="%CD%" SET COUNT=0 :_SplitPATH FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=\" %%F IN (%CWD%) DO CALL:_CheckPATH "%%~G" IF %CWD% NEQ "" GOTO:_SplitPATH SET /A COUNT=%COUNT%+1 SET LastFile=NULL SET LastFileVersion=0 SET LastFilePath="" DEL HFFileMove.List 1>NUL 2>&1 FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims= " %%F IN ("HFFileList.ver") DO ( IF "%%~G" NEQ "-" CALL:_SET_LastFile %%~F %%~G "%%~H" ) FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1-3 delims= " %%F IN ("HFFileList.uni") DO ( IF "%%~G" NEQ "-" CALL:_SET_LastFile %%~F %%~G "%%~H" ) GOTO:EOF :_ParseBINARY FOR /F "usebackq tokens=5 delims= " %%V IN (`"filever %~1"`) DO ( FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%U IN (`ECHO %~1 ^| FINDSTR /I /V /C:"\uniproc"`) DO ( ECHO %~nx1 %%V "%~fp1">> HFFileList.ver GOTO:EOF ) ECHO %~nx1 %%V "%~fp1">> HFFileList.uni ) GOTO:EOF :_CheckPATH SET CWD="%~1"&&SET /A COUNT=%COUNT%+1&&GOTO:EOF GOTO:EOF :_SET_LastFile FOR /F "usebackq" %%L IN (`ECHO %LastFile% ^| FINDSTR /I /V /C:"%~1"`) DO ( REM IF "%~1" NEQ "%LastFile%" ( SET LastFile=%~1 SET LastFileVersion=%~2 SET LastFilePath="%~3" GOTO:EOF ) :_CheckVersion IF "%LastFileVersion%"=="%~2" GOTO:_COMPARE_KBS CALL:_GetVERSION 1 %LastFileVersion% CALL:_GetVERSION 2 %~2 IF %VER1% LSS %VER2% GOTO:_AddLastToList IF %VER1% GTR %VER2% GOTO:_AddCurrToList REM IF %LastFileVersion% LSS %~2 GOTO:_AddLastToList REM IF %LastFileVersion% GTR %~2 GOTO:_AddCurrToList :_COMPARE_KBS FOR /F "tokens=%COUNT% delims=\" %%P IN (%LastFilePath%) DO ( FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1 delims=" %%Q IN (`ECHO %%P ^| grep -G -o -- "-KB[0-9]\+-"`) DO SET KB1=%%Q ) SET KB1=%KB1:~3,-1% IF "%KB1%" == "891861" GOTO:_AddCurrToList FOR /F "usebackq tokens=%COUNT% delims=\" %%P IN ('%~3') DO ( FOR /F "usebackq tokens=1 delims=" %%Q IN (`ECHO %%P ^| grep -G -o -- "-KB[0-9]\+-"`) DO SET KB2=%%Q ) SET KB2=%KB2:~3,-1% IF "%KB2%" == "891861" GOTO:_AddLastToList IF "%KB1%" LSS "%KB2%" GOTO:_AddLastToList :_AddCurrToList ECHO "%~3">> HFFileMove.List ::@ECHO OFF GOTO:EOF :_AddLastToList ECHO %LastFilePath%>> HFFileMove.List SET LastFile=NULL CALL:_SET_LastFile %~1 %~2 "%~3" ::@ECHO OFF GOTO:EOF :_GetVERSION FOR /F "tokens=1-4 delims=." %%V IN ("%~2") DO CALL:_SetVERSION %~1 %%V %%W %%X %%Y GOTO:EOF :_SetVERSION SET VTMP=0000%~2 SET VTMP=%VTMP:~-4% SET V_1=%VTMP% SET VTMP=0000%~3 SET VTMP=%VTMP:~-4% SET V_2=%VTMP% SET VTMP=0000%~4 SET VTMP=%VTMP:~-4% SET V_3=%VTMP% SET VTMP=0000%~5 SET VTMP=%VTMP:~-4% SET V_4=%VTMP% SET VER%~1="%V_1%.%V_2%.%V_3%.%V_4%" GOTO:EOF Secondary, MvHF2.cmd @ECHO OFF CLS CD l:\_SLIPS_\HF_2K__Unpacked2\ SET MOVETO=HF_2K_ReMoved2 SET CWD="%CD%" SET COUNT=0 :_SplitPATH FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=\" %%F IN (%CWD%) DO CALL:_CheckPATH "%%~G" IF %CWD% NEQ "" GOTO:_SplitPATH FOR /F "delims=" %%F IN (HFFileMove.List) DO ( FOR /F "tokens=%COUNT%* delims=\" %%O IN (%%F) DO ( ECHO _P: ".\%%~P" FOR /F "tokens=%COUNT%* delims=\" %%S IN ("%%~dpF") DO ( MKDIR "..\%MOVETO%\%%~T" 1>NUL 2>&1 MOVE ".\%%~P" "..\%MOVETO%\%%~T" ) ) ) GOTO:EOF :_CheckPATH SET CWD="%~1"&&SET /A COUNT=%COUNT%+1&&GOTO:EOF NOTE: Uses filever.exe from SUPPORT.cab and grep.exe from UnxUtils.
  2. Well a couple issues for directx_jun2010_redist.exe under Win2K, 1) The included binaries, DXSETUP.EXE and dxdllreg.exe will not run (at all). And Compared to previous directx_mmmYYYY_redist's, the one from June is missing files: 2) BDANT.cab, BDAXP.cab, dxnt.cab It may be possible to primarily use the february redist, and add in the jun2010 cab files into a HFSLIP disk.
  3. *chuckle* Install? You don't need to install hotfixes. You slipstream them into a new CD. Or you manually unpack them. Here's how I unpack one or more Hotfixes selected in Total Commander. @ECHO OFF :BEGIN IF "%~1" == "" GOTO:EOF SET fName=%~n1 MKDIR %fName% 1>NUL 2>&1 %~1 /quiet /passive -x:%fName% SHIFT /1 GOTO:BEGIN Assigned to a button: Command: cmd /c ExtractMSHotFix.cmd Parameters: %S
  4. Couldn't "FOR /R" be used for those funky WMP hotfixes? Instead of looking in specific folders, just loop thru all available sub-Folders of the unpacked WM hotfix.
  5. Looks like it's here on Black Winged Cat's page. Scroll to about mid-page for downloads.
  6. There's at least three threads regarding this issue It's broken again in opera, following the following Email notification for new post: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...view=getnewpost resolves into: http://www.msfn.org/board/fileset-9-all-do...88-page-60.html Which just shows the top of that page of the thread. Similiarily when you click on [new posts] icon, or when you actually post to a thread -- when the thread's page opens it is at the top of that page.
  7. Strange, it appears to be fixed now... And I almost never "clear my Opera cache" This is what the [newPosts] Icon was referring to previously: http://www.msfn.org/board/hfslip_test_rele...-page-2100.html Similiar to the types of links I was getting in Email notification within the last day too. .html instead of .php
  8. Unable to read new posts now. When clicking on the newPosts icon, it just opens that Thread's Page, at the beginning of the page. Same thing when getting email notification about new posts, it just goes to the last page of the thread. No one else notice this?
  9. A couple others have done these update lists in the past, and they start out great. Then their interest wanes and they'll just up and disappear with no notice whatsoever. Basically, what I've been doing is have a Win2K VM that is patched w/ SP4 + UpdateRollup, then run hfnetcheck with the MSSecure.xml file within the VM: Grep the file for "\<Download URL\>", ie Of which I can output the last forward-slash piece to a text file, (generally process the text with with gawk in a .cmd batch script) compare vs my HF folder, and have the download links even to fetch the files in question. I may see how an AHK script handles the whole shebang, instead of UnxUtils and .cmd batch. YMMV, and you need an actual working copy of HFNETCHK which is pretty hard to find these days, I dunno if were even allowed to link to where a copy can be found. I had given autopatcher a try a few times, to see how it handled just fetching the patches (as it downloads them from MS servers now). While it does a half-decent job with XP, it's a complete fail IRT Win2K. I was looking for a less time intensive way of building an updated central XP location for when I do the odd XP reinstall for family and friends. Since I don't keep up with XP in general. Even with AutoPatcher and a few other methods, every single time I need to build a current XP disk it winds up taking literally days of troubleshooting obscure issues. Especially OEM boxes which don't legally allow you to install a "real version of XP". After the most recent incident, I've pretty much stopped offering my help/time.
  10. Man, whats with everyone going back to Win2K ?? IIRC FDV had left Win2K for one of the server flavours (or was it linux?) a year or two ago, but appears to be a Win2K'er again? I never realized tommyp didn't use WinXP until a couple posts scattered in the forum recently. I kept meaning to upgrade to WinXP... but everything still works that I want, aside from the odd piece of software now n then that I have to replace with something else. Maybe TommyP can donate/upload his Spreadsheet as a file to the Update List thread, for whomever might want to take over?
  11. These are not "Microsoft" pages. You might ask in the "Windows XP" forum, or "Windows Vista", depending on your OS. But I doubt you'll get much of a resolution or response. Remove IE8 and reinstall it, usually fixes its' hosing of the registry.
  12. Unfortunately I'm finding XCHM isn't really a solution. At first I really thought it wasn't unicode, as it seemed to refuse to open folders with "†" or "©" in their path, but further testing in some root dir folders have resulted in this very strange functionality for a Windows program: It refuses to open a .CHM in a path or filename that contains a dollar sign "$", or a "%"
  13. Not to knock whomever designed the new home/front page. And I don't know if its merely the pastel colour scheme or the layout or a combination of the two. Arstechnica offers users a customization option to Go "Dark" as well civfanatics offers a few different skins/themes to choose from. Any chance of MSFN doing something similiar?
  14. The board is pretty confusing Martin, look at it ---> Latest stable release - HFSLIP 1.7.8 - June 14 And then look at that thread, glance a bit at what the first post says. Then go look at the Test Release thread, and this is still at the very top of it, before TommyP edits in: The "Sticky: HFSLIP, The 2K/XP/2K3 slipstreamer" thread should be locked/renamed or something, and the first post updated, as well that bit I quoted needs to be removed from the current "HFSLIP - Test releases" thread.
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