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For the 3 services USBHUB3 USBXHCI and UCX01000 related to booting from USB 3.0

I have changed the Load Order Group to Boot Bus Extender and Start was changed from 3 to 0

It is done now, in "2 - Shell & Config" plugin, it is on server :thumbup

I believe it is good to keep it for MountPEmedia to change the drive to Y: at startup.

or maybe add RenewUSB3.cmd (created by the plugin below) in PecmdInit.ini

EXEC !=%SystemRoot%\system32\RenewUSB3.cmd

before EXEC !=%SystemRoot%\system32\MountPEmedia.exe

ps: after changes, you can rebuild boot.wim and ISO with the button "Create new Target Image and ISO" in Finals\3-PostConfig

Hmm, wasn't the devcon sourcecode not available somewhere?

So compiling it with another name should be enough to have a redistributable one.

Also, I could properly add devcon download to GWT :yes:


Run GetWaikTools -devcon

Great, thanks JFX :thumbup

I have not seen your update before and I used an old devcon's compilation that I had made.

I wrote a plugin RenewUSB3 plugin (to put in Drivers folder) that use this custom devcons, if you can want to do a first test Wimb.

I'll rewrite it with the new GWT to download and use the original devcon :) if you prefer to wait the final version ;)


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It is done now, in "2 - Shell & Config" plugin, it is on server :thumbup

I wrote a plugin RenewUSB3 plugin (to put in Drivers folder) that use this custom devcons, if you can want to do a first test Wimb.

I added the two new scripts and the RenewUSB3 plugin is doing fine :thumbup

Now when booting from USB 3.0 then Always the USB-harddisk drives are visible.

GetWaikTools -devcon is also doing fine and it allows to download devcon in an easy way.

Thanks ChrisR and JFX for all improvements :thumbup

Instead of using Grub4dos menu to boot the ISO,

I am now trying direct UEFI Secure booting of 8.1SE boot.wim made with x64 Win 8.1 version.

In 32-bits Win8.1 OS I tried the supplied Copy to USB BootMGR script for USB-Stick, but booting failed saying NTLDR is missing.

I fixed the bootsector by using bootsect /nt60

Repeated in 64-bits Win8.1 OS and then the script is doing OK.

UEFI Secure booting from USB-Stick with x64 boot.wim of Win8.1SE is doing fine.

In x64 OS then UEFI_MULTI.exe can make BootMgr entry on Mult-Boot USB-harddisk

for UEFI Secure booting of x64 boot.wim from RAMDISK.


It is very nice to have support for 32-bits programs in x64 environment, since that is missing in the Recovery drive of Microsoft.

After booting from RAMDISK then I used PENetwork to Connect to Network Drive S:

and can use WinNTSetup3 and Win8.1 x64 ISO mounted as ImDisk drive K: for Setup from Network. :thumbup



I have external PStart for using my tools and PStart folder can be found by running PS.exe (in POST_FIX_W8 folder)

I can add PS.exe to SysWow64 folder via Components > Additional Files script

But how to make PS.exe autorun at boottime ?

I guess there must be made an entry in file Win8.1SE.cfg but where can that be done ?

Or may be it is better to make a Link on Desktop for launching PS.exe

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Win8.1 devcon tool downloaded by GetWaikTool is now included :thumbup
The updates are on the server: GetWaikTool, Retrieve Tools, 2 - Shell & Config and RenewUSB3
I will look at Copy to USB BootMGR for the x86 build, it use bootIce to Install /nt60 boot sector normally !
UEFI_MULTI.exe could be a good additional plugin, I would it after my vacation.

I have external PStart for using my tools and PStart folder can be found by running PS.exe (in POST_FIX_W8 folder)

I can add PS.exe to SysWow64 folder via Components > Additional Files script

But how to make PS.exe autorun at boottime ?

I guess there must be made an entry in file Win8.1SE.cfg but where can that be done ?

You need a little script for this, with for example:
Otherwise, here a small and simple plugin for PS.exe, no need to add PS.exe in SysWOW64, it is done. I hope it works :)
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Otherwise, here a small and simple plugin for PS.exe, no need to add PS.exe in SysWOW64, it is done. I hope it works :)

Thanks a lot Chris :)

Updated and everything is working OK. :thumbup

PStart folder is found easily and It is very nice to have immediate access to PStart menu with Portable Tools.


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Strange that two System device drivers cannot be installed. What can be the reason ?

Remote Desktop Device Redirector Bus and Composite Bus Enumerator are missing and cannot be added.

Driver Integration does not work for these drivers, but when these drivers (inf and sys) are simply added at their expected locations,

then both drivers are installed on AMD machine and Intel i5 machine booting in Legacy mode (BIOS).

In case of UEFI Secure boot then only the CompositeBus driver is installed on Intel i5 machine.

In practice I used Components>Additional Files script to add inf and sys to their expected locations Windows\inf and Windows\System32\drivers

So there is progress and install of drivers is almost perfect ....


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Both drivers are installed here now :) . DriverStore does not seem necessary.
"1 - Copy Files" with the copied files is on server

So there is progress and install of drivers is almost perfect ....

Yes, Thanks :thumbup

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Yes, but why 2 winbuilder versions?

Is there some advantage to one over the other?

I'm guessing one helpfile is for one version, and the other for the other (hard to tell which).

... this is likely obvious to someone keeping up with Winbuilder, but discouraging for others.

Edited by RUSerious
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PXE wimboot is very handy and fast for booting of Win8.1SE boot.wim from Network.

Using iPXE and wimboot, you can boot into Windows PE via HTTP.

In case of Windows 8 then bootmgr.exe must be used instead of bootmgr

bootmgr.exe is missing in Win8.1SE but can be found in Windows\Boot\PXE folder of boot.wim of Win8.1 x64 ISO

More Info on how to use Tiny PXE Server for booting WIM and VHD from Network via iPXE

I copied folders Boot and sources from Win8.1SE_2014-01-30\ISO\WIM folder to pxesrv\files folder

and added file bootmgr.exe to pxesrv\files folder

It will be nice when the Project copies file bootmgr.exe from the Source so that bootmgr.exe is present in ISO\WIM folder

Entry in menu.ipxe for PXE wimboot of Win8.1SE boot.wim file

kernel ${boot-url}/wimboot
initrd ${boot-url}/bootmgr.exe bootmgr.exe
initrd ${boot-url}/Boot/bcd bcd
initrd ${boot-url}/Boot/fonts/segmono_boot.ttf segmono_boot.ttf
initrd ${boot-url}/Boot/fonts/segoe_slboot.ttf segoe_slboot.ttf
initrd ${boot-url}/Boot/fonts/segoen_slboot.ttf segoen_slboot.ttf
initrd ${boot-url}/Boot/fonts/wgl4_boot.ttf wgl4_boot.ttf
initrd ${boot-url}/Boot/boot.sdi boot.sdi
initrd ${boot-url}/sources/boot.wim boot.wim
boot || goto failed
goto start

F12 hotkey can be used for PXE boot when LAN PXE Boot ROM is enabled in BIOS

F8 hotkey can be used to select PXE boot in BIOS Boot Menu

post-132150-0-35033800-1393242965_thumb. ==> post-132150-0-65684400-1393243003_thumb. post-132150-0-58776500-1393228769_thumb.


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I can use Add Printer dialog and Print a test page is working OK,

but on Finish then Default Printer cannot be set and Icons do not appear in Devices and Printers.

How to solve this issue ?


Attached is a list of extra files added with Components > Additional Files script using folder




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Yes, but why 2 winbuilder versions?

Is there some advantage to one over the other?

I'm guessing one helpfile is for one version, and the other for the other (hard to tell which).

... this is likely obvious to someone keeping up with Winbuilder, but discouraging for others.

You can read this topic and reply #7 to understand a bit ;) why the two versions are present.

Use Win81SE82_Builder thumbsup.gif which is faster. If something confuse with an additional plugin check with Win81SE80_Builder.

The 2 help files are substantially identical but not written by the same people.

My poor English does not allow me to easily write a tuto, readme,.htm,

Sorry for the confusion that can occur!

Edited by ChrisR
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FTTH use.

"!" Is seen. Slow Connect Network And disappear.


I do not benefit from the fiber and its benefits, I can not help you.

Let me know if you find some thing


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PXE wimboot is very handy and fast for booting of Win8.1SE boot.wim from Network.

Thanks to show iPXE wimboot , seems really interresting, I need to try it ;)

It will be nice when the Project copies file bootmgr.exe from the Source so that bootmgr.exe is present in ISO\WIM folder

Done, bootmgr.exe is copied to the root now.

"1 - Copy Files" is on server.

About Printer, I still have not watched if I can help a bit.

It is not really a priority for me in a PE but but it would be a good feature for the project.

Thank you for your advanced and the list of files :)

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