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Posted (edited)


But the whole "faceless" persona caused more harm than good!

We had (still have!) very polarizing "discussions" because people "hide behind their keyboards".

Extreme devastation for millions of teenagers, especially girls.

I have daughters!  I have neices!  The world went to H#LL when "parents" started giving TWELVE YEAR OLDS a phone and did so in the guise of "security".

Edited by NotHereToPlayGames

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

So while 80% of retailers no longer mandated masks be worn, these "blue-owned" retailers still mandated masks.

So the JOKE was this - "Oh, your company's president voted for Biden so your company is toeing the Biden Line".

We could tell which companies were "locally owned" and which were owned by the larger state to our north ALL ON ACCOUNT OF which retailers were forcing masks in their stores when the rest of the town no longer does.

NONE of them force masks anymore!  And I sure as "F" hope those d@mn mandates are gone FOREVER!

Sad comedy, stupid theater!

But still the "secondary effects": lots of people injured for life, lots of dead people!

The weeping and gnashing of teeth...Let the perpetrators go to h@ll! To h@ll with them!

Edited by msfntor
Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

Easy, Grasshopper!  Judge not lest ye be judged.

“Judge not lest ye be judged” begins a chapter that warns against evil influences. God doesn’t want us to hurt other people; neither does He want us to be victims of harm (Proverbs 4:14-15).

Proverbs 4:14-15, New King James Version:

14. ( A) Do not enter the path of the wicked, And do not walk in the way of evil. 15 Avoid it, do not travel on it; Turn away from it and pass on.

Happy Monday!


Edited by msfntor

Let's refrain from turning this into a religious debate.

You want the perpetrators to go to h#ll, you said so yourself.

I prefer a more "hopeful" approach on life, NEVER judge anyone, NEVER condemn another to h#ll, because I have no clue what is in their heart "today" or, often more importantly, what is in their heart "tomorrow".

"Hope" to me is still of a spiritual nature.  We have a "president" that tried to make it forever "political" instead, but to me "hope" is still of a spiritual nature.


Hope springs eternal.   ~Alexander Pope - An Essay on Man.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

...but to me "hope" is still of a spiritual nature...

Deep down within our soul (consciousness / awareness) there is hope if we look deep within ourselves beyond the shell/body; the spirit. No politician has ever done anything to help me. Praying to God puts our concentrated energy to seek strength. The darkens is very powerful and BEAUTIFUL. YES ... illusive and louring. Remember, according to the bible ... the devil was the most beautiful angel. People think the devil is scary; wrong. Its the jealous thoughts, the envy, pride, VANITY. People have it wrong, very wrong. I (personally) believe the devil is anything that keeps you away from the light - only in the light is there hope. Find the light and wrap yourself around it spread and pass it on. What a beautiful world it would be if people were (truly) kind and compassionate.

Only love in your heart. No hate.

That being said: I'm starting to wonder if the world is too far gone to the point of no return. Everything NOW is political. I don't support extremism on either side but that is where we are; so sad to say :(

Edited by XPerceniol

Ok., sorry for my rant, but I am really saddened, depressed to see the state of the world we are forced to live in...

Allow me to quote some fair words about depression caused by the situation of the world where we live, written in the year 2016:


"Topic: Is depression a natural reaction to an insane world?"

"31 March 2016

This is a thought I have been pondering for a while.

The default to view depression as "something wrong", or a "brain chemical imbalance" or as "a disease" or something that "needs to be fixed" or requires "medication" or "therapy" appears to be the most common response of practically everyone. 

From doctors, to psychiatrists, to therapists, to the general population, to the depressed individuals themselves... the universal belief appears to be that "the person needs to get help".

But what if... the living in depressed state is correct? What if it isn't an "imbalance" or isn't something "wrong"? What if being depressed is the only natural state to be in for an intelligent, empathetic, compassionate, informed, thinking individual to exist in the current state of our world?

What if to NOT be depressed about is the true indication of mental sickness?

I'm not saying that being depressed is fun in any way... most people on this forum would be well aware that it sucks. But that is not what I'm saying. 

What I mean is... could existing in a state of depression be completely natural for someone living in a place where so many things are obviously terrible... both on a personal level and in the world as a whole?

My reasons for this perspective are numerous. Far too many to write in only 2500 words. But basically...

The real world is an extremely depressing place for any person that cares at all about anything outside of themselves.

Eg. If you care about animals... the reality is many beautiful species are already lost forever, many others are so close to the verge of extinction that even if everyone worldwide decided to do everything they could to save them... they would still be lost. At home there are people that still buy people animals as christmas gifts, refuse to desex their pets, the massive amount of pets put down in pounds annually. There is backyard animal cruelty, the dog racing industry using live bait, shooting race horses with legs, women's hormonal treatments for menapause, the meat industry, birds choking on our plastic half a world away, overfishing. The list goes on and on.

It is reality and it is depressing. Care about animals and feeling "depressed" about it IS correct. And that is one tiny subject in a plethora of subjects.

3 billion people in starving poverty, the water wars, religious fanatics, corrupt governments, womens rights violations, slavery, wars, child rape, etc etc

It's the people that are not depressed that worry me."

Here: https://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/online-forums/long-term-support-over-the-journey/is-depression-a-natural-reaction-to-an-insane-world

Posted (edited)
26 minutes ago, msfntor said:

...but I am really saddened, depressed to see the state of the world we are forced to live in...


No need to be sorry, you're not alone trust me. It is sad and VERY VERY hard to fight depression in an unstable world. Things are not good now, lets be honest. We have to pull into our little bubble and surround ourselves with things that bring us joy (even small things count) We have to not let it (the evil) poison our own soul. It can poison if you let it and we become dark and sickness from mental illness manifest into physical symptoms and we become sour and empty and full of bitterness and hate. We have to catch it.

Me ... I struggle very hard with (both) physical and mental illness and some days seem hopeless. I had to do anything and everything to pull myself out. There was a time when my ONLY coping mechanisms were drugs and alcohol and it took 3 times in rehab and I finally decided it was enough and I have to face this world sober. I'm NOW 100% sober other than the medications I take.

Again, you don't have to be sorry, I can see you are kind and passionate. Be kind and never give up and they can't win and can't get you.


Edited by XPerceniol
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, XPerceniol said:

No need to be sorry, you're not alone trust me. It is sad and VERY VERY hard to fight depression in an unstable world. Things are not good now, lets be honest. We have to pull into our little bubble and surround ourselves with things that bring us joy (even small things count) We have to not let it (the evil) poison our own soul. It can poison if you let it and we become dark and sickness from mental illness manifest into physical symptoms and we become sour and empty and full of bitterness and hate. We have to catch it.

Me ... I struggle very hard with (both) physical and mental illness and some days seem hopeless. I had to do anything and everything to pull myself out. There was a time when my ONLY coping mechanisms were drugs and alcohol and it took 3 times in rehab and I finally decided it was enough and I have to face this world sober. I'm NOW 100% sober other than the medications I take.

Again, you don't have to be sorry, I can see you are kind and passionate. Be kind and never give up and they can't win and can't get you.



Thank You for your encouraging words! But I misspoke, sorry for my English: I am not "depressed" in the medical sense, I don't have a "depression" disease - but what I meant to say was that it's the situation of the world that stresses me, worries me...surely I'm not the only one in this case... 

Thank you for your forum link on anxiety, it's great to be able to help people in their state of anxiety.

Glad you could get rid of those "stimulants", congratulations!

It makes me happy to know (on the internet!) someone like you!


Edited by msfntor
Posted (edited)

The Sound of NOT Silenced:


The "Pure Blooded" Song



'God We Need You Now' 🙏 Struggle Jennings & Caitlynne Curtis (Live Acoustic)



God We Need You Now

Struggle Jennings, Caitlynne Curtis

The worlds getting crazy baby chill don’t medicate
Just Meditate You just waking up now well babe you hella late
Educate look at what’s going on and let it resonate
Accelerate find your inner hunger like you never ate
agenda is to push the hate separate and segregate
Don’t Celebrate quite yet the storm is coming soon for heaven’s sake
Violence that they demonstrate instigate and penetrate the values of our country and our God is what they desecrate
my fighters ain’t no featherweight
pulling out the seams of the fabric that they fabricate
They feed us lies manipulate
Intimidate thru fear and force forcing us to sit and wait
til we come together congregate and then we liberate
Praying that you give me strength to find some love amongst the hate
Marching on theses streets of blood til I see the golden gates
Troubadour of troubled souls one of gods servants
Blades out cut the grass til we see the serpents
One day I hope you see the truth
This puppet show stays on because of you fools We’ve been dancing with the devil way too long I know it’s fun but get ready to pay your dues
Oh God come back home
This crazy world is filled with liars and abusers We need you now before we’re too far gone
I hope one day they finally see the truth
God we need you now
I know The truth is hard to swallow baby just digest it Suspected somethings going on you chose to just neglect it Deflected by some breaking news oh we just accept it Expected to just fall in line and follow their perspective Don’t question their objective but I gotta lot of questions How these kids molested but nobody’s been arrested
Read it in the testament these children are protected
So I’m fighting all these terrorist both foreign and domestic Refuse to be directed a Lion not a sheep
Only kneel to my god so I’m dying on my feet
Silenced when we speak but they’re violent in the streets I’ve been rolling with the punches I can’t take it on the cheek Drink from a glass half full I’m optimistic
People are sadistic so vicious and malicious
Praying for assistance to overcome opposition
Or I’m gonna start resisting and then I’ll pray for your forgiveness
Oh one day I hope you see the truth
This puppet show stays on because of you fools We’ve been dancing with the devil way too long I know it’s fun but get ready to pay your dues
Oh God come back home
This crazy world is filled with liars and abusers We need you now before we’re too far gone
I hope one day they finally see the truth
God we need you now We need you now
We need you now
We need you now
We need you now
One day One day One day
Oh one day I hope you see the truth
This puppet show stays on because of you fools We’ve been dancing with the devil way too long I know it’s fun but get ready to pay your dues
Oh God come back home
This crazy world is filled with liars and abusers We need you now before we’re too far gone
I hope one day they finally see the truth
God we need you now

Source: LyricFind: https://www.lyricfind.com/

Edited by msfntor
12 hours ago, Mr.Scienceman2000 said:

If you mean computers overall we likely would be near Amish as computer covers quite lot of things. There has been computers since early 1900, but they were not like today. Also every time you would call someone there would be phone center person (sentraalisantra here) instead of automatic call machine to connect you that person.

But if you mean computers like one I am typing with one thing I would see is it would limit ability to do you own research on things as computers and internet allows much less resisted access to data than before. Also gotta admit computers does some things like calculations easier and save lot of time for my life. Sure I can calculate without but why bother every time when spreadsheets make them easier.

Also I would not have so much media preserved as I have now

Yup, about everything. Most curious how our timelines would go, what'd be different in our personal lives etc.

And the internet, wow, out of the blue as history goes you get exposure to foreign culture, art, news, places to talk about things you can't talk about in real life etc.

Speaking of Amish, Amish Paradise by "Weird Al" Yankovic:



10 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

But the whole "faceless" persona caused more harm than good!

We had (still have!) very polarizing "discussions" because people "hide behind their keyboards".

Extreme devastation for millions of teenagers, especially girls.

Lot of toxic places on the internet. Anonymity brings out the worst in some individuals. Human nature is an ugly thing.

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, UCyborg said:

...Lot of toxic places on the internet. Anonymity brings out the worst in some individuals. Human nature is an ugly thing.

Yeah, had to quit a lot of places because of the toxicity and I've limited myself to only 2 places now and I'm not sure where else to go to interact with people online. Shame because human nature shouldn't be this way which is sort of why I keep to myself these days. When I go for my walks I try to appreciate nature and the beauty that never disappoints.

Edited by XPerceniol

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