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Winamp 5.24 Msi Release


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Why do they do this. A Winamp version is only actual for 1 or 2 weeks. Now I integrated version 5.111 and what do they do? Yes, 5.112 is released. Hmm, but better a fix for the bugs than a bugging software. So now I'm waiting for the msi. :)

It was the same with a,b,c,d,e versions... Like Nero, I guess they like releasing stuff and having lots of people going to their webpage to download the latest version. Anyway, what would be the meaning of "latest version" if they were not constantly releasing a new one to fix a bug or two. :whistle:

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I'm sure it is, in fact, knowing they will release a new one before this friday (this is a guess). If I was allanoll I would simply wait for 5.113 so I would not work for nothing. I still have 5.1 only and it's fine for the moment.

But remember allanoll is a student (or I think he his). The finals are coming in less than a month so I can also guess that just like me he has a truckload of work to do.

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Here's my runonce code for winamp, just change the path of the msi file and the ini file to suit your needs.

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Winamp 5.111" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Winamp\Winamp5111.msi INI=%systemdrive%\Install\Winamp\winamp.ini /qn" /f

Note: the second and third line are really all on one line.

Edited by fly2279
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Here's my runonce code for winamp, just change the path of the msi file and the ini file to suit your needs.

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Winamp 5.111" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Winamp\Winamp5111.msi INI=%systemdrive%\Install\Winamp\winamp.ini /qn" /f

Note: the second and third line are really all on one line.

so i can put that in my runoncefile, and then it works ? if its yes, thnx!

BTW: Must i fill my serial, in the ini file of in that rule?

Edited by Edwin1988
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Now with the msi edition : try to uninstall it from the uninstaller in the app directory then go to the control panel and you will see that the uninstall enrty is in the list .

click remove and uninstaller loads again and uninstall winamp !!

why is that?

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Now with the msi edition : try to uninstall it from the uninstaller in the app directory then go to the control panel and you will see that the uninstall enrty is in the list .

click remove and uninstaller loads again and uninstall winamp !!

why is that?

perhaps because the uninstaller in the Winamp folder is a remnant of the NSIS installer, where as the entry in the Add/Remove is created by the Windows Installer.

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i think then it would be better if we have only the original uninstaller since the msi will only install the files that the original installer will install.

I must disagree. It would be better to use the uninstaller that is native to the installer that installed any given application. Since the original installer is NOT that, I must disagree. What would happen if i chose to modify the installer to add MORE files then the original? What if I accidentally added some old MilkDrop files instead of the new ones? They would not be removed by the original uninstallation process. The original uinstaller was left in the MSI simply because it's a file created during the original installation. It will be removed in the next release so that people don't get confused on which uninstaller to use.

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