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Everything posted by illuzi0n

  1. @Bigmuscle what is this showing in my debug.log Loading settings (flags = 0x1) from HKEY 0x0000000000000000 for session #1
  2. Almost everybody has this problem including me, bigmuscle is working on fixing this issue but it might take some time to rectify it
  3. Delaying from the scheduler won't solve the issue somehow gotta delay the injection via the dll so it's as slow as the debug build ... only way I can think of to try and fix this issue that alot of people have
  4. @bigmuscle is there a way to delay the injection of WICImagingFactory by the .dll just so its as slow as the debug version? Just to see if it is the case of it injecting too quick
  5. Even with delay of 10 seconds still getting same error mate still have to restart dwm to remove black box
  6. Hopefully the black box problem gets resolved as everything else works beautifully thanks to bigmuscle ..
  7. Here is pastbin log of my debug log with debug build http://pastebin.com/fw7DYVkE BTW with debug build i dont get black box after restart Changed back to original 1.0 glass.dll and got black box again so there is something fishy between debug and official glass.dll
  8. same thing, even with glow mode set to 0 after a computer restart the black box appears. Only by restarting dwm fixes the issue for some reason dont know if this helps but i dont get any error after a restart in the debug.log except for: [2014-01-22 05:50:51][0x78:0x188] CoCreateInstance(CLSID_WICImagingFactory, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&pImageFactory)) failed with 0x800401F0PS: I dont get this error if i only restart the dwm
  9. good to see quite a few people here are experiencing the same problem with 1.0 my text glow mode is set to 1 and size is set to 0, ive tried all other modes and still comes with a rectangular box once you restart your computer.
  10. Why is it when i restart computer i get a black rectangular box around the glowing text, but when i restart the dwm by the aero glass configurator it shows glowing text without the black box surrounding the text like its supposed to from the start. Every time i restart comp i have to open the configurator and press apply to remove the black rectangular box
  11. what theme are you using there neiio? ps i hope you update elune for windows 8.1
  12. Im in the same boat After applying this to my registry and restarting my comp, when i open regedit the glow is there but other folders like c drive and all others dont have the glow like my regedit.. must be missing something
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