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I am happy with new Edge Chromium after some good time using both (macOS and Win version).

Unfortunately, neither Trident engine nor EdgeHTML had power to fight for market share against Chrome/Firefox, everyone at my work uses both (except me, I use Safari on macOS and in some cases I test on new Edge since it's basically same engine as in the browser most of our clients use, Chrome). IE/Old Edge was poorly programmed, and had a very poor respect of web standards.

Although I recognize the dangers of having less options of engines to use (giving Google so much power on the direction of the future of web), for a web designer like me, I welcome that with much pleasure. Microsoft finally admitted defeat and jumped off that sinking ship that is IE/Old Edge.

Google probably will fall on the same trap MS fell when they dominated the market in early IE days - they stopped improving it after Netscape's downfall, and when Chrome/Firefox came in, it was too late for them to catch up. One day a new browser will come, and Google will have to step up its game. It will not be the new Edge, for sure. I just don't get why Apple does not try to get Safari on Windows again - some iCloud users would benefit from that, for example. But that "new browser" will not be Safari, for sure. I can put my bets in a new evolution, new breed of the engine used by Firefox, actually. Someone will do what Mozilla should have done, instead of "chromeifying" their Firefox browser in the last years.

Edge Chromium for macOS works flawlessly for me, and as a developer, it's a great advantage to have it sharing the same engine as Chrome - means I don't need to have a spare Windows 10 VM, BootCamp or computer to test. Thank you, Microsoft.


There's something about scrolling behavior using mouse wheel with this browser. It's like it takes Windows' number of lines to scroll setting (Control Panel->Mouse->Wheel tab) and multiplies it.

Posted (edited)

I've used it hasn't failed but we still  have internet explorer hiding should be reduced to a proxy applet and a dll only lol

Edited by ZaPbUzZ
Posted (edited)

I very rarely use Edge-Chromium
It bothers me to install in this browser of UBO.
I have chosen to install BeerisGood's list in the internal adblocker:


I have saved the list web page on my smartphone and every now and then check for updates that happen infrequently.
So I can proceed with an eventual update.
I just need to figure out when the list is restored to the original model.
For example today i upgraded to 20H2 and there was no reset.

Edited by Sampei.Nihira

I copy URL bar content and if I paste it back, the copied URL is pasted. But if I paste it in this very form, where I'm typing this message, the site title is pasted. If I use the link insert form, then URL is pasted in the URL field and site title is pasted in Link text field. Anyone got the name of this feature?


Contrary to my previous intervention, in the new pc, I have chosen as browser MS Edge.
The possibility to add more Anti-Exploit rules than other browsers to IL "appcontainer" has greatly influenced my choice.:hello:

Posted (edited)

If anyone else finds the text rendering odd, this should help:


Apparently compromises were made in Chromium code dealing with text rendering for cross-platform compatibility and Windows drew the short stick.

I don't know where the information in the post above that the new behavior will be enabled by default in version 93 comes from, the blog post by MS says it should be in version 92 (where it isn't), which is is the current latest version. Maybe he tried one of the test versions and noticed it's enabled there. :dubbio:

Edited by UCyborg
Posted (edited)

Microsoft Edge's Super Duper Secure Mode lands in Settings - gHacks Tech News




Microsoft mentions Controlflow-Enforcement Technology (CET), a "hardware-based exploit mitigation from Intel" and Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG) as two example mitigations that cannot be enabled while JIT is enabled.







Another interesting feature.

Edited by Sampei.Nihira
Posted (edited)
On 4/30/2020 at 3:35 PM, UCyborg said:

There's something about scrolling behavior using mouse wheel with this browser. It's like it takes Windows' number of lines to scroll setting (Control Panel->Mouse->Wheel tab) and multiplies it.

 I think the issue you describe is mentioned here--> https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftedge/forum/all/how-do-i-adjust-the-scrolling-speed-in-edge/e33b7241-af95-4eef-bd1a-a2b8706a499d

And the new Copy/Paste URL behavior is described here --> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/improved-copy-and-paste-of-urls-in-microsoft-edge-d3bd3956-603a-0033-1fbc-9588a30645b4


Edited by Humming Owl
14 hours ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

Arbitrary Code Guard (ACG)

"Protecting Your Malware" by Adam Chester , Hacker and Infosec Researcher



I don't speak about childs process and dll protection because it can be set at OS level.
Regarding ACG unfortunately without a JIT shutdown the MS Edge exe will not start.
Theoretically it would be possible with the flag:


 that you can find in the Peter Beverloo list to disable JIT.
Unfortunately some flags although working in Chrome do not work with MS Edge.

For example the flag to delete the Insecure Cipher Suites does not work with MS Edge.

It would be interesting to check in other chromium based browsers if the above flag is well written, maybe it needs small adjustments, and if it actually disables JIT.

Unfortunately it is not the purpose of this thread.

19 hours ago, Humming Owl said:

I eventually forgot I wrote about it here, though I did eventually discover that flag, which indeed helped.

19 hours ago, Humming Owl said:


On 1/21/2020 at 12:38 PM, Smarty said:

The x64 version will never be installed in the Program Files on 64-bit system?

Silly installer bug I suppose. Last time I checked, Chrome did it as well.

Posted (edited)

Official link to Enterprise MSI installers, at least for recent few versions. I've yet to try if group policies regarding updates work in non-domain environment. Sure, disabling update tasks, services and not visiting about page in settings works. But what if you do visit the latter?

How to rollback previous version of Microsoft Edge

Edit: Group policies related to updates don't work unless joined to a domain.

Edited by UCyborg

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