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KernelEx for Windows XP?


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On 09 March 2024 at 2:52 PM, Damnation said:

@Zorba the Geek

Try Relyze disassembler, or ghidra disassembler, and see if what they output is suitable. Both are free.

Ghidra requires 64 bit JAVA 17, and Relyze is overkill for this simple task and probably does not work under XP.  I have discovered the disassembler Dibya used for his KernelEx for XP project.  The output from the disassembler incorporated into PE Explorer is exactly like the code in Dibya's ExKernel.asm.  This is a superb program that enables you to search for the entry point of functions without having to rely on Microsoft symbols which only work on Microsoft products.  However, the help file states


The generated output can not be recompiled as is and has not been optimized for memory and processor usage

so I am not sure that this is the way to go.  A MSFN forum member using the name win32 has started a thread titled [WIP] Windows Vista Extended Kernel in which he proposes to develop a kernel extension using the same approach as BlackWingCat which is copy functions as hex and paste them into a hex dump of the section designated for containing these Nt6.1 functions.  Judging by this thread this approach is fraught with problems.


And yes, the results of most of the posts of mine so far have revealed my incompetence in this arena, which is being corrected as I type.


Edited by Zorba the Geek
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  • 3 weeks later...

Use PETOOL by Wildbill to add .exp section before reloc and resource , then move export table into .exp by using PETOOLS, then u can use BWC Pemaker to add your own export.

It's funny Zorba figured out i was using PE Explorer for disassembly http://www.pe-explorer.com/

With age i guess i have turned dumb or lazy ( so just use IDA Pro with excellent Hexray decompiler)


Edited by Dibya
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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, patchworks said:

Given that I am NOT a developer (much less a Kernel one), couldn't ReactOS core components be (easily?) "ported" instead of reimplementing everything from scratch?

ReactOS doesn't even have full Windows XP compatibility, let alone Vista and 7 one.

Wine, on the other hand, evolved a lot over the last few years and that's the one having up to Windows 7 compatibility ;) 

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14 minutes ago, FranceBB said:

ReactOS doesn't even have full Windows XP compatibility, let alone Vista and 7 one.

Wine, on the other hand, evolved a lot over the last few years and that's the one having up to Windows 7 compatibility ;) 

Not to mention, ReactOS isn't even in beta stage, it's still in alpha.

Edited by mina7601
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5 hours ago, mina7601 said:

Not to mention, ReactOS isn't even in beta stage, it's still in alpha.

Will have to revisit that project another time because I rely on live DVD sessions because I can't really give up on my XP installations (on both of my desktop computers)  at this point. I use live Linux in the same fashion and for the same reason(s). I hope ReactOS will improve their live iso at some point.

Edited by XPerceniol
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17 hours ago, mina7601 said:

ReactOS isn't even in beta stage, it's still in alpha.

I think Skulltrail192's One-Core API (releases), (source) is based on ReactOS. Would call it a 'usable beta,' though it does introduce its own set of issues. Worth checking out though, and irrc the uninstaller works (not a recommendation; try at your own risk).

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One Core API is written by Samuel, we know him very well and he has done an amazing job. Please note that Windows XP + One Core API is way closer to Windows 7 level of compatibility than ReactOS will ever be.

Also please note that One Core API is largely based on reversing newer Windows functions, so you won't get far here by linking it (probably a mod will remove the link soon as it's not allowed :( ).

Edited by FranceBB
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59 minutes ago, FranceBB said:

One Core API is way closer to Windows 7 level of compatibility than ReactOS will ever be.

From the README file:

"Welcome to One-Core-API! Here you can found source code of One-Core-API project. It is based on ReactOS source and use ReactOS's build environment"


1 hour ago, FranceBB said:

probably a mod will remove the link soon as it's not allowed

GitHub [currently owned by Microsoft] links aren't allowed? Seems like MS would have trouble challenging links to content MS itself hosts.

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It's not a lie, it is based on the original ReactOS implementation and also on Wine D3D for the DirectX10 and 11 implementation, which is totally fine and would be 100% allowed.

The problem is that by limiting it to that it wouldn't have achieved much, so it also contains proprietary Microsoft dll which have been patched (hence modified) and backported to allow Windows XP to make use of them by Samuel.

He has done an amazing job in doing that and he has been working on this for several years now, however this means that once One Core API is installed, it will replace system libraries and unfortunately MSFN has a longstanding stance against linking modified Microsoft dlls which is why RyanVM was created in the first place. By the way, if you search for posts from 2019 onwards from Dibya, Peter and I you're gonna see that we all know Samuel (heck we were even in the same chat) and we're all great supporters of his work.

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On 4/11/2024 at 3:22 PM, 66cats said:

I think Skulltrail192's One-Core API (releases), (source) is based on ReactOS. Would call it a 'usable beta,' though it does introduce its own set of issues. Worth checking out though, and irrc the uninstaller works (not a recommendation; try at your own risk).

Yes, I am already aware of One-Core-API, and while it is indeed awesome as mentioned by @FranceBB, I still think it needs more development, because there does still exist some issues, as you said. I am grateful for the fact that it runs very modern programs, but unfortunately, it breaks already working programs that don't need One-Core-API to work, for example, Supermium. I discovered this recently.

Yes, the uninstaller works.

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  • 3 weeks later...

One-Core API is indeed awesome, but it is too big, too complex and too ambitious for my purposes.  A typical example where I may need to extend the NT5.1 API is EncFSP 0.99.1 by Roland Hiestand.  This would require the function _wsopen_s in msvcrt.dll which is missing in version 7.0.2600.5701 installed on my XP computer, although it is present in msvcr80/90/100/110/120.dll and ucrtbase.dll.  Other examples where I may need to supply a few missing functions to make an application work are Python, OpenSSl and GTK.  The approach suggested by Dibya seems ideal to me because it would enable the user to customise patched Microsoft DLLs without programming expertise.  Dibya's approach depends on being able to completely reverse disassembly which everyone says is impossible.  I am not convinced that it is necessarily impossible, but it would require some editing to be done on the disassembled code.  I am experimenting on disassembling System32 DLLs using dumppe, disasm. PE Explorer and ndisasm, and I have found that there is a high degree of consistency between their outputs, although anomalies do appear where they provide different outputs.  This is where you have to use your judgement to make an edit.  The main issue with reversing disassembly is that most disassemblers do not produce an output that conforms to the syntax rules of any assemblers.  However, ndisasm is supposed to have an output that conforms to the nasm syntax, so that the instruction mov eax,fs:[18h] in dumppe is shown as mov eax,[fs:0x18].

I am attempting to make an assembly file for Windows 7 functions in kernel32.dll that can supplement the XP version of kernel32.dll and will present it as attachment in a later post so that you can examine it and make comments.

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On 09 May 2024 at 5:08 AM, Dibya said:

@Zorba the Geek Write your code in C/C++ then Disassemble them for injecting it, that what i did

Looking at your ExKernel.asm I see that many functions have been derived from BWCs W2K Extended Kernel 3.0e, but as far as I know he has not released any source code written in C/C++.  Where would this C/C++ code come from?  From Wine perhaps?  Once a disassembly has been derived from this C/C++ code it is not injected into the Microsoft DLLs, but rather assembled into an extension DLL to which API calls for NT6 functions are forwarded.  If I had access to C/C++ code for these NT6 functions I could just compile it to make this extension DLL, without the necessity of creating a disassembly.

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Write your own code. Look at the function documentation and start with a failure stub. Only spend more time when necessary.


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