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Microsoft Windows Update v3/v4/v5

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22 hours ago, WInUpdateFanv3 said:

Windows 3.1x had updates as seen here https://www.hpcfactor.com/support/cesd/200234/windows_31x_patches_updates_guide/#W31PnUGuide but most of the links on that site don’t work 


On this site there are some of those WIN 3.1 updates available in English and French language.


Also, on the other hand, Windows NT 4.0 SP6a on IE6 SP1 installed every single update correctly in WUv3. I don't know how it behaves in the older versions of IE, like 5 or 5.5,  or in the SP3, SP4, SP5, gotta test that...

Edited by Dušan Vićić
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4 hours ago, jetboy said:

I've attempted to patch four 98SE VMs, with IE5.01, 5.01 SP2,5.5 SP2 and 6.0 SP1. The first three ended up with no outstanded critical updates or any other patches I was interested in installing. There were 404s along the way, but those files seem to have been made redundant by other patches. The IE 6.0 SP1 VM 404s on Security Update, November 2, 1999 "This update eliminates the "Virtual Machine Verifier" vulnerability..."

I've also tried with two Me VMs, with IE 5.5 SP2 and 6.0 SP1. The IE6 VM chokes on Security Update, May 19, 2000 "This update resolves the "IP Fragment Reassembly" security vulnerability" and Security Update, September 9, 1999 "Update for Security Vulnerability in Windows 98 Telnet Client" Both fail with an "Unknown Error". The IE 5.5 SP2 VM hangs without populating the updates. There's an error hidden behind the Please Wait pop up. It's a surprise as the same browser works on 98SE.




Alright, tanks for reporting that. Windows Millennium Edition is still very buggy. It'll be fixed in the future. As for the patches, we can't add/remove them, so we do what the ones offered by Windows Update. Also the "Virtual Machine Verifier" update cannot be found everywhere.

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if any of you had old windows 9x/ME/NT installations and you have used windows update in the past before it was shut down in august 2011 then please try to dig up these hard drives and look for a folder called "WindowsUpdate" in c:\program files\

even if you dont remember using windows update just check if they do have the folder incase it may contain something very important.

if you do find the folder "WindowsUpdate" then please upload the entire folder to us in a zip, rar, or 7z file. (what matters is that you upload the files)

this includes installations of windows 98 (both first edition and second edition), windows 95, windows me, windows 2000, and lastly windows nt 4.0.

chances are there could be very important files that wayback machine unfortunately could not recover or archive.

i would appreciate it and it could help alot especially if it contains bm, inv, and gng files inside the folder.

it includes inventory system and files very important for checking updates.


Edited by ward201185
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Tried to run this on a portuguese (portugal) install of Windows 98 SE.

It gave this error due to those missing files.

If you ever decide to support this language there is this mega repository (it only has .exe files), (and this zip file for windows me) which I found on this thread that has some of the update files.

Thanks for the amazing work you've done.



Edited by jcfb
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Hi Everyone,

I've been following the post for a while, I have to say it's amazing to see the old versions of Windows Update back after Microsoft removed it all those years ago. 

My personal favourite was WU v3.1, I vaguely remember the last day it was online, I visited it and got an endlessly looping refresh and low and behold it was gone. 

I do remember visiting site back in 2009, using it to apply updates to SBS 4.5 setup I had, well it turns out I have some left over files with original MS timestamps. The wuhistv log file time stamp is the original date I ran Windows Update. I think I copied these as it applied the updates since it would delete them once it finished the process if I'm remembering correctly.


I used the R1201 folder and changed it to R1150, the files I have give different results. My VM is running NT4 SP6a, Q249863, Q252463 with IE5.5 and Office XP with no SPs.


I've attached the files shown, also can anyone please tell me what the file is limit on msfn as have estimated 26MB updates with original modified dates.












Edited by BarelyOnline
First time posting, removed excess screenshots
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11 hours ago, BarelyOnline said:

Hi Everyone,

I've been following the post for a while, I have to say it's amazing to see the old versions of Windows Update back after Microsoft removed it all those years ago. 

My personal favourite was WU v3.1, I vaguely remember the last day it was online, I visited it and got an endlessly looping refresh and low and behold it was gone. 

I do remember visiting site back in 2009, using it to apply updates to SBS 4.5 setup I had, well it turns out I have some left over files with original MS timestamps. The wuhistv log file time stamp is the original date I ran Windows Update. I think I copied these as it applied the updates since it would delete them once it finished the process if I'm remembering correctly.


I used the R1201 folder and changed it to R1150, the files I have give different results. My VM is running NT4 SP6a, Q249863, Q252463 with IE5.5 and Office XP with no SPs.


I've attached the files shown, also can anyone please tell me what the file is limit on msfn as have estimated 26MB updates with original modified dates.





Files.7z 78.77 kB · 3 downloads







just wanted to ask.

did you install ie 5.5 from a standalone installer by any chance?

because if you installed ie 5.5 through windows update then i think you should have 1 more inventory system in there for ie 5.0 which we could've grabbed.

thanks for sharing the files, they seem to be up to january 2005 which wayback machine has not archived (the bm and inv files).

if windows nt 4.0 server and workstation are unified in the inventory files then i think we got the latest inventory system for both of them.

theres still windows nt 4.0 embedded but im not sure if windows update v3.1 or v3.2 supported it or if anybody even used it (Note: it ended support at a much later date than the above according to some source).


the exe file is the update file that windows update would request and the ".ci$" file is the cif file corresponding to it which is also important (cif files are used to do installation of the updates).

please send those files too, it seems like we dont really have those files.

Edited by ward201185
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Yes, I meant I have the downloaded files. I double checked my archive it actually 15MB not 26MB, 11 MB files are duplicates.

I used a standalone installer for IE6 back in 2009. It was that version I used to visit the site from my recollection it worked with both Wks/Srv and what it displayed depended on what was installed.  I doubt Embedded was supported.

I think the Jan 2005 file works with IE5.x, in IE5.01SP2 it gives me these results in pick of the month with a odd random number update.



Here's the archive. https://workupload.com/file/tJXSdpcE4vs 

It contains the following.

WindowsUpdate folder with the following sub folders.
- backup    contains only root files of the WindowsUpdate folder
- Downloaded    manual downloads from Microsoft Download Center
- Downloaded2    manual downloads from Microsoft Download Center
- New Folder     original contents of WindowsUpdate folder with 26MB downloaded cab files.

And a crude readme file noting one update didn't appear in MS download centre.

I've also included two animated gif files demonstrating IE6 showing updates using the 'New Folder' contents copied to C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate.

While checking out these old files I was able to get the latest updates displayed in IE6 in Wks/Srv as you can see from the screenshots. 

Which helped me remember why I 'temporary' kept those files, back then the site wouldn't work correctly on my system. It would give the stop error but when click the back button it suddenly started working and realised the those inventory files were linked to it.

I used it to help me download files from Download Center saved it the those Downloaded folders, when I tried install to those same new updates through  site it just fail but when installed updates manually and revisit site the number updates displayed reduce until there was no more.

Once I had the update files I needed I meant to delete inventory files but I forgot to.




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Further more, if you want update site to display updates in the screenshot with IE6 you'll need to unregister Windows Update controls.


Clear internet cache and copy 'New folders' contents to WU folder and with trial and error it should display them.

Edited by BarelyOnline
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On 6/28/2023 at 9:40 PM, jcfb said:

Tried to run this on a portuguese (portugal) install of Windows 98 SE.

It gave this error due to those missing files.

If you ever decide to support this language there is this mega repository (it only has .exe files), (and this zip file for windows me) which I found on this thread that has some of the update files.

Thanks for the amazing work you've done.



Hello! Portuguese is supported, but the file wasn't there, since Windows Me is a bit buggy. We're working on fixing that.

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