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bigmuscle there is nothing wrong with the 1.0 that i can see, the installer just needs a bit of work

If you don't provide installer's log to check for errors, we can only say that installer does not need any other work, because it is still same as for Win8 where nobody reported any error.

chmichael: do not install custom glass theme during Aero Glass installation. Or delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM:CustomThemeAtlas registry value.

Can't you support Atlas on custom themes ? I need to enable Glow effect on this theme! :(

Thank you

Custom atlas is supported on any theme you use. It is just the theme which breaks he default layout and thus you need the atlas which has the same layout as your theme.

What is the minimum donation required to receive the license?

There is no minimum donation to receive the license. You donate to support the development and not to buy/receive any license. Donation keys are only a gift for your donation. If you want to donate only to receive license, then please do not do it.

Posted (edited)


There is no minimum donation to receive the license. You donate to support the development and not to buy/receive any license. Donation keys are only a gift for your donation. If you want to donate only to receive license, then please do not do it.

Sorry if I did not post what I think, I'll rewrite:
I want to make a donation to support developers and at the same time to have a license.
Oh you can ask me, but why?
Why besides supporting developers want to have something complete.
Do not have a way to write the way I think, I know how is the job for you, also have a "work" in this area, but other than that you develop for Windows I develop for Android.
Edited by andreypiekas

If you use ClassicShell 4 or higher, the "disable taskbar transparency" option does a better job of blurring the taskbar (ironically) than the opaque taskbar application from WinAero.

Posted (edited)


my Licence.key will not be accepted....will not loaded. I always see the Donation-Popup-window.

The Licence.key is in the Folder "AeroGlass" and in "DWM"

How is the Error ??

(Sorry for my English)


[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x23F0:0xBD0] Installing DWM hook...
[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x23F0:0xBD0] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll
[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x1730:0x2220] Donation key not loaded (2)
[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x1730:0x2220] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ
[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x1730:0x2288] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!
[2014-01-21 04:14:47][0x18BC:0x1418] Donation key not loaded (5)
[2014-01-21 04:14:47][0x18BC:0x1418] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ
[2014-01-21 04:14:47][0x18BC:0x1584] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!
[2014-01-21 04:15:51][0x20E0:0x142C] Donation key not loaded (5)
[2014-01-21 04:15:51][0x20E0:0x142C] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ
[2014-01-21 04:15:51][0x20E0:0x1850] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!
[2014-01-21 04:17:56][0x13DC:0x18B8] Donation key not loaded (5)
[2014-01-21 04:17:56][0x13DC:0x18B8] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ
[2014-01-21 04:17:57][0x13DC:0x2250] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!

Edited by andreasrichter72

Since it appears the software is at least a little different than the private RC build I was running before, I'm giving it a try.

I had 4 days without any visual glitches or lockups after removing the RC on the Windows 8.1 stock desktop. 4 miserable days.

Will advise.


Posted (edited)

Thanks for the new version BM but I have to say I think it's very rude and intrusive to have the watermark remain on a final build, when it was in testing it was acceptable but in the final version this going to feel more like crap-ware and keep most people away from using it, I realize that maybe for some legal reason you are not able to sell your product and this is why you have chosen to call it a donation, but the fact remains, that this is still a paid software if you want it fully unlocked.

Free is free and that means no constant nag screen on every start, no watermark on the desktop, show me any any other free software that does that, if you want to make being a donator (paying for it) worthwhile then make ta basic free version, remove all the other options in the registry to have custom theme atlas and reflections, text glow, etc and make those extra features available only to donators.

Another thing that I think is very bad is the way you force non donators to download the symbols, it shouldn't matter if your a donator or not, your software should at least in a working state after download, automatic symbol downloading should be available for all.

If you look at any other free software that has a paid for counterpart you will see that the free version still works and does what it's advertised to do without needing extra measures from the end user to get it working, you need to make sure that your software is user friendly and at the moment it isn't unless they have a key, so either get rid of the free version all together and only make it work for donators with a key or make both versions user friendly and function but remove the extra features on the free version.

Edited by MrGRiM

Thanks for this, just wanted to say it's working great on my end.


what theme are you using there neiio? ps i hope you update elune for windows 8.1 :)


The symbols files still need to download manually even in ver 1.0?

[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x794] Donation key not loaded (2)[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x794] Machine ID: K3ZDIILHJCDCIL55MKIGLMOVRTDLMAHA6SLOJZOIYLDZ5O4Q[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x794] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x794] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x794] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x794] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x794] Aero Glass for Win8.1 v1.0 correctly loaded.[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;C:\AeroGlass\symbols[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: .\dwm.pdb - file not found[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: .\exe\dwm.pdb - file not found[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: .\symbols\exe\dwm.pdb - file not found[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: C:\AeroGlass\symbols\dwm.pdb - file not found[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: C:\AeroGlass\symbols\exe\dwm.pdb - file not found[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: C:\AeroGlass\symbols\symbols\exe\dwm.pdb - file not found[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: dwm.pdb - file not found[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] DBGHELP: dwm - no symbols loaded[2014-01-21 13:47:25][0x968:0x524] Failed to load symbol module dwm.exe: 0[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0x524] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE![2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0x524] Loading settings: NULL (1)[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0x4E0] Message 0x31A, wparam = 0, lparam = 0[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0x4E0] Loading settings: NULL (0)[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0x4E0] Atlas resource loading (custom: )[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0x4E0] GetThemeStream 0,0,213[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0xA24] GetThemeStream 0,0,213[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0xA24] GetThemeStream 0,0,213[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0xA24] GetThemeStream 0,0,213[2014-01-21 13:47:26][0x968:0x4E0] Message 0x320, wparam = 1157627904, lparam = 1

DWM is not restarted when enabling glass, nice. Can you add arguments to aerohost.exe to enable/disable glass without restarting DWM? That would be great.


Thanks for the new version BM but I have to say I think it's very rude and intrusive to have the watermark remain on a final build, when it was in testing it was acceptable but in the final version this going to feel more like crap-ware and keep most people away from using it, I realize that maybe for some legal reason you are not able to sell your product and this is why you have chosen to call it a donation, but the fact remains, that this is still a paid software if you want it fully unlocked.

Free is free and that means no constant nag screen on every start, no watermark on the desktop, show me any any other free software that does that, if you want to make being a donator (paying for it) worthwhile then make ta basic free version, remove all the other options in the registry to have custom theme atlas and reflections, text glow, etc and make those extra features available only to donators.

Another thing that I think is very bad is the way you force non donators to download the symbols, it shouldn't matter if your a donator or not, your software should at least in a working state after download, automatic symbol downloading should be available for all.

If you look at any other free software that has a paid for counterpart you will see that the free version still works and does what it's advertised to do without needing extra measures from the end user to get it working, you need to make sure that your software is user friendly and at the moment it isn't unless they have a key, so either get rid of the free version all together and only make it work for donators with a key or make both versions user friendly and function but remove the extra features on the free version.

I agree with you. I don't understand a point of these popups at all, as bigmuscle said earlier:

If you want to donate only to receive license, then please do not do it.

So what is the point to show these freaking popups and watermarks? It's no problem for me to donate, but i disagree with all presented limitations, license files and other terms, for example:

  • You donate to support the development of this software, not to buy this software/license.

I don't want to donate to support development of popup windows, watermarks, dll modifying protection(yeah, i checked, sorry :)), license checking system and other things like that. It can be cracked anyway, so all drm systems are waste of time.

No offense, just an opinion.

Posted (edited)

For me version 1.0 does not work at all. Tried some installation methods:

- downloaded setup.exe v1.0, installed to default path, overwrited the rc3 files. The process works, but uses 700 kb of memory and there are no effects, no log is created: http://postimg.org/image/e6lqd8a8f/

The log of setup.exe contains nothing interesting...

2014-01-21 08:21:36.290   Log opened. (Time zone: UTC+02:00)2014-01-21 08:21:36.290   Setup version: Inno Setup version 5.5.4 (a)2014-01-21 08:21:36.290   Original Setup EXE: F:\setup.exe2014-01-21 08:21:36.290   Setup command line: /SL5="$60656,1655253,56832,F:\setup.exe" /SPAWNWND=$60674 /NOTIFYWND=$505E4 /log="log.txt"2014-01-21 08:21:36.290   Windows version: 6.3.9600  (NT platform: Yes)2014-01-21 08:21:36.290   64-bit Windows: Yes2014-01-21 08:21:36.290   Processor architecture: x642014-01-21 08:21:36.290   User privileges: Administrative2014-01-21 08:21:36.291   64-bit install mode: Yes2014-01-21 08:21:36.292   Created temporary directory: Z:\Temp\is-K0AHI.tmp2014-01-21 08:21:41.941   Starting the installation process.2014-01-21 08:21:41.942   Creating directory: C:\AeroGlass2014-01-21 08:21:41.943   Directory for uninstall files: C:\AeroGlass2014-01-21 08:21:41.943   Creating new uninstall log: C:\AeroGlass\unins000.dat2014-01-21 08:21:41.944   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:41.945   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\unins000.exe2014-01-21 08:21:41.945   Non-default bitness: 32-bit2014-01-21 08:21:41.946   Time stamp of our file: 2014-01-21 08:21:36.1332014-01-21 08:21:41.946   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:41.948   Uninstaller requires administrator: Yes2014-01-21 08:21:41.948   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:41.949   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:41.949   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\aerohost.exe2014-01-21 08:21:41.949   Time stamp of our file: 2014-01-19 16:03:30.0002014-01-21 08:21:41.949   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.066   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.066   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:42.067   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\dbghelp.dll2014-01-21 08:21:42.067   Time stamp of our file: 2012-07-26 12:44:08.0002014-01-21 08:21:42.067   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.165   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.165   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:42.165   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\DWMGlass.dll2014-01-21 08:21:42.166   Time stamp of our file: 2014-01-19 16:02:00.0002014-01-21 08:21:42.166   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.256   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.257   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:42.257   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\symsrv.dll2014-01-21 08:21:42.257   Time stamp of our file: 2012-07-26 12:44:08.0002014-01-21 08:21:42.257   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.265   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.265   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:42.266   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\symsrv.yes2014-01-21 08:21:42.266   Time stamp of our file: 2012-07-22 17:12:18.0002014-01-21 08:21:42.266   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.266   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.267   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:42.268   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\install.bat2014-01-21 08:21:42.268   Time stamp of our file: 2014-01-04 11:26:58.0002014-01-21 08:21:42.268   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.269   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.269   -- File entry --2014-01-21 08:21:42.270   Dest filename: C:\AeroGlass\win8cp.png2014-01-21 08:21:42.270   Time stamp of our file: 2013-10-19 21:57:48.0002014-01-21 08:21:42.270   Installing the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.279   Successfully installed the file.2014-01-21 08:21:42.282   Installation process succeeded.2014-01-21 08:21:42.286   -- Run entry --2014-01-21 08:21:42.286   Run as: Current user2014-01-21 08:21:42.286   Type: Exec2014-01-21 08:21:42.286   Filename: C:\AeroGlass\install.bat2014-01-21 08:21:42.565   Process exit code: 02014-01-21 08:21:42.565   Need to restart Windows? No2014-01-21 08:21:44.519   Deinitializing Setup.2014-01-21 08:21:44.523   Log closed.

-deleted the rc3 folder, removed everything from registry, again executed setup - same effect.

-removed everything and extracted files from 7z manually, added task to scheduler - same effect

-installed setup.exe on a clean virtual machine with 8.1 - same effect.

The process works, but probably loads nothing.

PS donation key is present, symbols also

Edited by getbmah

I have to agree with MrGRiM and jb3555. The way it's called free on the one hand and how it nags users on the other hand isn't really a great way to "sell" your product. People feel ripped off if they are told it's free but no fun to use until you "donate". They feel forced to do so, which makes the donation not feel like an actual donation. They feel tricked. I think they would not have this kind of attitude towards the software if it would just be called trial version and that you have to buy a license to unlock it. So it's more a communication problem. If you really want to provide a free version with a donation simply providing a bonus than it should not annoy people with nag screens and watermarks. If you provide a product for free then it has no perceived monetary value. If you then scream "I want money" they think: "What?! For a free product? It's not worth the money." But if you say it's not free but costs 5 dollars, people would think: "Oh, only five dollars, that's okay, I'll buy a license. It's worth the money."


The symbols files still need to download manually even in ver 1.0?

Only for DWM.EXE. Due to the technical reason, it is not possible to hardcode DWM's SettingsManager location (because it is just variable and its memory address can change very often). Symbols for other modules (DWMCORE.DLL and UDWM.DLL) are hardcoded and they don't need to be downloaded unless any future Windows breaks needed functions a lot.


my Licence.key will not be accepted....will not loaded. I always see the Donation-Popup-window.

The Licence.key is in the Folder "AeroGlass" and in "DWM"

How is the Error ??

(Sorry for my English)


[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x23F0:0xBD0] Installing DWM hook...

[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x23F0:0xBD0] Module: C:\AeroGlass\dwmglass.dll

[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x1730:0x2220] Donation key not loaded (2)

[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x1730:0x2220] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ

[2014-01-21 04:07:59][0x1730:0x2288] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!

[2014-01-21 04:14:47][0x18BC:0x1418] Donation key not loaded (5)

[2014-01-21 04:14:47][0x18BC:0x1418] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ

[2014-01-21 04:14:47][0x18BC:0x1584] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!

[2014-01-21 04:15:51][0x20E0:0x142C] Donation key not loaded (5)

[2014-01-21 04:15:51][0x20E0:0x142C] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ

[2014-01-21 04:15:51][0x20E0:0x1850] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!

[2014-01-21 04:17:56][0x13DC:0x18B8] Donation key not loaded (5)

[2014-01-21 04:17:56][0x13DC:0x18B8] Machine ID: GUSQ4ULIFHOH5LOSQGBMLPVZGVTLO335APL75QUI4LOGYZUQ

[2014-01-21 04:17:57][0x13DC:0x2250] CSettingsManager not found, running in LIMITED MODE!

Donation key not loaded (5) - error 5 means "Access denied", so please, make sure that you have read privileges on your donation key. It is not enough to have read privileges for your account only. It must be readable by everyone, because dwm.exe runs under different credentials.

-deleted the rc3 folder, removed everything from registry, again executed setup - same effect.

-removed everything and extracted files from 7z manually, added task to scheduler - same effect

-installed setup.exe on a clean virtual machine with 8.1 - same effect.

The process works, but probably loads nothing.

PS donation key is present, symbols also

This seems very interesting problem, especially when no debug.log is created. Aerohost always logs successes and failures on your dwm.exe process. The only possibility which comes to my mind is that it cannot find dwm.exe process properly. Conditions to detect dwm process are that process must be called "dwm.exe" and it must be child of "winlogon.exe". Could you verify this e.g. with Process Explorer? Also verify that aerohost.exe is running correctly with admin rights and under SYSTEM account.

What I don't understand is that it should log at least "Installing DWM hook..." into debug.log. This sentence is logged everytime aerohost.exe starts. So if there is no debug.log at all, you should verify your system and privileges.

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