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ProxHTTPSProxy and HTTPSProxy in Windows XP for future use


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3 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

I have installed the extension Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool:) A perfect tool! I can definitely recommend it. :yes:

I agree with you, this extension helped me flag some errors in some words in my writings!

Edited by mina7601
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55 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:
1 hour ago, VistaLover said:

Thanks for your efforts, BTW!

You're very welcome! :) I do my very best! :yes:

@VistaLover BTW, I thank you for the continous efforts in roytam1's browser thread in regards to your support, investigations, observations, and solutions! I read all your posts regularly! :)

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1 hour ago, AstroSkipper said:

@VistaLover BTW, I thank you for the continous efforts in roytam1's browser thread in regards to your support, investigations, observations, and solutions! I read all your posts regularly! :)

Yes, I agree with you! He even answered my starter question about me getting started with using roytam1's browsers.

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7 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

When my package ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 has been released, download it and, please, remove the old installation completely! Do all from scratch! Due to the changes, a simple replacing of files is neither good nor recommended. It could lead to error messages. Too much changes have been done!

Alright. BTW, this is the reason why I prefer clean installs over upgrades. :yes:

7 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

I think the release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 will be tomorrow. :yes:

As @Dave-H has said earlier in this topic, it takes as long as it takes, so if not tomorrow, it can be later, i can wait! :)

Edited by mina7601
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2 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

Therefore, such files exist!

With respect, the way I understood his query was that he wasn't disputing whether package files whitelisted by ALL VT engines exist, but how many of them in total...
It would appear the two of us interpreted somewhat differently @Dave-H's query, but only he can clarify that further :); all's well, BTW :cool:.

2 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

I have installed the extension Grammar and Spell Checker - LanguageTool.

It's the same web extension (but in .CRX format) I had advised installing in all three 360EE variants, which lack a native spell-checking feature :thumbup .

2 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

BTW, I thank you for the continuous efforts in roytam1's browser thread

55 minutes ago, mina7601 said:

He even answered my starter question

Thanks for your kind words you two :P, but I'm not worthy of more praise than any of the rest of the MSFN members/volunteers, who offer help to others out of their spare time (I'm actually typing this being on vacation) and without charging a (euro)cent for it!

I find I can't be omnipresent in all the various places of MSFN, so, Mozilla-based browsers being a field of expertise, I tend to offer help there (and now I should probably stop derailing this thread any further :whistle:... ) !

tschüß :)

Edited by VistaLover
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Foreword and acknowledgements to the release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3

First, I want to thank @cmalex for his efforts and work in regard to ProxyMII. Without his selfless act and his uploading of the proxy packages, my program package would not have been possible. We all know, he is Ukrainian, and they really have other things to worry about than programming stuff for our beloved, old OSes or helping here in the forum. Therefore, all the more remarkable! ssupercool2.gif And a second big thanks for updating this proxy to the more recent OpenSSL 3.0.5 and Cryptography 3.4.8. This has made ProxyMII significantly much more future-proof. :thumbup As I already said in another thread of mine, one cannot thank him enough! And this has to be said again and again! :yes:
At next, I want to thank again my beta tester team, @Dave-H, @mina7601, @NotHereToPlayGames, @XPerceniol, and @George Kingbonjour2.gif Thanks for your efforts and time commitment! smilie_schild_025.gif
You all and especially my core testers, @Dave-H, @mina7601, and @NotHereToPlayGames did a great job! goodjob.gif Thanks for that! In any case, an early release of my program package would have been a disaster for sure! panne1.gif

Many, many thanks! thanks.gif

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:cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader: Release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 :cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader:

I am pleased to release my brand-new version of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 to the public. The main feature of my program package is @cmalex's ProxyMII, a TLS 1.3 proxy. I replaced @heinoganda's TLS 1.2 proxy from my last release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu REV3e 3V1 by @cmalex's TLS 1.3 proxy. This sounds simple, but, unfortunately, it wasn't. A lot of problems had to be solved to implement this proxy completely, enhance functionality, and get control of it as convenient as the old one. ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu is a one-click menu in systray to access and control the brand new TLS 1.3 proxy ProxyMII, better known as ProxHTTPSProxy, credits to @cmalex and its original creator whenever. All information about ProxHTTPSProxy can be found in my article: https://msfn.org/board/topic/183352-proxhttpsproxy-and-httpsproxy-in-windows-xp-for-future-use/?do=findComment&comment=1213600 which will be updated in the next time. @cmalex's ProxyMII, dated from 2022-07-17, is now based on OpenSSL 3.0.5 and Cryptography 3.4.8. It provides all TLS protocols from TLS 1.0 up to TLS 1.3 and its corresponding ciphers. ssupercool2.gif

ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 is the third release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu 3.0, now in version, shortened 3V3. It is a synthesis of the excellent, brand new TLS 1.3 proxy ProxyMII, dated from 2022-07-17, credits to @cmalex at MSFN, several self-programmed executables and a very few commands, credits to @AstroSkipper at MSFN, the freeware PopMenu 3.0, credits to Jochanan Agam at freeware.persoft.ch, the open source utility Min2Tray v1.7.9, credits to Junyx at junyx.breadfan.de, and the program Certificate Updater 1.6, credits to @heinoganda at MSFN. If you wonder when the second version was released, the answer is very simple: never. This version was unofficial. ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu is not a classical launcher, it is rather a systray pop-up menu. It can be totally customized and continuously extended according to the user's needs due to its modular structure, therefore, much more flexible than a classical, compiled launcher. More features can be added easily without touching the existent code. Due to ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu's modular structure, the user can change, add, delete and reorder features. Even the icons in the menu can be changed easily by the user.
Here is a screenshot:


System requirements:

@cmalex's ProxyMII was created by Python 3.7.1 which requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable or Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (latest version 14.28.29213.0). Furthermore, Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is now required to run my program package. Check if both are installed in your system! A CPU with SSE2 instruction set is no longer required, SSE only is sufficient.

Features of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3:

Here is the complete list of features implemented in ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 and a short explanation of them:

  1. Start ProxHTTPSPoxy – Activates the proxy's settings in IE LAN Settings, starts the proxy, and deactivates and cleans its settings after closing, all automatically.
  2. Stop ProxHTTPSPoxy – Stops the proxy and closes its status window.
  3. Minimize ProxHTTPSProxy to systray – Minimizes ProxHTTPSProxy's status window to systray and shows its icon there.
  4. Restore ProxHTTPSProxy from systray – Restores ProxHTTPSProxy's minimized status window from systray.
  5. Hide ProxHTTPSPoxy – Hides ProxHTTPSProxy's status window completely.
  6. Show ProxHTTPSPoxy – Shows ProxHTTPSProxy's hidden status window again.
  7. Check if ProxHTTPSPoxy is running (in RAM) – Checks if ProxHTTPSPoxy is running in the background.
  8. cacert.pem Update – Performs an update of the file cacert.pem.
  9. Root Certificates Update – Performs an update of the system's Root Certificates.
  10. Open IE Proxy settings – Opens the tab LAN Settings in IE's Internet Options.
  11. Close IE Proxy settings – Closes the tab LAN Settings and IE's Internet Options completely.
  12. Check system proxy status – Checks whether the proxy is used system-wide or the system has direct access.
  13. Enable ProxHTTPSProxy system-wide – Permits the whole system to use this proxy. In this mode, services can route their traffic through the proxy, too.
  14. Disable ProxHTTPSProxy system-wide – The proxy can be used only locally if it is running, generally all have direct access to their servers or the internet.
  15. Edit config.ini – Opens the file config.ini with the editor Notepad to check or modify the proxy's configuration.
  16. Read documentation – Opens the documentation with the editor Notepad to get quickly information.

In the screenshot above, you can see a red arrow. This is the icon of ProxHTTPSPoxy, minimized to systray. It's a new feature, and the green marked items have been added to the pop-up menu since last release.

ProxHTTPSPoxy's PopMenu is provided together with ProxyMII from 2022-07-17, created by @cmalex and branded by me as ProxHTTPSProxy 1.5.220717. This new archive called ProxHTTPSProxy TLS 1.3 1.5.220717 PopMenu 3V3 has been additionally updated by me. These are the changes to the previous version of ProxHTTPSPoxy's PopMenu:

Changelog of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3:

  • @heinoganda's ProxHTTPSProxy REV3e replaced by @cmalex's ProxHTTPSProxy 1.5.220717 with a brand new TLS 1.3 support.
  • New starter program StartProxy.exe created to activate the proxy settings, start the proxy, and deactivate its settings after closing, all automatically.
  • cacert.pem updated to the most recent one.
  • Alternative cacert.pem from Mozilla, updated to the most recent version dated 2022-07-19.
  • The open source utility Min2Tray has been fully implemented by the new configuration tools Configure PopMenu.exe and Setup Min2Tray.exe, all automatically.
  • After the setup procedure, the programs PopMenu and Min2Tray are started automatically.
  • All self-created files are not UPX-compressed. Therefore, the version is a noUPX only.
  • Two new items added to the pop-up menu: Minimize ProxHTTPSProxy to systray and Restore ProxHTTPSProxy from systray.
  • All unnecessarily embedded files have been removed from my self-created executables.
  • Changes in calling up other programs.
  • In all my affected programs, protection against code injection has been improved. This leads to preventing of future "space bugs", too!
  • Different issues, which could have been noticed only in very rare cases, have been fixed.
  • All unnecessary code has been removed.
  • New bugs I additionally found  have been fixed.
  • Autostart entries of PopMenu and the new Min2Tray, automatically added to the registry by my configuration program, have been fixed in regard to the "space bug".
  • All message windows of my programs have been resized and adjusted for a better visibility.
  • All my self-created program files have been recompiled by using a different compiler.
  • @cmalex's original ProxyMII wasn't modified by me, except a replacement of ProxHTTPSProxy.EXE's program icon, back to the old one and an update of the file config.ini to get access to the Microsoft Updates (MU) website with this proxy.

Installation and start of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3:

  • Check if Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable or Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable (latest version 14.28.29213.0) is installed in your system.
  • Check if Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 is installed in your system.
  • Unpack the archive and copy either the complete folder ProxHTTPSProxy_TLS_1_3_1_5_220717_PopMenu_3V3 or its complete content to your desired location.
  • Install the file CA.crt, located in the main program folder, to Trusted Root Certification Authority under the account local computer, or use the program ProxHTTPSProxy Cert Installer, provided in the archive.
  • Go to the subfolder PopMenu and execute the program Configure PopMenu.exe.
  • PopMenu and Min2Tray will be started automatically.

A more detailed documentation, titled Documentation of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu 3V3, can be found in the subfolder Docs of my program package and should be read before using ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu in any case. All features and more are described there.

The programs PopMenu and Min2Tray have a very low usage of RAM. It's only about 2 MB and 4 MB respectively.

And here is my release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3: :cheerleader::cheerleader::cheerleader:

Download of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu 3V3: 

Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1fd0ezzpuy7qctu/ProxHTTPSProxy_TLS_1_3_1_5_220717_PopMenu_3V3.7z/file link.gif

All files in my archive are definitely virus-free and clean, although some AV scanners produce false positives. I recommend adding the complete folder to the exclusion list of your security program(s), only if you trust me, of course. Apart from that, you can also check positive reported files on VirusTotal, though.

If you find a bug, need help, or have questions relating to this package, post it in the commenting zone of this thread here!

And finally, we, @cmalex and me, would be very pleased about posting your experiences and opinions relating to ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3. Any reactions by commenting, liking, and up-voting are welcome! All this can be done in my threads https://msfn.org/board/topic/183352-proxhttpsproxy-and-httpsproxy-in-windows-xp-for-future-use/ and https://msfn.org/board/topic/183684-looking-for-a-person-with-python-programming-skills-to-implement-tls-13-functionality-in-proxhttpsproxy-rev3e/. As you know, an author of software lives from the feedback of the users!

Kind regards, AstroSkipper  matrix.gif

Edited by AstroSkipper
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2 hours ago, mina7601 said:

Could be a forum bug. I don't think it has to do with the computer.

Maybe, but I had problems with my computer, indeed! My Avast Prenier was totally broken, and I had to repair the installation. And in Mypal 68, MSFN had a lot of problems while editing my very long post. The built-in editor went totally crazy. :realmad:

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1 minute ago, AstroSkipper said:

Maybe, but I had problems with my computer, indeed! My Avast Prenier was totally broken, and I had to repair the installation. And in Mypal 68, MSFN had a lot of problems while editing my very long post. The built-in editor went totally crazy. :realmad:

Sorry to hear that.

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