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Root Certificates and Revoked Certificates for Windows XP


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As usual, please forgive my ignorance Windows XP gurus but I have two questions:

1. Is there a preferred method to easily check the dates of both the Root Certificates and Revoked Certificates list that are currently installed on your Windows XP system?

2. Is there a significant risk in continuing to use Windows XP without continuing to update both the Root Certificates and Revoked Certificates list?

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  • 5 weeks later...

It seems @heinoganda hasn't posted since July 31, 2020. I hope he is ok. Does anyone have any contact with him, or know if he is still developing this project? When long time members here disappear - taking into account the state of the world - one wonders if they are 'still with us' :(

Hope all is well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can anyone tell me how to undo a Root Certificates Update? @heinoganda?

I'm having a malfunction accessing some e-mail content in my Eudora e-mail client, and I think the problem may have started when I updated the certificates last week!

I tried just rolling back the registry to before the update, but that made no difference.
Is there anything else I need to do to ensure that it is completely rolled back?

Thanks, Dave.

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Sorry I've not replied yet; @Dave-H

Hate to say it, could you use system restore or restore a stable backup, perhaps from Acronis is you use it? I didn't have any problems but I don't use Eudora.

I haven't seen heinoganda in quite some time actually.

Edited by XPerceniol
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A shame @heinogandadoesn't seem to be around at the moment, as you say.

I have never managed to get System Restore to work on my main desktop machine, it always goes through the motions, and then says that the system couldn't be restored, no reason given, and to try another restore point. Needless to say the same thing happens with all of them!

I do have a simple file backup which I do every week, but not from before when the problem appeared I'm afraid.


I've now found that the same problems are happening on my XP netbook too, so it looks like it's a wider issue.

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Have you tried Manual System Restore?

Manual System Restore:
Make backup of the files first.
Copy these 5 files: _REGISTRY_MACHINE_SAM, _REGISTRY_MACHINE_SECURITY, _REGISTRY_MACHINE_SOFTWARE, _REGISTRY_MACHINE_SYSTEM and _REGISTRY_USER_.DEFAULT from C:\System Volume Information\_restore{xx}\RPxx\snapshot to C:\WINDOWS\system32\config, rename all 5 files to: SAM, SECURITY, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM and DEFAULT, then reboot; I can't copy the files normally because they are in use so I used a Live CD.

Is it possible to copy these 5 files while the system is working normally? Maybe with Command Prompt or Batch file?


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