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Startup Managers under Windows XP


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My system does have POSReady updates. I updated using Legacy Update (and checked the checkbox that allows receiving POSReady updates in its installer), but somehow I didn't receive KB4493563, so I will re-check for updates again. If it doesn't get offered, I will download it manually.

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Just now, mina7601 said:

My system does have POSReady updates. I updated using Legacy Update (and checked the checkbox that allows receiving POSReady updates in its installer), but somehow I didn't receive KB4493563, so I will re-check for updates again. If it doesn't get offered, I will download it manually.

Did you also apply the POSready registry hack first? :dubbio:

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18 minutes ago, mina7601 said:
20 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

Did you also apply the POSready registry hack first? :dubbio:

No, I did not apply it.

16 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

Then your system can't be updated correctly in terms of POSReady.

Here is the code to be applied by a reg file that has to be created first:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



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2 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

Here is the code to be applied by a reg file which has to be created:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Already applied it now. I am starting the updating process from new.

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I already investigated the issue in terms of Quick Startup or Startup Manager embedded in Glary Utilities more deeply. uniforme4.gif
Glary's application service GUBootService crashes in association with the dll file ntdll.dll in my Windows XP SP3 Professional POSReady system. smilie_b_004.gif
Here is a screenshot:



I think this could be a cause for the issue. :dubbio: But, I am not really sure about that. Maybe, there is still another reason, too. thinking.gif

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8 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Good, that's what I thought! Your system has not been completely updated with regard to POSReady. Because if it was, you would have to have ntdll.dll version 5.1.2600.7682 dated 19/03/2019 with a file size of 720,384 bytes. Seems like your Windows XP doesn't really have POSReady updates or at least not all of them. See the following link for the update KB4493563 in question: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/description-of-the-security-update-for-the-remote-code-execution-vulnerability-in-windows-embedded-posready-2009-april-9-2019-134ccc9d-2ffc-02f0-5df9-04ba050f3047

After looking at the date of the file again. I noticed that the date I wrote (April 14, 2008) was its created date, and not the modified date, sorry. I now realized that you were talking about its modified date. Yes, it indeed has the date of March 19, 2019, Quick Startup still works properly to me (even with KB4493563 installed). It's still able to separate the application services from Windows services.

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3 hours ago, mina7601 said:

After looking at the date of the file again. I noticed that the date I wrote (April 14, 2008) was its created date, and not the modified date, sorry. I now realized that you were talking about its modified date. Yes, it indeed has the date of March 19, 2019, Quick Startup still works properly to me (even with KB4493563 installed). It's still able to separate the application services from Windows services.

Thanks for testing! albert.gif

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On 4/5/2023 at 7:32 PM, AstroSkipper said:

I actually created this thread because I have a problem with Glarysoft's Quick Startup. I deliberately kept the title of this thread a bit more general so that any software recommendations or problems with Startup Managers can be posted here in the future.

Now to my problem. I have two Windows XP system partitions, both with the operating system Windows XP Professional SP3 with all existing updates installed. All POSReady updates were also installed on one partition, but not on the other. In both partitions, Glarysoft's Quick Startup has been installed. Unfortunately, I have now an issue with Quick Startup in the partition with all POSReady updates. Although this issue is a minor one, maybe one of you can confirm this strange behaviour or help me to solve it. In the main program window, Quick Startup is not able to separate the application services from the Windows sevices. All of them are listed under the column application services. In the partition without POSReady updates, Quick Startup does not produce this issue. Application and Windows services are separated correctly. Here are two screenshot to demonstrate this issue:

First, a screenshot of Glary Utilities' embedded Startup Manager without this issue taken from the partition without POSReady updates:


And here is a screenshot of Quick Startup with this issue taken from the partition with all POSReady updates:


I already tried a lot to solve this misbehaviour. TBH, I assume that this issue has anything to do with the POSReady updates. :dubbio:
Any confirmation and of course tips for solving this would be much appreciated! :yes:

Kind regards, AstroSkipper drwurmdin.gif 

PS: (Da ist der Wurm drin! Translated literally: There's the worm in it! - meaning:  There’s something very wrong with it!)

On 4/5/2023 at 8:29 PM, AstroSkipper said:

Just for clarification, I am primarily interested in confirmation or the opposite that this error also occurs with others or not,  under POSReady updates installed and if possible on a real Windows XP machine as I use it, for reasons of comparison. If you already use Glary Utilities ( under Windows XP SP3 POSready, you do not need to install Glarysoft's Quick Startup. You just have to open its embedded Startup Manager. However, if this error does not occur with others, I would have a much bigger problem. interroge.gif But I cannot imagine that, and I do not hope so, of course. Therefore please, provide information about your experiences! The more, the better! ssuper5sur5.gif Thanks in advance! :)

To all real (no VM) Windows XP SP3 (32 Bit) Professional POSReady users! mevoila.gif

Is anyone else here in the forum who can or can't confirm this issue described in the quoted posts? bodyguard.gif

smilie_a_011.gif smilie_xyz_006.gif

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18 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

No problem here! I never had a problem to access this website with a German IP:no: Maybe, your internet service provider or your goverment is blocking it. Use a German IP, and you will see! BTW, I often noticed problems if I try to access certain sites by using a French IP via VPN. In your country, there seems to exist more restrictions in terms of internet and French IPs are more often blocked on certain sites for whatever reasons. Maybe, I'm also wrong, and it was just coincidence.  grattermenton.gif It's just my impression whenever I use a French IP, via VPN, of course! smilie_denk_24.gif

In this precise case, my ISP provider has nothing to do with it, I'm blocked by that chinese company (their server blocks me from viewing the page itself, but the connection is established). I'm sorry you had terrible experiences with French IPs.

It's not France that blocks, it's the companies that don't want to see the French on their websites. In France we have Freedom Of Speech, Freedom Of Choice. In Vichy, especially ! For me, it would seem rather weird to use VPN just to obtain legal soft from a legal (?) website, so my opinion about the shady company stays. But thanks for your time !

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I use an old version of autoruns to manage my startup applications. It's version 12.03 from 2014. It works great from Windows XP to Windows 10. Occasionally it crashes on start. But all you have to do is try again and it works. It's a very powerful tool as it lets you delete services as well if you want to get extreme. Just run it as administrator.


You can check if your issue happens with autoruns as well. I didn't test because I use XP 64 so it's different. I never set up post 2009 thing since I don't think it's compatible.

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6 hours ago, D.Draker said:

In this precise case, my ISP provider has nothing to do with it, I'm blocked by that chinese company (their server blocks me from viewing the page itself, but the connection is established). I'm sorry you had terrible experiences with French IPs.

It's not France that blocks, it's the companies that don't want to see the French on their websites. In France we have Freedom Of Speech, Freedom Of Choice. In Vichy, especially ! For me, it would seem rather weird to use VPN just to obtain legal soft from a legal (?) website, so my opinion about the shady company stays. But thanks for your time !

I tried to access Glarysoft's homepage with different French IPs via VPN. No problem here, either! :dubbio: No matter which connection I use I can always access this website successfully. smilie_denk_24.gif

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3 hours ago, tekkaman said:


I use an old version of autoruns to manage my startup applications. It's version 12.03 from 2014. It works great from Windows XP to Windows 10. Occasionally it crashes on start. But all you have to do is try again and it works. It's a very powerful tool as it lets you delete services as well if you want to get extreme. Just run it as administrator.


You can check if your issue happens with autoruns as well. I didn't test because I use XP 64 so it's different. I never set up post 2009 thing since I don't think it's compatible.

Hello @tekkaman! Thanks for your reply! My issue only happens with Glarysoft's Startup Manager. All other autostart or startup managers work as they should. I use Autoruns, too. No crashes here and never had one. :no: The last version of Autoruns which runs without any problems in my system Windows XP SP3 (32 Bit) Professional POSReady is 13.98. However, I do not use it as my main startup manager due to the lack of the feature to delay the start of programs. smilie_denk_24.gif

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10 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Is anyone else here in the forum who can or can't confirm this issue described in the quoted posts? bodyguard.gif

Perhaps your Windows installation is simply borked in a way that would make it difficult to diagnose. Crashing in ntdll.dll doesn't say much, you'd have to use the debugger to maybe have the chance to figure out what goes wrong.

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