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29 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

That's lost in the mists of time I'm afraid!
Someone else asked about it a while ago, and I gave them a copy.
You can have it too if you want.
I've always found it very useful.

Please, kindly give me a copy. Thanks.

Edited by mina7601
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5 hours ago, Dave-H said:

Off-topic, but here you are!

Launcher.zip 157.36 kB · 12 downloads

Remember that it's 16 bit and therefore won't work on a 64 bit system.

Yes, I am aware that it's 16-bit and won't work on 64-bit Windows, but by following a video on YouTube, you can make them run on 64-bit Windows.

Thanks for the copy, Dave!

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35 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

That I would be interested to see, but it's off-topic here, so please send me a PM if you'd like to elaborate further!

Alright, PM sent.

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17 hours ago, Dave-H said:

That's exactly what it is, it's an ancient 16 bit program called 'Run'!
I use it as a program launcher on Windows XP and Windows 98.
I'll keep an eye out for problems with Superium 122 and report anything I find.

I have been used this named VStart for more than 10 years, but it only have chinese, someone use Rolan/Claunch and so on,but I still think VStart is the best for me 




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Still glitchy for me...disappearing fonts and such, though it seems harder to reproduce than on old 360Chrome. Someone mentioned Thorium, no differences as far as bugs on XP are concerned, may be few extra issues regarding Thorium specific functionality (h.265 decoding?).

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Now I've finally got it working properly, Superium 122 seems to be pretty good on 32 bit XP.
It still eats memory voraciously, so I still get the 'out of memory' tab freezes, but I've not seen any problems with fonts or any other display issues, once I got the scaling right.
I still think it's a very impressive piece of work, and a boon for XP users.

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When I tried Supermium for the first time, --no-sandbox parameter made the browser fail entirely, hard-crashed. Right now, it seems to work as a workaround for font corruption issue. So no playing in the sandbox, that sounds messed up, can't sell that to kids!

I get couple of these after startup if I use 64-bit version of the browser, maybe 2 or 3 of them, then they stop appearing, no idea what's the deal with that either.


Edited by UCyborg
Rewording for clarity
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Can you give an example of the font problem you're seeing?
I have seen occasional anomalies in places on a very few pages, such as squares where there should be characters, I just want to see if it's the same issue as you're mentioning.

What is this business with the 'NoToEmoji' font BTW?
It seems to be supplied with the browser, and I have copied it to my system, but I'm not sure why it's needed.

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Good tab on the left, broken on the right.


Funny I only get this on Pale Moon forum recently, was easier to get it on all sorts of web sites on 360Chrome. Maybe if I used custom user CSS (with Stylus, which seems to be one of the factors involved in triggering it) on bigger variety of sites rather than few specific ones, I would encounter it more often. But many factors have changed since running 360Chrome without --no-sandbox for longer sessions and it's been a while since.

The only CSS targeting Pale Moon forum, specifically URLs starting with https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php:

div.postbody div.content div[title="This is considered off-topic for the current thread."] {
    opacity: unset !important;
    background-color: unset !important;
    border: 1px solid rgb(175, 175, 175) !important;
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8 hours ago, UCyborg said:

Funny I only get this on Pale Moon forum recently, was easier to get it on all sorts of web sites on 360Chrome.

I can tell you that from my experience, the "disappearing fonts" in 360Chrome were *always* when the font-size .css attribute was in *em* units instead of something like *px*.

This also is true of your Pale Moon forum "Register", "Login", and "Unread posts" links, the font-size is in *em*.

"Flex containers" also seem to be an issue that also causes "disappearing fonts" in XP.

At the time, I used a Tampermonkey script to convert any-and-all *em* font-size's to *px* and I never encountered any "disappearing font" afterwards.

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I've not been aware of any text actually missing in Superium 122, but I have seen this occasionally.


As you can see, there are boxes where presumably there should be icons.


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9 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

boxes where presumably there should be icons

Those are not technically "icons" (which imply images), but a FONT where each "letter" of the font is a "glyph".

You are blocking a "remote font" so you are getting a "square" instead of the "font LETTER".

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Is this anything to do with the 'NoToEmoji' font which is bundled with the browser?
If I open that in XP, it's just a load of boxes.


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