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[WIP] Windows Vista Extended Kernel


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1 hour ago, Sergiaws said:

You need to modify the .exe file...

You may have learned that from a video posted in 2020. I was quoting something the developer wrote in February 2021 that winvispixp is also aware of. Good luck!

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Yea, there is a video uploaded by Winclient 5270 where he uses CFF explorer, but I really can't use that program, my screen reader can't read it. So I'm searching how can I avoid modifying the exe file, or searching another tools that will allow me to do the same thing, but with software accessible with screen reader. Another software called Puppy PPE explorer shows me the three and the headers, I even could see major and minor operating systems but can't edit it. Tried also another program, but it don't show any three, just hexadecimal data. Of course there is another program (Resource Hacker) that allow you to edit exe and dll files (I used it to edit the Imageres.dll in order to change the startup sound) but it don't show you the headers. So, are there an addon for Notepad++, VSCode, Resource Hacker or eclipse? I also tried to spoof Windows Vista as Windows 7/8/10 using a BWC tool called NNN4NT5, but still Firefox gives the error that it's not a valid Win32 application.

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On 7/12/2021 at 11:22 PM, Sergiaws said:


4 = for 

NT5 = the version of the kernel (win 2000 is NT5.0 and win XP is NT5.1; win vista is NT6.0; 7 is NT6.1; 8 is NT6.2; 8.1 is NT6.3 and windows 10 is NT10)

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On 7/2/2021 at 12:06 AM, Jaguarek62 said:

It could be using dx 11.1 which is not supported under windows vista

I doubt that MSI Afterburner can detect minor versions of DirectX API, but the overlay tells that the game runs at D3D11.

So I have no clue why it refuses to start in Vista. Maybe it uses DirectX 11.1, like you said.

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Hey, I love the process of what you guys are doing here! I am a vista fan thru and thru! I love keeping older (Windows Vista doesn't feel old to me. It actually feels quite modern to me) software alive for as long as possible!

I just have a quick question... Is there a way on loading a newer version of Microsoft Office than officially supported?

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6 hours ago, nicksilverstein said:

Hey, I love the process of what you guys are doing here! I am a vista fan thru and thru! I love keeping older (Windows Vista doesn't feel old to me. It actually feels quite modern to me) software alive for as long as possible!

I just have a quick question... Is there a way on loading a newer version of Microsoft Office than officially supported?

I have yet to find a way, as 2019's x64 installer crashes early on (for now). And implementation of 32 bit functions for the x86 installers is forthcoming.

13 hours ago, Vistafand said:

still no changelog

There were no formal bundled updates until November, as things were just added in at will. So it will be impossible to do so for that period. Too busy for November to May. But now that the structure of the project is evolving, there should be one for the next release, likely in August or September.

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On 7/18/2021 at 2:04 AM, win32 said:

I have yet to find a way, as 2019's x64 installer crashes early on (for now). And implementation of 32 bit functions for the x86 installers is forthcoming.

There were no formal bundled updates until November, as things were just added in at will. So it will be impossible to do so for that period. Too busy for November to May. But now that the structure of the project is evolving, there should be one for the next release, likely in August or September.

Will Windows 7 driver support be coming in the next release? Ironically, I bought a used Dell Latitude E6530 (to replace a broken Windows Vista laptop from 2013) with the purpose of running this and Vista, only to find out, it is an insanely powerful beast (like powerful enough to emulate both Wii and Gamecube games with little to no lag/glitches under Dolphin) and that Windows 8.1 with SSD is better suited (Windows Vista does not do SSD's well I hear). I did run Dolphin under Vista, but I ran into a freezing problem with it when trying to do three player MKDD, so between my dad and my brother, was told to upgrade at least one Windows up. I then discovered the freezing was the result of corrupted MKDD save data due to the cheats I used. Anywho, hopefully this comes soon, although if you want to dual-boot Vista with 11, you are SOL until Vista gets modern Secure/UEFI boot.

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On 7/15/2021 at 1:04 PM, SigmaTel71 said:

So I have no clue why it refuses to start in Vista. Maybe it uses DirectX 11.1, like you said.

I have tried to run the game through wrappers like DXVK and WineD3D, but no luck with that — the graphics card is not a graphics card. Even the GT 730. So, yeah, the game uses DX11.1. Maybe one day we'll see that backported to Vista like some strange people did to XP?


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On 7/20/2021 at 9:39 AM, Jakob99 said:

Will Windows 7 driver support be coming in the next release? Ironically, I bought a used Dell Latitude E6530 (to replace a broken Windows Vista laptop from 2013) with the purpose of running this and Vista, only to find out, it is an insanely powerful beast (like powerful enough to emulate both Wii and Gamecube games with little to no lag/glitches under Dolphin) and that Windows 8.1 with SSD is better suited (Windows Vista does not do SSD's well I hear). I did run Dolphin under Vista, but I ran into a freezing problem with it when trying to do three player MKDD, so between my dad and my brother, was told to upgrade at least one Windows up. I then discovered the freezing was the result of corrupted MKDD save data due to the cheats I used. Anywho, hopefully this comes soon, although if you want to dual-boot Vista with 11, you are SOL until Vista gets modern Secure/UEFI boot.

Well, I caved, popped back in the 1TB HDD, and installed a dual-boot Windows Vista and Windows 8.1. Currently playing Super Paper Mario with Dolphin on Vista. Works really great! I'm using the 2014 build of Dolphin, so Extended Kernel is probably not needed for this version. For later versions it is as I believe Microsoft VCRedist 2019 does not work without the kernel and new Dolphin requires that to run (The beta builds that is).

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On 7/20/2021 at 7:39 AM, Jakob99 said:

(Windows Vista does not do SSD's well I hear)

I'm a little rusty and out of date on this, but I'll try to help:

The only reason Vista doesn't handle SSDs as well as a more modern OS might is because Vista doesn't natively support SSDs, and thus can't issue necessary TRIM commands or self configure to minimize needless reads and writes, so performance can degrade with time.

However, with some careful tweaking, Vista should be able to run just fine off an SSD.  Lack of TRIM can be a problem, but as far as I know, many modern name-brand SSDs have pretty good self-maintenance and garbage collection, and so shouldn't be affected too badly.

That being said, if you can boot into 8.1 periodically, you can let it TRIM the whole drive (either automatically or by using software that can allow one to trigger a TRIM manually).


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3 hours ago, Jakob99 said:

I'm using the 2014 build of Dolphin, so Extended Kernel is probably not needed for this version. For later versions it is...

Dolphin 5.0 is said to have been the last version to support vanilla Vista x64, but let us know what happens if you try a higher version.

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