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360 Extreme Explorer Modified Version

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I had been working on Sogou Browser Version (Chromium 72 based) and so far things look like this:


And the legend go as this:

+ Gen > Settings - Tab (se://settings/?category=general)
+ Tab > Settings - Tab (se://settings/?category=tab)
|---+ TA > New Tab
|	|
|	|---+ T1 > Open when creating a new tab:
|	|	|---- 1 > Homepage
|	|	|---- 2 > "My favourite"
|	|	|---- 3 > Blank page
|	|	|---- 4 > A custom URL (input)
|	|
|	|---+ T2 > When clicking a link:
|	|	|---- 1 > Open in a tab and go to that tab
|	|	|---- 2 > Open in a tab in the background
|	|
|	|---+ T3 > When opening external links:
|	|	|---- 1 > Open in a tab and go to that tab
|	|	|---- 2 > Open in a tab in the background
|	|	|---- 3 > Open in a new window
|	|
|	|---- T4 > Open bookmark bar URL on a newtab
|	|---- T5 > Open URL typed on the URL bar on a newtab
|	|---+ T6 > Drag selected text to search on: 
|	|	|---- 1 > Background newtab
|	|	|---- 2 > Active newtab
|	|
|	|---+ T7 > Open location: (?)
|		|---- 1 > To the right of the current tab
|		|---- 2 > To the right of all tabs
|---+ TB > Close Tab
|	|
|	|---+ T8 > After closing the active tab, switch to:
|	|	|---- 1 > Left tab
|	|	|---- 2 > Right tab
|	|
|	|---- T9 > Use right-click to close tab (use Shift+Right-click to open contextual menu)
|	|---- T10 > Close tab by double left clicking on it
|---+ TC > Tab preview
|	|
|	|---- T11 > Show a tab preview when pressing Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+ Shift+Tab
|---+ TD > Tab appearance
|	|
|	|--- T12 > Show close button on inactive tabs
|	|--- T13 > Show favicon on the tab
|---+ TE > Other
|	|
|	|--- T14 > Wait a certain amouth of milliseconds (input) to switch to a tab when the mouse is over the hover area of that tab.
+ Sec > Settings - Security (se://settings/?category=security)
+ Key > Settings - Shortcuts (se://settings/?category=shortcut)

It is a very slow process.

Edited by Humming Owl
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5 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

I had been working on Sogou Browser Version (Chromium 72 based) and so far things look like this:


And the legend go as this:

+ Gen > Settings - Tab (se://settings/?category=general)
+ Tab > Settings - Tab (se://settings/?category=tab)
|---+ TA > New Tab
|	|
|	|---+ T1 > Open when creating a new tab:
|	|	|---- 1 > Homepage
|	|	|---- 2 > "My favourite"
|	|	|---- 3 > Blank page
|	|	|---- 4 > A custom URL (input)
|	|
|	|---+ T2 > When clicking a link:
|	|	|---- 1 > Open in a tab and go to that tab
|	|	|---- 2 > Open in a tab in the background
|	|
|	|---+ T3 > When opening external links:
|	|	|---- 1 > Open in a tab and go to that tab
|	|	|---- 2 > Open in a tab in the background
|	|	|---- 3 > Open in a new window
|	|
|	|---- T4 > Open bookmark bar URL on a newtab
|	|---- T5 > Open URL typed on the URL bar on a newtab
|	|---+ T6 > Drag selected text to search on: 
|	|	|---- 1 > Background newtab
|	|	|---- 2 > Active newtab
|	|
|	|---+ T7 > Open location: (?)
|		|---- 1 > To the right of the current tab
|		|---- 2 > To the right of all tabs
|---+ TB > Close Tab
|	|
|	|---+ T8 > After closing the active tab, switch to:
|	|	|---- 1 > Left tab
|	|	|---- 2 > Right tab
|	|
|	|---- T9 > Use right-click to close tab (use Shift+Right-click to open contextual menu)
|	|---- T10 > Close tab by double left clicking on it
|---+ TC > Tab preview
|	|
|	|---- T11 > Show a tab preview when pressing Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+ Shift+Tab
|---+ TD > Tab appearance
|	|
|	|--- T12 > Show close button on inactive tabs
|	|--- T13 > Show favicon on the tab
|---+ TE > Other
|	|
|	|--- T14 > Wait a certain amouth of milliseconds (input) to switch to a tab when the mouse is over the hover area of that tab.
+ Sec > Settings - Security (se://settings/?category=security)
+ Key > Settings - Shortcuts (se://settings/?category=shortcut)

It is a very slow process.

Why do you used so old version?

And I think may be noboddy could know the text mean...

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3 hours ago, hidao said:

And I think may be noboddy could know the text mean...

Humming Owl and I both tried to warn you in advance that any translations would have to be abbreviated.

It is personally why I did not undertake the project myself but applaud Humming Owl's endeavor.

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1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Humming Owl and I both tried to warn you in advance that any translations would have to be abbreviated.

It is personally why I did not undertake the project myself but applaud Humming Owl's endeavor.

This is too unfriend of non-Chinese users, I suggest to stop this project

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1 hour ago, msquidpl said:

How to fix broken fonts and bad rendering in MiniBrowser? They work perfectly in the new Mypal 68.

Not true.  This is not a "Mozilla Only" forum and not all of us can use Mozilla-based browsers.  Glad it works perfectly for you though  :whistle:


Edit - Can't re-find the web site that was not rendering fonts correctly.  But not important until Mypal 68 goes "stable".

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames
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15 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Do you get those sqlite errors if you disable the Network -> Speed Optimizations setting?  I've never been able to prove that setting really "doing" anything and have never seen any documentation on it.

I sadly still get crashes

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1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Not true.  This is not a "Mozilla Only" forum and not all of us can use Mozilla-based browsers.  Glad it works perfectly for you though  :whistle:

But how to fix it? Because as you can see in relation to FF MiniBrowser renders fonts badly.

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6 minutes ago, msquidpl said:

But how to fix it? Because as you can see in relation to FF MiniBrowser renders fonts badly.

Try to choose the other font, like Source Han Sans ?

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