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Done, bootmgr.exe is copied to the root now.

"1 - Copy Files" is on server.

Thanks Chris :)

PXE wimboot of Win8.1SE is working great. :thumbup


It allows to boot from Network in 35 sec with a very powerful and perfect x64 boot.wim PE of size 400 MB

where all drivers are installed and PENetwork allows to make Network drives and 32-bits programs can be used.


I think adding Printer support is rather complex and takes a lot of space

and it is not really a function that is needed in PE.

If Printer support is desired then Portable and Mini 7/8 VHD can be used.

Printers installed in 7/8 Source OS can be used in these Mini VHD OS of size 2-3.5 GB

Booting 7/8 VHD from Network or from USB 3.0 with Printer support is working OK.

In that case Device Center is working quite good.




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Thank you for all your returns with screenshot Wimb :)

If you see things to improve, let me know

It is a matter of time to further improve but also the contributions of users, knowledge ;)

I agree, it is better to use your nice Mini Win7/8 VHD :thumbup to support printing or other things more closest from windows.

Maybe one day in PE, nothing urgent and not so asked.

As soon as I find a little more free time, I'll try iPXE and wimboot.

See you around :)

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Project Updated: Win8.1SE_2014-03-10

Win8.1SE is now Compatible with windows 8.1 Rollup 1.

Main Features:

mkisofs.exe: mkisofs tools v3.01 a22 MinGW version with storage optimization. Thanks cdob

1 - Copy Files: Bypass Driver Signing for x64 build, Thanks JFX. Add bootmgr.exe at root for iPXE, add missing drivers, thanks wimb. Compatibility with Win8.1 Rollup 1.

.Net Framework: 2aCD's plugin is now compatible with Win8.1SE. thanks 2aCD

0 - Pecmd Loader: updated Pecmd version 1201.80.14.7. Thanks SIW2

Themes: fix Aero Lite theme

Classic Shell: more configuration options, nicer start button, pinning programs, Restart/ShutDown with CD/DVD eject. thanks fuwi

RunAsSystem: Add Run As System in the context menu with NirCmd

AccessGain Drivers: bypass file system security

Renew USB3: Disable/Enable USB 3.0 Root Hub to make USB3-harddisk drives visible. Thanks wimb

Small Border Width: Reduced windows borders in Windows 8. Thanks JFX

Q-Dir Nenad: updated v5.94

Attribute Changer Petges: updated 7.10f. Thanks Mikka

WinNTSetup3: updated version 3.2.2

ServiWin: updated version 1.61

Rufus: updated version

Extract Wim Folders: Compact and Take Ownership of wim folders is an option now.

GetWaikTools: updated, download Windows 8.1 devcon tools.Thanks JFX

and many other things...

Interesting wimb's post Reply #115 above to boot from Network. PXE wimboot is very handy and fast for booting of Win8.1SE boot.wim from Network.

Thanks to ALL :thumbup

Important: Always Check Win8.1SE topic post 1 to get latest updates and informations.


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Hallo Chris,

Build of Latest version Stopped with Error in Attribute Changer Petges 7.10f script.

SearchPstart.Script for searching PStart folder is missing and not present anymore on server.

For UEFI Secure boot from USB by using boot.wim only and also for PXE wimboot

then it is preferred that Apps like Opera are booting from RAM and are inside boot.wim

and that Portable Apps can be used from PStart folder found outside the build.

May be it is an idea to change the preferred Settings accordingly. :)

Also Audio and Original Display Driver are quite useful and

I select these scripts since they are in anycase preferred by me. :)


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Hi wimb,

Yes there is a bug in Attribute Changer Petges 7.10f , I added at the last moment and unfortunately I have not tested. it was also reporting by paraglider.

I am currently preparing a new package at least to correct this for a successful building.

I added SearchPstart.Script, it had never been on the server, It is here now :)

And OK Audio and Original Display Driver are now selected by default.

For PXE booting, we must, It is better to select "Run ALL programs from RAM" to have all apps in boot.wim.

This option is not checked by default. For booting from CD/USB, others prefer to have applications outside to reduce boot.wim and have a faster startup.

I'm not really sure of this choice!!! Win7(8)PESE work like this for a while but with the amount of RAM available on the newest PC the option may be selected by default.

Thanks, I continue preparing the new package 2014-03-11


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For UEFI Secure booting from USB we need to use x64 boot.wim and

use entry for boot.wim in efi\microsoft\boot\bcd e.g. as made by UEFI_MULTI.exe

This case will frequently occur and we cannot use Grubdos but need to boot direct from Boot Manager Menu

and we would like to have the setting "Run All programs from RAM" so that they are inside boot.wim

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For UEFI Secure booting from USB we need to use x64 boot.wim and

use entry for boot.wim in efi\microsoft\boot\bcd e.g. as made by UEFI_MULTI.exe

Yes, agree, but it does not prevents to have applications on USB (Y: drive) or others drive, as for your SearchPstart.

DotNet or some applications are heavy like AV, Spybot,... and for them it is better to have them outside.

Also not to confuse users, accustomed like that with options "Run from Normal", "Run from RAM" or "Run from CD" for All apps

Perhaps I would change near future, I need the advice of other, also.

Otherwise,I have to try UEFI_MULTI.exe, does it copies boot.wim only.

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Otherwise,I have to try UEFI_MULTI.exe, does it copies boot.wim only.

UEFI_MULTI.exe will use boot.wim and (ask for) boot.sdi from folder Boot

and make entry in efi\microsoft\boot\bcd and in boot\bcd for direct booting with x64 boot.wim

So BIOS and UEFI (Secure) booting direct with boot.wim is supported.

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Some delay in the replies, I do two things at the same time ;)

Copy to USB does almost the same thing, normally to support BIOS and UEFI. It also copies the others folders (eg: programs) on USB stick/disk.

I'll look, but a little later, on how, maybe, offer the choice "Run ALL programs from RAM" earlier or easily for a better use with your nice UEFI_MULTI tool.


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Yes, agree, but it does not prevents to have applications on USB (Y: drive) or others drive, as for your SearchPstart.

You are right :)

Programs can be outside boot.wim

I simply copied the complete content of folder WIM to USB boot partition (FAT32 fresh Formatted)

BIOS and UEFI Secure booting is working OK.

Folder Programs does not occur in Y: drive and Programs do not appear in Win8.1 SE Menu

But you can use Opera from folder Programs on USB Boot drive.

May be a little fix to get Programs visible in 8.1 SE Menu (and folder Programs may be visible in drive Y:)

It can be an advantage to have the large Programs outside boot.wim


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Folder Programs does not occur in Y: drive and Programs do not appear in Win8.1 SE Menu

But you can use Opera from folder Programs on USB Boot drive.

May be a little fix to get Programs visible in 8.1 SE Menu (and folder Programs may be visible in drive Y:)

It can be an advantage to have the large Programs outside boot.wim


This is the MoutPEMedia, program called at startup, that changes the USB drive to Y:

It seems to work in most configurations, but when it does not operate, as in your case with Intel i5 machine and USB3, the shortcuts are not created unfortunately. In this case, it is indeed better to have programs in boot.wim.

In addition to the choice "Run ALL programs from RAM" maybe more easily accessible.

There may be something to do in MountPEmedia.exe by adding Disable/Enable USB 3.0 Root Hub (like in RenewUSB3 script) to try to make the USB drive available at this time and to create shortcuts then.

I'll try to see all that, a little later. thanks


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Project Updated: Win8.1SE_2014-03-11

Fix a bug in Attribute Changer Petges which prevents the good building out of the box. thanks paraglider and wimb for reporting :thumbup:

Other changes:

1 - Copy Files: Options to choose a User Account Picture, displayed at login. Thanks 2aCD

Explorer: Option to display the Quick Launch toolbar.Thanks JFX for the WinNTSetup registry keys, shared.

Choice to beautify Explorer with original imageres.dll icons (from install.wim). But it is a bit heavier: 47Mb vs 7Mb unpacked. Thanks 2aCD

Search Pstart: Search PStart.exe in PStart folder on a drive to launch it. Use wimb's PS.exe. Thanks.

Remove Watermark: Fixed the option "Only for x64 build".

Audio and Original Display Driver are now selected by default.

Note: For PXE booting, we must, It is better to select "Run ALL programs from RAM" in "CdDrive - X: - Y:"

For CD/USB, you can also use this option to get all Apps in boot.wim. You can use this option, if your USB drive is not recognized at startup with shortcuts not created then or if you prefer to have all boot.wim.

It requires more RAM available based on applications added, DotNet,... and a slightly slower start.

To boot computers having BIOS or UEFI firmware with an USB stick/disk, you can use also UEFI_MULTI.exe to make Multi-Boot USB-Drives http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=25269

Important: Always Check Win8.1SE topic post 1 to get latest updates and informations.


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If I may :unsure:, now that the Win8.1SE project is "mature" and working well, you (we, everyone) are confronted with the old - still the same - issues, that have been faced (and went mostly unresolved) on every PE building project ever attempted. :ph34r:

There is not a "common" use of a PE. :w00t:

The two extremes are:

1) my personal view: a small temporary OS, the smallest the better, the simpler the better, used to recover/fix a failed system

2) wimb's view (I take him as an example as he is a much respected developer and usually knows where his towel is, but he is not the only one thinking like that): a full replacement for an installed OS, including ALL the bells and whistles (and sound and high graphic resolution and what not)

Of course between these extremes there are any number of peeps thinking that a vital requirement for a PE is a nice background (or a graphical change in the bootscreen) and others that want instead a "bare" system, but capable of running (senseless) .Net applications they use, etc. etc.

Both "extreme" points of view are IMHO to be respected, and as well all the ones between them :).

IMHO the only possible solution to have all kind of "customers" satisfied is modularity AND simple ways to access it.

One suggestion maybe to have four "presets":

  1. Bare
  2. Lite
  3. Medium
  4. Full

that already would create four "bases" more modular along the choices/preferences of different users (and different expectations from the build).

But since you are now talking of separating the programs from the .wim (which is good), I would like to propose (again) an approach that has been attempted in the past but that never went "mainstream", using one (or more) separate disk images mounted on the "main" filesystem as directory mountpoints.

Imagine that you have a "core" PE and a completely separated disk image that you mount through any of the available drivers, let's say IMDISK for simplicity, to a directory in the "main" filesystem, say X:\PortableApps.

It would be trifling to make a separate batch, winbuilder script or *whatever* capable of creating a PSTART (or similar) menu based on the contents of such a directory "dynamically" (at boot).

Such an approach would reduce the size of the "core" (allowing better use of RAM, when and if RAM is used for booting), faster booting times (as an example for LAN/Pxe booting), one could also have the possibility to connect to an image containing a smaller set of programs or to connect to a more featured one.

Of course such an approach won't be useful for *all* programs, but I am pretty sure that it may make the thingy more flexible and save a lot of re-builds. :unsure:


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Well Jaclaz, you're making a lot of sense, thanks for your contribution. I'm certainly not in the category of users who want audio/ full hires, etc. I don't even need net connectivity most of the time. It's really quite amazing how flexible the project is, when it can serve "minimalists" and "maximalists" at the same time.

About your "seperated disk image", I use something like that. I have most standard WB/SE project apps deselected (actually: removed) and only use a few tiny scripts, one of these is for autohotkey.exe (just the exe and the main ini with "runonce" code and key assignments). I use this as an autorun, on boot it mounts a file called "q.iso" as drive q:, this iso holds all my portable aps (Acronis, HWINfo, TCCLE, WinNTSetup, XYplorer, my favorite viewers, editors, packers, fonts, etc. etc). Almost all of these are portable, only Acronis needs a few driver files installed in a script (so along with the Autohotkey script I have an "Acronis drivers" script, same for Macrium mount drivers and AOMEI drivers).

Total for my "Scripts-Aps" folder is 4mb (which makes for super fast builds, specially with extracted wim files)

Total for my q.iso (the portable aps container) is 172mb (super easy to maintain and update, one large iso files copies to USB a lot faster than hundreds of small files).

Do you think something like this (well, more the way *you* described it, maybe) should be built into SE, or do you think it should be left to the users to decide?

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