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Extensions and custom buttons for UXP browsers - Corrections, modifications, adjustments, and special recommendations

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Posted (edited)

Just a small hint. :P If you are using my mod uBlock Origin Legacy with the filter list Bypass Paywalls Clean filters enabled, you can additionally install the corresponding userscript Bypass Paywalls Clean. Some fixes require this userscript to make them work. You can download this script here. There are also language-specific userscripts which can be installed additionally to the English one. For the installation of the userscript(s), you must first install an userscript manager like, for example, Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey if you have not yet done so.

Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

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Good tip! I think the filterlist+userscript(s) are actually meant to be used together, even though unfortunately this combination remains somewhat less powerful than their browser extension. It mostly works fine though.

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Posted (edited)
On 4/30/2024 at 9:52 AM, Amigafever said:

Good tip! I think the filterlist+userscript(s) are actually meant to be used together, even though unfortunately this combination remains somewhat less powerful than their browser extension. It mostly works fine though.

I am very satisfied with the efficiency of uBlock Origin Legacy when it comes to filtering and blocking unwanted content. :thumbup Especially when you consider how old the original extension actually is. :o However, the decisive factor is the correct configuration and sensible selection of effective filter lists that are still compatible with uBlock Origin Legacy. And of course, the filters and rules you create yourself are also crucial, as they make everything even more interesting and effective. If the user proceeds in this way, then the combination of BPCF filter list and user script is the icing on the cake. :P

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1 hour ago, nicolaasjan said:

I think you mean the BPC filter list. ;)

Of course, I meant BPCFsuisjebete.gif Just a typo. :whistle: The additional but of course optional F stands for Filters :P

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Felipefpl said:

I'm curious about something, does it make sense to include GoodbyeAds for youtube since the list wasnt updated in more than 2 months?


The last update of the GoodbyeAds-YouTube-AdBlock-Filter filter list seems to be performed 4 months ago. So, for me, not that old at the moment. However, if no more updates are rolled out, I will unfortunately have to remove this list from my mod uBlock Origin Legacy

PS: Not every list is maintained on a regular base. There are many lists maintained by only one person or updated when time is available. So, users have to be patient, unfortunately. But you can disable such a list at any time if you think, it has become obsolete.

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Something unusual seems to be going on with the Greek AdBlock Filter (included in the Regions, languages section). The link to the filterlist stopped working since a few days. It also stopped working on Firefox/WebExtension (same link). As of today however, it works on FF again but not on UXP browsers/uBO Legacy.

This alternative URL found on filterlists.com seems to work fine. Not sure why this happens.

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Posted (edited)
43 minutes ago, Amigafever said:

Something unusual seems to be going on with the Greek AdBlock Filter (included in the Regions, languages section). The link to the filterlist stopped working since a few days. It also stopped working on Firefox/WebExtension (same link). As of today however, it works on FF again but not on UXP browsers/uBO Legacy.

This alternative URL found on filterlists.com seems to work fine. Not sure why this happens.

It works here on official Pale Moon and uBlock-for-firefox-legacy by UCyborg.


I can reach the URL:



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Posted (edited)
34 minutes ago, Amigafever said:

That link does not work here on Pale Moon, but it works on Firefox. :blink:

Weird, on my Pale Moon it works:


BTW, I see that filter list still blocks a few .swf banners.

Didn't know these were still around (or maybe the list needs cleaning).


Is the list even still maintained?

! Version: 2023112600


I see now that there was a commit last week:



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Posted (edited)

Ok, for some unknown reason my Pale Moon cannot reach void.gr. Already tried flushing DNS and clearing history/cookies.

I'll just use the githubusercontent.com URL as a custom list for now.

edit: my Android device cannot reach it either. But desktop Firefox can. Perhaps they are using some over-zealous security configuration.

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26 minutes ago, Amigafever said:

Ok, for some unknown reason my Pale Moon cannot reach void.gr. Already tried flushing DNS and clearing history/cookies.

I'll just use the githubusercontent.com URL as a custom list for now.

edit: my Android device cannot reach it either. But desktop Firefox can. Perhaps they are using some over-zealous security configuration.

The Greek filter list is reachable here from Germany, too.

[Adblock Plus 1.1]
! Title: Greek AdBlock Filter
! Version: 2023112600
! Expires: 2 days
! Homepage: https://github.com/kargig/greek-adblockplus-filter
! License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/

But this list doesn't seem to be maintained on a regular base. :no: I would suggest to look for a suitable replacement. :yes: When you find a good one, you can post its link here. I will then update my mod.

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