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Spoofing Firefox 53 (and newer versions) on Windows 2000 and XP

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43 minutes ago, DrWho3000 said:

i had tried Safari and Opera didn;t get on with them and tried playing with a old Netscap Navigator deffo no go

I wonder how long can we go on spoofing FF to belive its latest fromm esr 52.9 before it stops working

an this spoofing be done with last chrome for XP


I went to http://music.amazon.com and it prompted me to either update my Chrome (impossible on XP) or to download the desktop app (which I did): https://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/desktop/downloadPlayer?ref=dm_mo_cpw_inst

I've also uploaded the Amazon Music Player installer to my FTP: http://sdfox7.com/xp/sp3/EOL/AmazonMusicInstaller.exe



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idid try to install the newer Amazon Music installed but it would let me as system to old (XP) it needs to be Win 7 or higher

how ever i still have installed Amazon Music 4.3 installed and does work

I managed to get Netflix to work on XP SP3 with FF esr 52.9 by installling Silverlight

with the useragent overide instead of using 6.1 to say you got Win 7 could we not use 7.1 or 8.1 to say we have win 8 or 10

has anyone got the DRM button to appear in FF esr 52.9, i had tried to no avail

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7 hours ago, DrWho3000 said:

idid try to install the newer Amazon Music installed but it would let me as system to old (XP) it needs to be Win 7 or higher

how ever i still have installed Amazon Music 4.3 installed and does work

I managed to get Netflix to work on XP SP3 with FF esr 52.9 by installling Silverlight

with the useragent overide instead of using 6.1 to say you got Win 7 could we not use 7.1 or 8.1 to say we have win 8 or 10

has anyone got the DRM button to appear in FF esr 52.9, i had tried to no avail

"idid try to install the newer Amazon Music installed but it would let me as system to old (XP) it needs to be Win 7 or higher"

The Amazon link I provided (https://www.amazon.com/gp/dmusic/desktop/downloadPlayer?ref=dm_mo_cpw_inst) is Windows XP compatible player.
I already installed it and tested it on Windows XP. That's why I provided a copy on my FTP: http://sdfox7.com/xp/sp3/EOL/AmazonMusicInstaller.exe

"I managed to get Netflix to work on XP SP3 with FF esr 52.9 by installling Silverlight"

Netflix also works in Chrome 49 without Silverlight, just download WideVine 1.4.8 from here: http://sdfox7.com/xp/sp3/EOL/WideVineCDM/1.4.8.zip and unzip to C:\Documents and Settings\Stephen Fox\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\WidevineCDM (you have to replace "Stephen Fox" with the name of your computer)

More information here:


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  • 1 month later...

Hi again, I'm back..

It's past March 15, and i just wanted to update my situation about the slack and firefox. it seems i can use it just fine -- and i did not download any plugins or stuff yet still.. but.

I found an article on a website that mentioned you can change your User Agent in something called "responsive design" which is in firefox natively
Tools => Web Developer => Responsive Design
and the box is at the top of the screen

So i google "my user agent" which says
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

Slack starts with that 'were sorry browser not supported, upgrade now" ...so i change the two 47.0's to 60.0 ...then click the X button in the top left corner of the screen, and slack loads normally and works fine now.

So i'm doing that, but occasionaly it still resets back showing that upgrade page...so then i have to open the response design tool, and paste in the 60.0 hack again...then it loads just fine..
I dont know how often or when it happens, i think the page refreshes itself once a day or something, i dont know.

it's no big deal really, so hopefully this does NOT actually get patched and this trick continues to work for the foreseeable future.

i did not actually do the "about config" mentioned in the 1st post of this thread, instead i did "responsive design" which applies only to just 1 selected site. cause i dont know if the about:config thing applies to all websites globally, i only needed for just slack only, nothing else.

Edited by rockmaster113
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I use an add-on called "Custom UserAgent String" which should do that for you, and it will "stick".
I have it to spoof the user agent just on Facebook so it serves HTML5 video as it was otherwise dropping back to Flash.
There are other add-ons which will also do the same thing, essentially restoring the functionality that Presto Opera had to change the user agent string on a site by site basis.

Edited by Dave-H
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On 3/14/2019 at 8:53 PM, Mathwiz said:

Github doesn't work in Serpent 52 either unless I override the user-agent to:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:60.9) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.9

If I do that, Github works fine.

Can someone try that in FF 52.9.1?


On 3/15/2019 at 9:29 PM, luweitest said:

I am using FF 52.9.1. User-agent spoof to FF64 do not work.

I just tested a spoof to FF60.9, as above, and GitHub does work with that spoof. However, because some sites (e.g., Instagram) don't work with that spoof, you should use the add-on @Dave-H just suggested to apply the spoof specifically to GitHub:

1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

I use an add-on called "Custom UserAgent String" which should do that for you, and it will "stick".
I have it to spoof the user agent just on Facebook so it serves HTML5 video as it was otherwise dropping back to Flash.
There are other add-ons which will also do the same thing, essentially restoring the functionality that Presto Opera had to change the user agent string on a site by site basis.


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Good question. I tried site-specific overrides in about:config, a la New Moon/Serpent, with FF 52.9.1, but they didn't work for me, even though the general.useragent.site_specific_overrides about:config preference is present and set to "true." If there's some other preference or method required to make site-specific overrides work, please let us all in on the secret!

Once I installed the extension @Dave-H mentioned, I was able to do site-specific overrides via the extension's config page.

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In the image below my string for the single website in NM28.

To make the website work I masked XP for W.10 and inserted a version number of Firefox that doesn't force me to make frequent changes.

It works !!:




Edited by Sampei.Nihira
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6 hours ago, Mathwiz said:

Good question. I tried site-specific overrides in about:config, a la New Moon/Serpent, with FF 52.9.1, but they didn't work for me, even though the general.useragent.site_specific_overrides about:config preference is present and set to "true." If there's some other preference or method required to make site-specific overrides work, please let us all in on the secret!

Once I installed the extension @Dave-H mentioned, I was able to do site-specific overrides via the extension's config page.

I use FF 52ESR only to make comparisons with NM28.
but to answer your question try to verify if what is written below can be useful:



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Thanks, that's very interesting and good to know, but I think I'll stick with the extension, I can see more quickly and easily how that's set, and it doesn't seem to be causing any performance problems.

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So I tried spoofing Firefox on Windows XP as Firefox 66 on Windows 7. The fact that Google Earth refuses to run (anyway) proves that Google is doing other sniffing below the surface of just the browser. Browser agent spoofing should be enough to make the page work, just as it works in http://whatismybrowser.com 

The fact that the page knows I'm not actually running Windows 7/Firefox 66 proves that Google has deeper access to the fundamental internal characteristics of my system than my user agent is letting on. In terms of privacy and "Big Brother" that's NOT a good thing, and should concern anyone.



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How to initialize site-specific useragents again

yes basically all it takes to initialize the sleeping site-UAs again is running such a simple line at startup:


This works after input in error console after every startup. But I'd love to get just this line as a tiny, independant xpi-addon, which users of *old* Firefox and K-Meleon74-76 versions could use, and remains visible in about:addons. Ideally with on/off switch during session by observing a pref. Just how?
In newer KM the initialization was already fixed by roytam1, in all goanna builds. But would be nice to also have a little fix by addon for users of older gecko 24-38 builds, without needing to update the whole browser, which can be a real pain in K-Meleon if heavily customized.
This little init-addon would need no GUI, just this init-line. Users can either edit site-prefs directly in about:config or use already existing GUI-addons, and in K-Meleon use the menu created by macro useragents2018.
Already tried dabbling with it myself last year, using blind trial&error, but this must be possible a lot easier and better:

Tried also "general.oscpu.override" = Windows NT 6.1 ?
Perhaps they do feature sniffing, but there's also a whole bunch more override prefs available, for all sorts of details. Saw them listed somewhere... One of those sites like you linked, and also in an old UA addon, which can spoof those as well (would have to look it up again, perhaps pederick's?)

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12 minutes ago, siria said:


Tried also "general.oscpu.override" = Windows NT 6.1 ?
Perhaps they do feature sniffing, but there's also a whole bunch more override prefs available, for all sorts of details. Saw them listed somewhere... One of those sites like you linked, and also in an old UA addon, which can spoof those as well (would have to look it up again, perhaps pederick's?)

Just tried. Didn't work.

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