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ProxHTTPSProxy and HTTPSProxy in Windows XP for future use


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1 minute ago, Dave-H said:

Now I am puzzled.
I thought it was actually OK with the original version of StartProxy.exe, and I've now confirmed it.
I've put the original version ( back, and it still starts fine on boot, with no delay applied.
It was only ProxHTTPSProxy.exe that showed the problem and had to be delayed.

Don't be puzzled! My starter program calls up ProxHTTPSProxy.exe and this file has a problem, too. My program had to be modified to get ProxHTTPSProxy.exe working. Can you follow? vertsennuie.gif

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What my starter program StartProxy.exe does has a direct impact on ProxHTTPSProxy.exe:yes: Complicated? :dubbio:And ProxHTTPSProxy.exe can't be modified in regards to its code. It is a compiled executable. And ProxHTTPSProxy.bat has the same problem as ProxHTTPSProxy.exe.

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So what exactly wasn't working with the original StartProxy.exe file?
Everything seems fine when I use it on boot, as it did with ProxHTTPSProxy.bat when I ran that on boot.
Is it just things in PopMenu which won't work properly?
Sorry to appear pedantic, I'm just trying to get my head around it!

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9 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

Everything seems fine when I use it on boot, as it did with ProxHTTPSProxy.bat when I ran that on boot.

You didn't say ProxHTTPSProxy.bat but ProxHTTPSProxy.exe. And both programs start the proxy but without automatic activation and deactivation of its setting. That's not the way. No solution! And my original starter program does not work on boot without a delay. :no: 
But now, the version of StartProxy.exe does its job properly. :yes:

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I did try with ProxHTTPSProxy.bat when ProxHTTPSProxy.exe wouldn't run on boot without being delayed.
It worked fine.
So it's just the automatic activation and deactivation that wasn't working?
That's why I didn't see anything wrong, as I don't pay any attention to that, I just have the proxy running all the time.
Anyway, I will put your new version of StartProxy.exe back, as it's obviously better in any case.
Sorry for 'muddying the waters'!

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1 minute ago, Dave-H said:

I did try with ProxHTTPSProxy.bat when ProxHTTPSProxy.exe wouldn't run on boot without being delayed.
It worked fine.

Maybe, but it doesn't matter! Without automatic activation and deactivation of IE LAN Settings, it's no solution at all. That's the problem. :)

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Yes, I see that now!
Not an issue for me, but it would have been for anyone who was only starting the proxy when they needed it and then stopping it again.
Sorry again that it took so long for me to get there.

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1 minute ago, Dave-H said:

Yes, I see that now!
Not an issue for me, but it would have been for anyone who was only starting the proxy when they needed it and then stopping it again.
Sorry again that it took so long for me to get there.

No problem! I try my very best to explain such things. The idea of my package was to control the proxy, don't forget it! :yes:

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And the last word about starting the proxy. The best way to start it is to execute StartProxy.exe. This programm is what ProxHTTPSProxy_PSwitch.exe was in @heinoganda's release. :yes: And he did it in a complete different way, much more complicated, though. A combination of batch programming and Python.

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11 hours ago, mina7601 said:

@AstroSkipper I have a question regarding next version: When it will come? I'm not rushing you or anything, just wondering when it will come? I can wait for a long time if you want me to. :)

Hello @mina7601! Thank you for the request! Of course, I don't want you to wait very long. To be honest, I haven't thought about the time frame yet. When the beta test is over, the final version of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 will come first. And then I will find out how much interest there really is in my program package. Frankly, it was a lot of time I spent to do all that, and I hope the users will like it. There still exists a problem with the feedback, unfortunately. Looking back to my last release there was nearly none. I don't really know how the members and users here act or think. :dubbio: Sometimes, very strange! :crazy: But I'll keep you informed, of course! And I will offer another, different release of @cmalex's ProxyMII when ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu TLS 1.3 3V3 is out. :yes: And currently, I am working on a future release of ProxHTTPSProxy's PopMenu whenever I have a bit of time. temps1.gif

Cheers, AstroSkipper ordi1fun.gif

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Anyway, the main feature of the new releases is to have from now on a system-wide support of all TLS protocols, and here one must especially mention, TLS 1.3 :w00t:, which we would probably never have had if it hadn't been for @cmalex. And for that I will always be grateful to him!

bravo.gif heureux11.gif smilie-schild-025.gifaccord8.gif

I would be especially happy if he also received more recognition for his great programming work than he has so far, in the form of posts, liking and up-voting. @cmalex is the mystery man in the background! sninja.gif And, don't be annoyed why he doesn't respond! It doesn't matter, and it's none of our business! :no: Just to appreciate and honour his work, without any reservations, that's what I mean. :yes:

And, from now on TLS 1.3 support in the old, abandoned Internet Explorer 8! Unbelievable! nonono.gif ssupercool2.gif

Cheers, AstroSkipper matrix.gif

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