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Server 2008 Updates on Windows Vista

Jody Thornton

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8 hours ago, Vistapocalypse said:

Windows updates were still available at last report, but four patches need to be manually installed to get Windows Update working. WinClient5270 made a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtGYgxfpkeg

Hi Dylan Cruz:

If you only want to patch Vista SP2 to the end of support (11-Apr-2017) for now, download links for the 4 or 5 required "speed up" patches listed in WinClient5270's video [KB3205638 (rel. 13-Dec-2016); KB4012583 (rel. 14-Mar-2017); KB4015195 (rel. 11-Apr-2017); KB4015380 (rel. 11-Apr-2017) plus KB4014661 (rel. 11-Apr-2017) if IE9 is installed] are posted in Note 1 of the step-by-step instructions on page 1 of m#l's thread Updates not working, it has been searching for updates for hours in the MS Answers forum.  Once you've run the .msu standalone installers for those "speed up" patches Windows Update should be able to automatically patch your Vista SP2 OS with the ~200 missing security updates released between Service Pack 2 (rel. May 2009) and end of support.

Vista Service Pack 2 includes the IE7 browser.  Once IE9 is installed, Windows Update will start hanging on "Checking for updates..." again until the KB4014661 "speed up" patch is installed.

If you don't want to download and manually install those 4 or 5 required "speed up" patches, the last paragraph of the instructions in m#l's thread include a link to Torsten Wittrock's WSUS Offline Update tool.  This tool will automatically patch you to end of support and includes a few extra out-of-band updates for vulnerabilities discovered after April 2017.  The ESR v9.2.x branch is the extended support release for older OSs like Win XP and Vista, but there's a bit of a learning curve the first time you use this tool and it might be faster to just manually apply the Windows Update "speed up" patches.
32-bit Vista Home Premium SP2 * Firefox ESR v52.9.0 * Norton Security Deluxe v22.15.2.22 * Malwarebytes Free v3.5.1-1.0.365
HP Pavilion dv6835ca, Intel Core2Duo T5550 @ 1.83 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 256 GB Western Digital SATA HDD, NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS

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8 hours ago, Vistapocalypse said:

Windows updates were still available at last report, but four patches need to be manually installed to get Windows Update working. WinClient5270 made a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MtGYgxfpkeg

As mentioned in the video, download links are in the description (click SHOW MORE). The topic of this rather lengthy thread is Server 2008 updates rather than the old Vista updates.

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On 11/13/2019 at 1:19 AM, cryptoguest_01 said:

Optional updates:

KB4528081 - Update for Windows Server 2008 - 64-bit (apparently this update lets Server 2008 machines get updates after Jan. 2020 but it's only available in the 64-bit flavor for some reason)




Microsoft support article KB4528081 was updated on Feb. 12, 2020 with the following note:


Note This update is no longer available.  Customers who have purchased the Extended Security Update (ESU) for on-premises versions of this OS must follow the procedures in KB4522133 to continue receiving security updates after extended support ends on January 14, 2020. For more information on ESU and which editions are supported, see KB4497181.To verify ESU eligibility, please use any Monthly Rollup or Security Only update released February 11, 2020 or later, such as KB4537810 or KB4537822.

searching for KB4528081 on MS Update Catalog recently shows "no results" for it.  but the direct link to the X64 version of the KB4528081 download will still work

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On 2/11/2020 at 10:01 PM, didieD said:

There were also some .NET Framework updates released in January that I did not see posted anywhere in this thread yet:

KB4532944 .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0 (Security/Quality Rollup) - http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4532944

KB4532959 .NET Framework 2.0 and 3.0 (Security Only) - http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4532959

KB4532929 .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Security/Quality Rollup) - http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4532929

KB4532964 .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Security Only) - http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4532964

KB4532932 .NET Framework 4.6 (Security/Quality Rollup) - http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4532932

KB4532971 .NET Framework 4.6 (Security Only) - http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4532971

Edited by AbyssHunted
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Has anyone installed February updates (besides me)?

KB4537810 February Monthly Rollup

There are two ways that I found  to install February updates, one is to first make sure you are up-to-date  as of January, then kb4538484 then February.

You just have to figure out how to install kb4538484, once February (or later?) is installed 4538484 might not be needed anymore.


21 hours ago, Vistapocalypse said:

Yes. See Windows Vista / 2008 build 6003?, which is not a very recent thread. 

I do not know how to explain. but that is the easy way for me to get February updates.

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On 2/13/2020 at 8:18 PM, didieD said:

You just have to figure out how to install kb4538484, once February (or later?) is installed 4538484 might not be needed anymore.


the KB4538484 update is required to install February updates and beyond

do NOT remove KB4538484 or else the next months updates in March may fail to install
also maybe install & keep KB4528081 when installing Feb. updates along with KB4538484 (I haven't tested this yet)

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... Old news now, of course, but here's the list of WS2008SP2 ESU Feb 2020 updates, as posted by the vendor themselves: 



The following updates were released today (February 11, 2020 08:00 AM PT) for Windows Server 2008 SP2:

Extended Security Updates (ESU) Licensing Preparation Package (KB4538484)

Monthly Rollup (KB4537810)

Security Only (KB4537822)

Servicing Stack Update (KB4537830)

Internet Explorer 9 Cumulative Updates (KB4537767)


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I am somewhat confused by experiences of 2008 server offline updates beyond ESU.

On my Windows Vista x64 business, I was happy to securitize up to the 2008 server ESU date

but was honestly not paying attention to release dates when I applied Feb  2020 udpates including:




AFAIK I have no feedback indicating that these did not install and no negative experiences so far.

It is possible to directly uninstall the those updates except the servicing stack update KB4537830.

Of course, it is also possible to restore the entire system to pre-Feb updates though due to my

rather random patching order, rebuilding it back to Jan would take some work.

Unknowingly, I did NOT install any of the enabler updates including:



Can anyone explain this behaviour or where my understanding lacks ?

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On 2/12/2020 at 2:20 AM, Dylan Cruz said:


I have the SP2 ISO. So what I'm looking at is the stuff in the middle, basically:

  • All updates released after SP2 through EOL/EOS
  • Internet Explorer 9 (unless that's part of SP2...)
  • Ultimate Extras

The 2008 repository comes into play only after one already has that - so I'm not quite there, yet.

Simplix is a well known solution for Windows 7, right through EOMS in January 2020, but apparently there's nothing similar for Vista. It would be kind of nice to allow people to take their SP2 ISOs and then slipstream all the updates into them easily.

I had a go at doing this. The limitation seems to be that the 4 "speedup updates" can't be successfully integrated into install.wim. I did manage to integrate about 140 cab files. Then run the 4 speedups after installation . WU will then offer the rest. 



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Hey guys, I followed your thread with high interest and installed the update pack from mega.nz link plus the monthly updates till 2020-03 (see down below), but I am getting a DWM crash every 20 minutes, even if its just idle-ing.

 Any idea? I tried several Intel GMA 965 drivers, they don't cause it.

2020-01 Servicing Stack Update für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4536953).msu
2020-01 Monatliches Sicherheitsqualitätsrollup für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4534303).msu
2020-01 Sicherheitsqualitätsupdate für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4534312).msu
2020-02 Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 9 for Windows Server 2008 for x86-based systems (KB4537767).msu
2020-02 Servicing Stack Update für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4537830).msu
2020-02 Monatliches Sicherheitsqualitätsrollup für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4537810).msu
2020-02 Sicherheitsqualitätsupdate für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4537822).msu
2020-03 Kumulatives Sicherheitsupdate für Internet Explorer 9 für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte System (KB4540671).msu
2020-03 Servicing Stack Update für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4550736).msu
2020-03 Monatliches Sicherheitsqualitätsrollup für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4541506).msu
2020-03 Sicherheitsqualitätsupdate für Windows Server 2008 für x86-basierte Systeme (KB4541504).msu

eventvwr.msc shows:

Fehlerhafte Anwendung Dwm.exe, Version 6.0.6002.18005, Zeitstempel 0x49e01b94, fehlerhaftes Modul ntdll.dll, Version 6.0.6003.20749, Zeitstempel 0x5e4029d2, Ausnahmecode 0x80000003, Fehleroffset 0x0004869e, Prozess-ID 0xbb4, Anwendungsstartzeit 01d6127c2d982270.

translates to:

Disfunctional application Dwm.exe, Version 6.0.6002.18005, timestamp 0x49e01b94, incorrectly working module ntdll.dll, Version 6.0.6003.20749, timestamp 0x5e4029d2, exception code 0x80000003, error offset 0x0004869e, process id 0xbb4, application start timestamp 01d6127c2d982270.


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April 2020 Updates:

KB4550951 -- Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows Server 2008 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550951

KB4550957 -- Security Only Quality Update for Windows Server 2008 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550957

KB4550737 -- Servicing Stack Update for Windows Server 2008 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550737 

KB4550905 -- Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer: April 14, 2020 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550905 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/18/2020 at 4:45 PM, freakedenough said:

April 2020 Updates:

KB4550951 -- Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows Server 2008 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550951

KB4550957 -- Security Only Quality Update for Windows Server 2008 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550957

KB4550737 -- Servicing Stack Update for Windows Server 2008 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550737 

KB4550905 -- Cumulative security update for Internet Explorer: April 14, 2020 https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4550905 

So how are you getting updates past January 2020?  Are these paid support updates (ala Windows 7 style)?


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