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1 hour ago, flusspferd said:

Im sorry to say when testing the latest test binary of iceape-uxp on my XPsp3  this error message is returned:

Xul runner

Couldnot load XPCOM

try redownload it

Posted (edited)
On 2/18/2020 at 10:22 PM, roytam1 said:

please attach error console errors as well.

I used your latest build above, and the icons are working again, for Quick Context Search v1.5.4

I have a crazy amount of extensions, so I don't know how my error console could help, as it is chock full of errors that I never noticed, as I never looked at the error console.  Just in case it's useful to you, here it is:

1582495518906    addons.xpi    WARN    Error loading bootstrap.js for click-to-play-per-element@2k1dmg.org: SyntaxError: non-generator method definitions may not contain yield (resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/click-to-play-per-element@2k1dmg.org.xpi!/bootstrap.js:130:3) JS Stack trace: @XPIProvider.jsm:4344:1 < XPI_loadBootstrapScope@XPIProvider.jsm:4344:7 < XPI_callBootstrapMethod@XPIProvider.jsm:4423:9 < updateMetadata@XPIProvider.jsm:2941:11 < XPI_processFileChanges@XPIProvider.jsm:3413:25 < XPI_checkForChanges@XPIProvider.jsm:3603:34 < XPI_startup@XPIProvider.jsm:2088:25 < callProvider@AddonManager.jsm:195:12 < _startProvider@AddonManager.jsm:733:5 < startup@AddonManager.jsm:880:9 < startup@AddonManager.jsm:2456:5 < observe@addonManager.js:58:7

1582495518908    addons.xpi    WARN    Add-on click-to-play-per-element@2k1dmg.org is missing bootstrap method install

1582495519044    addons.xpi    WARN    Ignoring duplicate targetApplication entry for {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} in install manifest

Warning: attempting to write 4213 bytes to preference extensions.bootstrappedAddons. This is bad for general performance and memory usage. Such an amount of data should rather be written to an external file. This preference will not be sent to any content processes.

Warning: attempting to write 4404 bytes to preference extensions.bootstrappedAddons. This is bad for general performance and memory usage. Such an amount of data should rather be written to an external file. This preference will not be sent to any content processes.

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:19 PM
Error: DEPRECATION WARNING: This path to Console.jsm is deprecated.  Please use Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm") to load this module.
You may find more details about this deprecation at: https://bugzil.la/912121
resource://gre/modules/devtools/Console.jsm 19 null
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/quickcontextsearch@pf.xpi!/bootstrap.js 2 null
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 4344 null
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 4344 XPI_loadBootstrapScope
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 4423 XPI_callBootstrapMethod
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 2941 updateMetadata
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 3413 XPI_processFileChanges
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 3603 XPI_checkForChanges
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 2088 XPI_startup
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 195 callProvider
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 733 _startProvider
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 880 startup
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 2456 startup
resource://gre/components/addonManager.js 58 observe

Source File: resource://gre/modules/Deprecated.jsm
Line: 85

Warning: attempting to write 14556 bytes to preference extensions.xpiState. This is bad for general performance and memory usage. Such an amount of data should rather be written to an external file. This preference will not be sent to any content processes.

Warning: attempting to write 4404 bytes to preference extensions.bootstrappedAddons. This is bad for general performance and memory usage. Such an amount of data should rather be written to an external file. This preference will not be sent to any content processes.

Warning: attempting to write 4404 bytes to preference extensions.bootstrappedAddons. This is bad for general performance and memory usage. Such an amount of data should rather be written to an external file. This preference will not be sent to any content processes.

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:19 PM
Error: DEPRECATION WARNING: FUEL is deprecated, you should use the standard Toolkit API instead.
You may find more details about this deprecation at: https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/1083
resource://app/components/fuelApplication.js 1459 Application
resource://app/components/fuelApplication.js 726 createInstance
resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm 230 XPCU_serviceLambda
resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm 198 get
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/%7B1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js 222 startup
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 4462 XPI_callBootstrapMethod
resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm 2159 XPI_startup
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 195 callProvider
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 733 _startProvider
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 880 startup
resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.jsm 2456 startup
resource://gre/components/addonManager.js 58 observe

Source File: resource://gre/modules/Deprecated.jsm
Line: 85

1582495519348    addons.xpi    WARN    Add-on click-to-play-per-element@2k1dmg.org is missing bootstrap method startup

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:19 PM
Warning: Warning: ‘nsIOService::NewChannel()’ deprecated, please use ‘nsIOService::NewChannel2()’
Source File: resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/jid1-n85lxPv1NAWVTQ@jetpack.xpi!/bootstrap.js
Line: 51

No chrome package registered for chrome://global-region/locale/region.dtd

No chrome package registered for chrome://global-region/locale/region.dtd

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:21 PM
Error: PERFORMANCE WARNING: Search service falling back to synchronous initialization. This is generally the consequence of an add-on using a deprecated search service API.
You may find more details about this problem at: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/XPCOM_Interface_Reference/nsIBrowserSearchService#async_warning
resource://gre/components/nsSearchService.js 2480 SRCH_SVC__ensureInitialized
resource://gre/components/nsSearchService.js 3579 SRCH_SVC_getEngineByName
jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/ose@baton34dev.xpi!/components/nsSEOrganizer.js 256 removeNonExisting
jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/ose@baton34dev.xpi!/components/nsSEOrganizer.js 111 SEOrganizer___init
jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/ose@baton34dev.xpi!/components/nsSEOrganizer.js 78 SEOrganizer
resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm 387 createInstance

Source File: resource://gre/modules/Deprecated.jsm
Line: 120

Direct3D 9 DeviceManager Initialized Successfully.
Driver: ati2dvag.dll
Description: Radeon X1600

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:24 PM
Error: TypeError: Components.classes['@mozilla.org/extensions/manager;1'] is undefined
Source File: chrome://textlink/content/textlinkOverlay.js
Line: 9

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:24 PM
Error: TypeError: elem is null
Source File: resource://nounbuttons/scripts/nounbuttons.js
Line: 60

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:24 PM
Warning: Use of getUserData() or setUserData() is deprecated.  Use WeakMap or element.dataset instead.
Source File: chrome://nosquint/content/browser.js
Line: 413

usingOldMemoryReporter err=TypeError: Cc['@mozlla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1'] is undefined

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:24 PM
Warning: Use of Mutation Events is deprecated. Use MutationObserver instead.
Source File: chrome://personaltitlebar/content/browserOverlay.js
Line: 135

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:24 PM
Error: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Cannot call openModalWindow on a hidden window
Source File: resource://gre/components/nsPrompter.js
Line: 351

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:24 PM
Error: NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Cannot call openModalWindow on a hidden window
Source File: resource://gre/components/nsPrompter.js
Line: 351

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:28 PM
Error: TypeError: aPopupMenu.triggerNode is null
Source File: chrome://browser/content/browser.js
Line: 13555

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:28 PM
Error: TypeError: document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(...) is null
Source File: resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/quickcontextsearch@pf.xpi!/bootstrap.js
Line: 120

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:29 PM
Error: gBrowser.addProgressListener was called with a second argument, which is not supported. See bug 608628.
Source File: chrome://browser/content/tabbrowser.xml
Line: 2487

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:30 PM
Error: A promise chain failed to handle a rejection. Did you forget to '.catch', or did you forget to 'return'?
See https://developer.mozilla.org/Mozilla/JavaScript_code_modules/Promise.jsm/Promise

Date: Sun Feb 23 2020 17:05:25 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Full Message: TypeError: window.gBrowser.ownerDocument.watch is not a function
Full Stack: onLoad@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/%7B1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/%7B1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30%7D.xpi!/packages/browserWindowOverlay.js:683:5
onLoadDelayed@resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/%7B1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/%7B1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30%7D.xpi!/packages/browserWindowOverlay.js:583:4
process@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:932:23
walkerLoop@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:813:7
scheduleWalkerLoop/<@resource://gre/modules/Promise.jsm -> resource://gre/modules/Promise-backend.js:747:11

Source File: resource://gre/modules/addons/XPIProvider.jsm -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/%7B1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30%7D.xpi!/bootstrap.js -> jar:file:///d:/software/_runable/palemoon/_profile/extensions/%7B1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30%7D.xpi!/packages/browserWindowOverlay.js
Line: 683
Source Code:

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:32 PM
Warning: Warning: ‘nsIOService::NewChannel()’ deprecated, please use ‘nsIOService::NewChannel2()’
Source File: chrome://nosquint/content/lib.js
Line: 89

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:33 PM
Warning: Loading mixed (insecure) display content “http://saveimg.ru/pictures/19-02-20/a8a1caf9b6bb3dddcb6e2b5370f9dff7.jpg” on a secure page
Source File: https://msfn.org/board/topic/180462-my-browser-builds-part-2/page/65/?tab=comments#comment-1177956
Line: 0

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:05:33 PM
Warning: Loading mixed (insecure) display content “http://lonecrusader.x10host.com/images/lonecrusadersig1.GIF” on a secure page
Source File: https://msfn.org/board/topic/180462-my-browser-builds-part-2/page/65/?tab=comments#comment-1177956
Line: 0

... tons more errors about msfn board...

usingOldMemoryReporter err=TypeError: Cc['@mozlla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1'] is undefined

usingOldMemoryReporter err=TypeError: Cc['@mozlla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1'] is undefined

Warning: attempting to write 8684 bytes to preference extensions.nosquint.sites. This is bad for general performance and memory usage. Such an amount of data should rather be written to an external file. This preference will not be sent to any content processes.

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:06:12 PM
Error: TypeError: document.getElementById(...) is null
Source File: chrome://hidefindbar/content/overlay.js
Line: 171

usingOldMemoryReporter err=TypeError: Cc['@mozlla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1'] is undefined

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:06:26 PM
Error: TypeError: can't access dead object
Source File: chrome://advanced-night-mode/content/process-script.js
Line: 33

usingOldMemoryReporter err=TypeError: Cc['@mozlla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1'] is undefined

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:07:03 PM
Warning: Key event not available on some keyboard layouts: key=“i” modifiers=“accel,alt,shift” id=“key_browserToolbox”
Source File: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
Line: 0

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:07:03 PM
Warning: Key event not available on some keyboard layouts: key=“j” modifiers=“control alt shift” id=“autofillFormsShortcutSettings”
Source File: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
Line: 0

Timestamp: 2/23/2020 5:07:03 PM
Warning: Key event not available on some keyboard layouts: key=“j” modifiers=“control alt” id=“autofillFormsShortcutProfile”
Source File: chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
Line: 0

... the following repeated ad nauseum...

usingOldMemoryReporter err=TypeError: Cc['@mozlla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1'] is undefined


Edited by mraeryceos

People here are obviously concerned about fellow forum members in areas where there is most risk, and as a friendly community I see no harm in it being discussed, even if is of course always going to be fundamentally off-topic here in any thread.
I hope the moderators are lenient with this at the moment.

Posted (edited)

I don't disagree, I was being facetious.

A jab in the ribs to those that perceive New Moon issues with Citi login (third largest bank in US) as an "off-topic" discussion (regardless of the COMMUNAL discourse "to the side", it IS a VALID topic!)

But again, it doesn't work "upstream" either, so *I* don't expect Roytam to 'fix it' (but I also see that a shame as patches are "cherry-picked").


But again, I digress...  Again, lol...

Edited by ArcticFoxie
Posted (edited)
On 2/10/2020 at 8:55 PM, i430VX said:

Hello all:
My web site is back up, so you can now download my unofficial Roytam1 browser installer again.
As always, get it here: http://i430vx.net/files/XP/RoyTam Browser Installer.exe

A few questions, as I tried this out and it doesn't work very well unfortunately:

  1. At some point during installation, it said something like "InterLink is the browser and MailNews is the mail client", but I think you meant Borealis or whatever.
  2. The installer itself does download the programs. However, I can't figure it out. It downloaded both of the programs (New Moon x64 and MailNews) into the proper Programs Files directories, which is good. But...
  3. IT created desktop shortcuts for both programs, but it put them on the desktop of the CURRENT USER - rather than in the "Public Desktop" folder. I logged into an administrator account to run the installer and when I logged back in to a standard account, no shortcuts. But that's not a big deal, I can create the shortcuts manually. "New Moon x64" is a good name, but I prefer "MailNews" to "Interlink" (and it opens and shows "MailNews" in the title bar anyways) so I would rename it anyways.
  4. However, from a standard account, I cannot actually run either program! When I try accessing the respective folder in Program Files, it says that I require administrator privileges to accomplish this!

I know these programs don't require admin rights, so why does the installer lock these browsers down to administrators only? That kind of defeats the whole point.

I'd prefer a simpler version, if possible, that just downloaded the latest of the selected programs and put them in the program files directories, and didn't restrict the directory permissions or create desktop shortcuts. Is this possible?

Otherwise, could the batch file be open-sourced so I could make the modifications myself?

I'm on Windows 7 Ultimate.


UPDATE: I can extract the exe using 7z and edit the batch files. So I can easily take care of the shortcut thing.

I don't see anything in the script that is obviously causing permission errors but I'll look into it.

Thanks for the code base! It looks like this can be run at any time to update the browsers/programs, too, without affecting user data?

Edited by Dylan Cruz

32bit SSE https://o.rths.ml/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20200201-6a75a56f2-xpmod-sse.7z

Palemoon Help Shows

Version: 27.9.7 (32-bit) (2020-02-01)



Google Captcha v3  (doesn't work with v3 captcha) I think it is v3 well the latest one that mega.nz uses to get register a free 50GB account.


Google drive if can take a look seems to hangs a lot cpu maxing out also never used to do that. Googledrives the ones are public without needing login.


I notice also listed on your site for awhile now Palemoon-28.9.0a1 for xp but not for sse-xp. Is the same version branch planned or in the works for sse-xp is there ETA release date or month.


For now would be happy to have the browser work with the problems written above for Google Captcha that mega.nz is uses and for Googledrive.


BTW the browser each version still crashes on nearly every close 90% of the time. No debug no bug report to follow. As I guess you are aware of the bugs as each version code will have been tested with Newmoon - Palemoon and other browsers.

Posted (edited)


How can I recompile your code?

I made modifications to the batch file (install.bat) and I have all my improvements there, but it won't work if I just run the bat. install_old (original) doesn't work either. I pinpointed it to the fact that it has trouble referencing the other utilities in the folder, like wget. So perhaps the only way for it to work is to compile it all back in to a single exe again.


UPDATE: in the meantime, if I add the command to cd into the directory where the bat file is launched, everything seems to work. I'll probably just keep it this way so if I ever need to make edits, it's easy to do so.



Hi, Roytam1,

Thanks so much for work on these programs. I'm using New Moon and MailNews even on Windows 7 because they're so awesome.

But there is one problem/bug that I can find right now - standard users can't set the program as their default program (browser/mail client, what have you).

It tries calling helper.exe in the uninstall folder, which for some reason requires admin rights?

This is what happens:


Any way to allow standard users to make this the default?



Edited by Dylan Cruz
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