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Buy or Build a Computer?


would you buy or build a computer  

81 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you buy or build?

    • Buy
    • Build

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The only time I'd BUY a computer is a laptop, and only because I don't know how to build one of those. Even still, I would wipe the hard drive clean and start over without the OEM junk.

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Build one, without a shadow of a doubt. Why? well there are so many reasons (most have already been mentioned) where's the fun in paying for something you can't have exactly the way you want? (Without paying a small fortune to companies like Dell!)

Oh and all the pre-loaded junk they force upon you which 9 times out of 10 gets re-installed when you use the recovery disc that came with your new PC. That's definitely one of my pet peeves! :realmad:

I'm sure other people will agree with me when I say there's nothing better than after saving up your money to have big cardboard boxes being delivered to your door! :D

The building part has to be the best part of course, you always remember how much quicker your computer boots into Windows, or how much quicker your favourite game runs -- nothing better IMO.

Only time I would purchase 'off the shelf' would be a laptop, other than that custom-built all the way! :thumbup

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Well seeing as I like Older OS's (Win98se mostly) the only thing i could do is build it myself..

I suppose i could find one on Ebay or somewhere else in working condition.....

I think building one would make one feel MUCH BETTER about themselves when its all completed and works well :)

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