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How to avoid being "upgraded to Win 10" against your will:

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That's a fact I've seen happen, too: not all of them are necessarily offered to every system. It seems that, by hiding some of 'em, other(s) are not even offered. And, of course, at this point in time we have no way, AFAIK, of proactively hiding an update before it's offered. One more reason we must keep eyes wide open.


Watch out for the latest set of updates!


Some that I had hidden reappeared today on my Win 8.1 system, including KB3035583 - the GWX shill update, and KB2976978 - diagnostics to run on our systems to help Microsoft determine compatibility with Win 10.  They are now re-hidden again here. 


Definitely have to keep frosty regarding watching what Microsoft proposes installing from now on.


A new one, KB3065988, has appeared.  It claims to update the Windows Update process.  Sounds like it might be a good thing to install, but I definitely need to research that one further.  Anyone have more info on it yet?




I've looked at the KB page for KB3065988, it's really another WU update. So, in line with your previous actions, you should accept it. Just, please, dont do it on my say-so, of course. Wuwebv.dll seems to be the Vista+ equivalent of wuweb.dll, which is paramount for the correct working of WU. Most of the occasions when WU ceased to work, in the past, the problem was solved by updating (well... sometimes by downgrading instead) the wuweb.dll. These musings are the best I can offer, right now. Let's wait other 8.1 users chime in, to decide what to do. Maybe someone can offer better insight about it.

Posted (edited)

Watch out for the latest set of updates!


Some that I had hidden reappeared today on my Win 8.1 system, including KB3035583 - the GWX shill update, and KB2976978 - diagnostics to run on our systems to help Microsoft determine compatibility with Win 10.  They are now re-hidden again here. 


Definitely have to keep frosty regarding watching what Microsoft proposes installing from now on.


A new one, KB3065988, has appeared.  It claims to update the Windows Update process.  Sounds like it might be a good thing to install, but I definitely need to research that one further.  Anyone have more info on it yet?



Wow you're right KB3035583 just appeared again. Microsoft is truly desperate.

Edited by Blackbird256
Posted (edited)

Well I have been accepting these updates, on both my Windows 8.1 machines (one 32 bit and the other 64 bit).

KB2976978 has now been installed, apparently successfully, three times on both of them!

Twice it's installed and then reappeared on Windows Update again a day or two later.

So what's all that about?


Edited by Dave-H

They must be re-releasing it with "improvements" so that people not completely on top of things will get the GWX update.  How could you not want to "upgrade" to Windows 10?  It's free so it has to be a good value, right?


And today I got KB3065987 - a slightly different? update for the Windows Update client?


Stuff is definitely getting weird.




And today I got KB3065987 - a slightly different? update for the Windows Update client?

You definitely oughtn't to receive KB3065987 for a Win8.x system. It's intended for the 7 codebase. That is really odd!  :ph34r:dubbio.gif


Ah! Well. So it's all as it should. Well..., in any case, I'll hid it on my 7 systems, as soon as I boot each (probably next week, if not later on).


FWIW, I have uninstalled only KB3035583 from my Win 7 Pro SP1 64-bit, after which the various files and folders with "GWX" in their names disappeared.  (My Win 7 PC never had the special Win 10 icon in the tray, and still does not have it.)

KB3035583 has not come back on its own and so I cannot "hide" it.

We'll see in a week or so, yes?


July's Patch Tuesday is today. Microsoft is pushing KB2952664 again and KB3065987 was served by WU as well.


I can confirm that. Had to hide both again. Yes, that means that MS unhid them silently in machines in which they were already hidden. :(


Is there a possibility that the promotion of these updates from optional to recommended to important is causing this?  We can only hope that they will stay hidden after some point.


I suppose they could be reissuing them, with "improvements".


Though I've always individually vetted all updates for years now it just seems irritating that one now has to be even more careful that Microsoft doesn't slip something in that one does not want.



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