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I read that there is much confusion regarding DOH and ECH.



Unfortunately, even if you have ECH enabled in your browsers, almost no websites make it usable for client browsers.
MSFN does not use ECH.

Instead, ECH is enabled in the website under:


I hope you understand this difference.:hello:

Edited by Sampei.Nihira
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20 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

I wouldn't call it "safety", more along the lines of "privacy".

When I talk about data protection and internet security, it's always about privacy.

20 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

One school of thought is "I'm not doing anything 'wrong', let them collect all the data they want".

The other school of thought is "I was fired for saying something online, after hours, not work-related, not even a high-traffic web site, but the boss didn't agree with my statement".

I belong to neither the one nor the other school you mentioned. And people who spread all sorts of ill-considered stuff on the Internet or are willing to give away unlimited data can't be helped anyway. :no:

Edited by AstroSkipper
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14 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

...One school of thought is "I'm not doing anything 'wrong', let them collect all the data they want".

Well ... I don't know, I guess I subscribe to this school of thinking, I mean, I'm certain my ISP knows pretty much everything about me, but I do nothing wrong. When I gave up all addictive substance/behaviors in 2017 porn also had to go FOR GOOD and never since. I have a very addictive personality so I need be careful of even forum addiction ... which is partly why I don't post as much as I used to. 

Thank you @Sampei.Nihira for that explanation, I think I get it, but I don't know, I haven't been doing very well as of late and sometimes the simplest of instructions escapes me. 

Thank you guys for everything. Maybe time to just use my ISP's dns resolver going forward since I'm not on a VPN anyway so I'm not hiding. I mean if anybody wants to come see me that badly just let me know so I can put on a pot of coffee ... I can't cook but I can at least do that much but be warned I'm terrible company nowadays.

Take good care.

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As I used to tell my students, a picture is worth more than 100 words.
In my ECH browser it is always on.

In the website below ECH is active.
Sites like this are in the minority.


In the website below, ECH is not active.
99.9% of websites are in this situation.


Edited by Sampei.Nihira
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3 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

In the website below, ECH is not active.
99.9% of websites are in this situation.


You're wrong. Let's see why.

Information from the official source: "Mypal68 - A browser for Windows XP based on Firefox 68." Again, 68.

Minimum requirements for Enter Encrypted Client Hello (ECH) is Firefox 85, again 85,

And keep in mind, 85 is in beta mode, for testing purposes only! Ideally - much higher, recent version is needed.

"Firefox 85 replaces ESNI with ECH draft-08, and another update to draft-09 (which is targeted for wider interoperability testing and deployment) is forthcoming"

Developer source  article.


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21 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:


I read that there is much confusion regarding DOH and ECH.



Unfortunately, even if you have ECH enabled in your browsers, almost no websites make it usable for client browsers.
MSFN does not use ECH.

Instead, ECH is enabled in the website under:


I hope you understand this difference.:hello:

This is for MS Edge or very recent Firefox only, therefore - it won't work with MyPal, this post only brings confusion to the users of MyPal.

Besides, they acquire false sense of security with your unprofessional advice, thus they can get caught in a very unpleasant situation.

Most importantly, it's even written in the supplied article, but you failed to mention it, why?

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2 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:


As I used to tell my students, a picture is worth more than 100 words.
In my ECH browser it is always on.

In the website below ECH is active.
Sites like this are in the minority.


In the website below, ECH is not active.
99.9% of websites are in this situation.


This thread is about Mypal 68. I don't understand at all why technologies are being presented here that are aimed at much more modern browsers. :no: To put it simply, I think such comments are off-topic and should be done in a thread related to an appropriate topic.

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33 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

This thread is about Mypal 68. I don't understand at all why technologies are being presented here that are aimed at much more modern browsers. :no: To put it simply, I think such comments are off-topic and should be done in a thread related to an appropriate topic.

I did not start in this thread to discuss the Cloudflare test.
I just wrote (between the lines) that it doesn't matter if the last test is failed.

Moreover, I quoted another user,so my assistance is directed exclusively to this user.
You guys can also ignore my interventions.

Try you and the multiple account (which I don't even respond to because it is useless now) to call others out as well when they go OT in a topic.
Avoid replying because I will not respond to other interventions.

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18 minutes ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

I did not start in this thread to discuss the Cloudflare test.
I just wrote (between the lines) that it doesn't matter if the last test is failed.
Try you and the multiple account (which I don't even respond to because it is useless now) to call others out as well when they go OT in a topic.
Avoid replying because I will not respond to other interventions.

Actually, it doesn't matter who has started going off-topic. Such discussions are simply misleading for readers of this thread because they might think that Mypal 68 could have such technologies as ECH, which of course is not the case at all. And I don't understand what you actually mean by "the multiple accounts". :dubbio: That also seems to me to be quite incomprehensible and off-topic.

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3 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

Try you and the multiple account (which I don't even respond to because it is useless now) to call others out as well when they go OT in a topic.

OMG, that multiple acc. crap again. Report! What's stopping you, huh? You don't report because you know it's not true.

3 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

You guys can also ignore my interventions.

We can't. You give dangerous, erroneous advice all the time, like this once again. People may have troubles with the police because of what you suggest, some countries have very harsh laws!

The articles you attach, you clearly didn't read yourself, otherwise you'd see it doesn't work with MyPal.

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50 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

Actually, it doesn't matter who has started going off-topic. Such discussions are simply misleading for readers of this thread because they might think that Mypal 68 could have such technologies as ECH, which of course is not the case at all. And I don't understand what you actually mean by "the multiple accounts". :dubbio: That also seems to me to be quite incomprehensible and off-topic.

ECH is not available in MyPal.
But this is not important because 99.99% of websites do not use it.
And that's what I wrote to @XPerceniol



No misleading or dangerous advice as usual the multiple acconts would have you believe (who are clueless as usual).:buehehe:

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3 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

ECH is not available in MyPal.
But this is not important because 99.99% of websites do not use it.
And that's what I wrote to @XPerceniol



No misleading or dangerous advice as usual the multiple acconts would have you believe (who are clueless as usual).:buehehe:

Wait a minute, so you knew it doesn't work in MyPal right from the start, and you didn't warn the people of MSFN! This is disrespect and disinformation, at the very least.

Yes, multiple accounts here use MyPal, what's wrong with that? Care to explain? What are you angry with?

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On 4/15/2024 at 12:25 PM, AstroSkipper said:

That depends on which country you live in and how data protection is organised there. Your statement certainly applies to the USA, but not to Germany, for example. Here is a link to a provider with no-logging policy that I would trust and whose server can be used even as a normal DNS resolver: Freifunk München :) I would use this service if I didn't trust my local provider. But in my country, data protection is a valuable asset. So I just use my local provider with own DNS resolver. But I could increase safety considerably if I wanted to. spanachee.gif All inside my country. :thumbup And if I were also to use one of my paid VPN services with a no log strategy outside my country, then ... :whistle: bybye.gif

This OT you wrote doesn't seem to me to be relevant to MyPal68,and moreover you intruded on a reply that N. was giving to a fellow countryman.
So your rules apply to everyone but yourself?

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3 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

This OT you wrote doesn't seem to me to be relevant to MyPal68,and moreover you intruded on a reply that N. was giving to a fellow countryman.
So your rules apply to everyone but yourself?

There was no misleading information in @AstroSkipper's post, and MyPal 68 works perfectly fine with that German DNS provider with no-logging policy.


"N." word is a bad word, at least in the US.

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