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Posted (edited)

Certifications have nothing to do with liking Microsoft or not. I know a guy that is the most FANBOY in the world for NetBSD, FreeBSD and some Linux Distros, tottaly hates Microsoft and Windows, and has the most complete curriculum of Microsoft. MCSA, +M and +S; MCSE, +M and +S.


Because if he only had LPI (Linux Professional Institue) and Linux + from CompTIA he would not have a job.

About Windows being compatible with everything, well ... I think its the other way around. (Things are made thinking of Windows)

PC parts, for example, have they drivers done for Windows. Most of PC parts manufacters dont make Linux Drivers. Linux could be as compatible as Windows if the big guys made drivers (drivers is just an example) for it.


P.S: I am not defending Linux. I am tottaly a Windows Fanboy. But Im not blind, as most of Linux Fanboys.

Edited by Gouki
  • 3 weeks later...

Posted (edited)

Micro$oft? Why did you replace the S with a $?

P.S: I want to type like a uber 1337 also.

Edited by Gouki
  • 2 weeks later...
Micro$oft? Why did you replace the S with a $?

P.S: I want to type like a uber 1337 also.

Because their money grabbers....to an extent

Many people do it :P

Posted (edited)

i dig M$

but i have a few things to say about the microsucks forum

they really should adopt this rule

7.a You are expected to be mature when discussing in threads. Racism, pornography, threatening, profanity, or excessive vulgarity is not tolerated. You will be promptly banned. No Exceptions.

7.b This community is built upon mutual respect. You are not allowed to flame other members. People who do not respect personal opinions and/or personal work will be warned in first instance. If you ignore the warning and keep on flaming, you will be banned without notice.

Edited by wolf74481
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I love Windows and everything Microsoft. Those guys on that forum are a little over the top, that forum is a lot of fun with all the lies they say about Microsoft and their software.

Because their money grabbers....to an extent

All companies want you to buy their products and wants everybody using them. Microsoft is not the only one or even the first one.

Edited by salival

I have a real love-hate relationship with MS. As an MSFT stock holder, their stock has been stagnant for the last ~5 years, which means I'm not making money off them (of course, I made a boatload off them in the mid to late 90s, but that's beside the point :P), which of course annoys me. As a user of their products, their software can be a royal pain in the arse some times. But at the same time, I have no desire to find many replacements for their software because what they make for the most part "just works".

  • 3 weeks later...
Own opinions should be kept to theirselves so to speak :realmad:

Actually I dissagree, I think it's fair enough voicing an opinion and providing a reason behind it but it's another thing not respecting other people's opinions and forcing your idea on everyone. I hate Microsoft, I hate oil companies, I hate supermarkets, I hate it that we don't have a choice but to use Windows (if we want all our hardware to work properly). I don't have a problem with people liking Windows, I just wish the averge Joe knew about operating systems and realised that they might prefer using an alternative to Windows without having the issue of hardware support to cloud their judgement.

  • 2 months later...
Anyway, aren't we all forgetting something? ... Mac OS X?

I don't think so... I cannot install MAC OS X directly on my PC since it require special hardware. I know it can be done under simulation but you still need a Windows or Linux system underneath... And the whole debate stays, yes Photoshop will work but not my games and GigaStudio.

mac os x doesn't require any special hardware at all. as far as i know it does require a SSE2 cpu, but if your computer has been manufactured in the past few years you likely fall into that category.

i have out of the box support in osx for SATA, ethernet, sound & video on my intel box. i didn't buy anything special to be compatible with it, and more drivers are emerging every day.

the only thing required 'underneath' is a mac formatted partition as the first partition on your drive. and of course you don't need an existing operating system to create that partition, a bootdisk will suffice. i even run linux + xp alongside my mac osx 10.4.3

mac ran on intel -long- before windows ran on mac

now to answer the question posed by our thread starter:

yes i dig microsoft (a f***ing grave!)

I for one support both MS products and open sorce things such as Linux. I run both and use many applications on sorceforge...

I do agree with the above poster, and it would be nice if microsoft would support the "open document" standard, I do not want to tell microsoft that they should, by the same tocan I do not exepect any objections from microsoft (or any other vendor) to government's requiring adherance to this or any royalty free standard. I imagine it should be relatively easy for MS to write a plugin for this format as it has done for many other document formats, if they want to keep the business.

btw, I use primarily linux, I do use windows for playing my old games from time to time and I have turned of the network in windows so I do not have any problems with updates and the inevitable reboot or mallware that might come from the internet. So it could be that I am biased.....

Anyway that was my $0,02

Ver Zonnen

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Do I dig Microsoft now lets see...

... well, I would dig a big hole and toss Microsoft into it!

It is built where earthquakes can happen, we can only prey. :)

D4MN! - so close!

Edited by LeveL

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