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[OLD] Experimental builds


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Use Classic Start Menu

If you mean classic shell it is not free


You gotta be kidding. Look again. It's completely free. http://www.classicshell.net/


It is really not free, it forces you to give up the Windows 10 Start menu.  I would never use it.


That's not true because there is a setting to switch to the Win10 menu by just pressing your middle mouse button or by pressing the Win Key.


TEHO :thumbup

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But why even install it, when you can have the blur like I posted above?  Here is a partial screen shot with blur in start menu, task bar, title bars, and no classic shell!


Edited by dhjohns
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Go to bigmuscle's download page.  Click on "Command line tool to change window's composition attributes."  It will download a file called SetWindowCompositionAttribute.7z.  Extract.  Put the executable in \Windows\System32.  Then save below code in notepad as Taskbarblur.cmd.  Make sure "hide extensions for known file types" is NOT checked.

@echo off:1SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_TrayWnd accent 0 0 0 0SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_TrayWnd blur trueSetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd accent 0 0 0 0SetWindowCompositionAttribute.exe class Shell_SecondaryTrayWnd blur truetimeout /T 2 /nobreakclsgoto 1
If you do NOT have two monitors the lines with SecondaryTrayWnd can be removed. Place this on you C-Drive. Then save below code as Taskbarblur.vbs. This will ensure that NO command window is present when program is running.

Dim WinScriptHostSet WinScriptHost = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")WinScriptHost.Run Chr(34) & "C:\TaskBarblur.cmd" & Chr(34), 0Set WinScriptHost = Nothing
This should be saved in your startup folder. You can save it on your desktop first then in the Run dialog (Windows Key + R) type in shell:startup and press OK. This will open your startup folder, and you can move the vbs file there. Now just log off, and back on, and low-and-behold you have TaskBarBlur!


Thanks, this worked. But if anyone tries this, I recommend making Cortana an icon or it really looks weird.

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But why even install it, when you can have the blur like I posted above?  Here is a partial screen shot with blur in start menu, task bar, title bars, and no classic shell!


Splendid! If that's your preference - you surely go ahead with it. This doesn't make Classic Shell, though, all these things you've written about it. Classic Shell gives you a lot of capabilities besides transparent task bar and start menu.  Also, a bit of respect to CS developer and its users wouldn't hurt.

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Experimental build #491


New 64-bit debug build has been uploaded to my website. It contains experimental support for Win10 TH2 build 10586. It also contains memory leak fixes, fixes to dirty regions and many other things.

The archive also includes new ModernFrame.dll and Win8RP-like atlas for 10586.


But remember, it is still only experimental debug build so it is not optimized for usage on production environment!


If you don't know how to install it then do NOT use it and do NOT ask, because these builds are intended for very advanced users only.


http://www.winstep.net).Also when several windows of Firefox are open they are disrupted sometimes. I guess it's something to do with the optimization. Do you want the debug.log? Hope this helps. Awaiting impatiently for the next build. Thanks for great work.

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But why even install it, when you can have the blur like I posted above?  Here is a partial screen shot with blur in start menu, task bar, title bars, and no classic shell!


Splendid! If that's your preference - you surely go ahead with it. This doesn't make Classic Shell, though, all these things you've written about it. Classic Shell gives you a lot of capabilities besides transparent task bar and start menu.  Also, a bit of respect to CS developer and its users wouldn't hurt.


Of couse you're right! I really treasure the software and recommed it whenever the subject comes up.

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Aero Glass BETA #506


So there is the first beta version intended for testing. Archive includes both 32bit and 64bit library. Just rename required version to DWMGlass.dll.


Since the last experimental version, it contains many fixes to DWM internal structures and pointers and automatic theme layout remapping for TH2.

Currently, it needs to be tested on Win10 TH2, Win10 TH1 and Win8.1, then we can think about entering the ready-to-release phase.



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Aero Glass BETA #506


So there is the first beta version intended for testing. Archive includes both 32bit and 64bit library. Just rename required version to DWMGlass.dll.


Since the last experimental version, it contains many fixes to DWM internal structures and pointers and automatic theme layout remapping for TH2.

Currently, it needs to be tested on Win10 TH2, Win10 TH1 and Win8.1, then we can think about entering the ready-to-release phase.



Works fine on Win10 TH2.  My watermark is back!   :w00t:

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Aero Glass BETA #506


So there is the first beta version intended for testing. Archive includes both 32bit and 64bit library. Just rename required version to DWMGlass.dll.


Since the last experimental version, it contains many fixes to DWM internal structures and pointers and automatic theme layout remapping for TH2.

Currently, it needs to be tested on Win10 TH2, Win10 TH1 and Win8.1, then we can think about entering the ready-to-release phase.



Works great on 10586. However, on Modern App titlebars, it's a bit smaller than usual. here is what I mean. The text and buttons aren't taking advantage of all the space. (If it's too small, here is a link http://i65.tinypic.com/23qrde.png


Edited by MineMasterHD
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Aero Glass BETA #506


So there is the first beta version intended for testing. Archive includes both 32bit and 64bit library. Just rename required version to DWMGlass.dll.


Since the last experimental version, it contains many fixes to DWM internal structures and pointers and automatic theme layout remapping for TH2.

Currently, it needs to be tested on Win10 TH2, Win10 TH1 and Win8.1, then we can think about entering the ready-to-release phase.



Works great on 10586. However, on Modern App titlebars, it's a bit smaller than usual. here is what I mean. The text and buttons aren't taking advantage of all the space. (If it's too small, here is a link http://i65.tinypic.com/23qrde.png



Here is same page on mine.  Perhaps it is your themeatlas causing issues.


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Aero Glass BETA #506


So there is the first beta version intended for testing. Archive includes both 32bit and 64bit library. Just rename required version to DWMGlass.dll.


Since the last experimental version, it contains many fixes to DWM internal structures and pointers and automatic theme layout remapping for TH2.

Currently, it needs to be tested on Win10 TH2, Win10 TH1 and Win8.1, then we can think about entering the ready-to-release phase.



Thanks for the new build. Running it on 586. Reporting:

- Still getting unstable windows with the Winstep Nexus Dock (see the dock on the bottom of the desktop)

- Without Nexus Dock it's more stable, however also getting some instability when moving a Firefox window from one screen to another (I have 2 monitors)

Attached is the snapshot of the screen and the debug.logpost-408392-0-74825600-1447833773_thumb.debug.txt

Edited by iweksler
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