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do you dig Microsoft?


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I use both OS'es, but i would never create anti-ms site, because it's your choise which OS you want to use.

I think Windows advantages are:

1. Compactibility with devices (lots of drivers) (All my devices are working properly on linux...).

2. Lot's of games for windows only (Cedega can run some games on linux (like battlefield2, world of warcraft and etc. if you want to know more visit they'r website). Wine and cross over office can run many windows apps too like Photoshop :)).

Linux/Unix advantages:

1. Open-source (if i don't like something, i can always change it) (That doesn't mean there's no open source apps for windows, but almost everything in linux is opensource).

2. It has great apps (i don't know why some people thinks that there's no good apps for linux) witch runs faster (you can argue with me, but simple console app worked twise faster than in windows) (There's 64bit windows versions, but there are separate linux distros whitch are optimized for different platforms).

3. Cool package management systems (apt-get, emerge, etc) whitch makes software installing much easier than in windows (I don't think microsoft will ever do such thing for windows, but it would be cool :)).

Windows disadvantages:

1. Registry and other trash. This thing slows windows and i need to reinstall it again (don't say you never had to reinstall windows because it began to run slow or etc.).

2. Mallware (spyware, adware, viruses, trojans...) tons of these. Some programs like kazaa, dap, flashget installs spyware.

3. Stability. Server running windows hung every day, but when we switched it to linux there's no problems.

Linux disadvantages:

1. Lack of 3D games.

2. Programs like wine, cedega, cross over office won't run every windows app or game.

3. Ease of use depends on distribution. You can have nice gui mandriva installer and surf the web without many problems.

4. You still need to know some bash commands. If your device is not automaticaly mounted you need to use command line to do that, or edit fstab to suit your needs :)

5. Too much distros, but i've chosen mine.

Edited by zolookas
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Microsoft is going to rip those people apart on so many levels like tradmark and copyright enfringement etc. this might be fun to watch :)
I want to see how long these guys last before Microsoft tears them apart. And Microsoft should.

First off you guys are just being dumb. Secondly, Microsuck (formerly f***microsoft.com) has been around for quite a while.

The site contains a good amount of junk and unfair bias against Microsoft, but they do have some good points. Microsoft has been known for their dirty business practices, unwanted bundling of software (I'm so glad Nuni wrote nLite) and general distrust after the nature of the hidding index.dat records were discovered.

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On my main computer I run Windows. I find it's best for gaming and just general use because it really is easier to use and it supports practically everything in the way of hardware. On my older computer I run Solaris 10, which is really nice, secure and stable but is still somewhat lacking in hardware support. I've used Windows since 3.0 so yeah I suppose you could say I "dig it". :)

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I hate Microsoft purely because I don't think its healthy for the computer industry to have one company dominating it, but I also dislike Linux zealots who try to enforce a revolution on everyone.

I don't see why people always think pro-Windows = anti-Linux and pro-Windows = anti-Linux.

I'm pro-Linux, pro-Mac and pro-BSD.

I don't have a problem with Windows itself, it runs quite well if you can tame it right (NT is quite a technically advanced OS) I suppose I do hate the Win 9x series though.

Anyway I hope I'm not trolling, I just found this forum from Google, and didn't know if I'd be welcome due to my dislike of Microsoft, so ban me if you wish.

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I don't see why people always think pro-Windows = anti-Linux and pro-Windows = anti-Linux.

You just repeated yourself there :lol::lol:

But yeah... If people want to use Windows, let them use windows... If people want to use Linux, let them use linux... same goes for mac/bsd/os2 (god forbid os2 :lol: )

Own opinions should be kept to theirselves so to speak :realmad:

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