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Everything posted by wimb

  1. Update Download: Make_WinPE_Trusted-80 - E = file Encrypted with pw=bootwimb FinaL Version - Ready for Testing Make_WinPE - Make PE WIM file from Windows 10/11 x64 ISO file Download Manual VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools with Portable Apps for WinPE Credits and Thanks to homes32 aka Jonathan Holmgren for making PhoenixPE
  2. Existing Windows Installation can be modified with Additional Drivers and Tweaks by using Setup without having install.wim selected as Installation Source. I was not aware of this useful option and the previous version crashed on this point as Sonic mentioned earlier.
  3. Thanks for the very useful option to use Setup without selecting sources install.wim. It allows to Add Drivers and Tweaks e.g. Disable Windows Defender on existing Windows Installation e.g. Windows_To_Go in VHD
  4. Update Download: Make_WinPE_Trusted-68 - E = file Encrypted with pw=bootwimb Make_WinPE - Make PE WIM file from Windows 10x64 ISO file Download Manual VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools with Portable Apps for WinPE Credits and Thanks to homes32 aka Jonathan Holmgren for making PhoenixPE
  5. Update Download: Make_WinPE_Trusted-65 - E = file Encrypted with pw=bootwimb Make_WinPE - Make PE WIM file from Windows 10x64 ISO file Download Manual VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools with Portable Apps for WinPE Credits and Thanks to homes32 aka Jonathan Holmgren for making PhoenixPE
  6. Update Download: Make_WinPE_Trusted-56 - E = file Encrypted with pw=bootwimb Make_WinPE - Make PE WIM file from Windows 10x64 ISO file Download Manual VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools with Portable Apps for WinPE
  7. Update Download: Make_WinPE_Trusted-50 - E = file Encrypted with pw=bootwimb Make_WinPE - Make PE WIM file from Windows 10x64 ISO file Download Manual VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools with Portable Apps for WinPE Source ISO Windows 10x64 Build 19041.264 Win10_2004_English_x64.iso - Best Source Build Service Pack 2006 and 1288 and 3803 English and Dutch (and Mexican Spanish) OK in testing Not OK - Crash Build Service Pack 2965 English and Win10_22H2_Dutch_x64v1.iso Credits and Thanks to: ChrisR - for making Win10XPE JFX for making WinNTSetup Program for Install of Windows from ISO File alacran for testing and helpful support and Launchbar for support of Portable Apps
  8. Download: UEFI_MULTI v7.1 - Make Multi-Boot USB-Drive Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS USB drive Booting with Windows Boot Manager Menu in BIOS or UEFI Mode UEFI_MULTI van make Boot entry for Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD as FILEDISK UEFI_MULTI van make Boot entry for PE WIM file for Booting from RAMDISK Manual: VHD_Compact PDF - Windows To Go More Info: https://msfn.org/board/topic/186068-vhd_compact-repair-and-install-of-windows-1011-x64/ More Info: https://msfn.org/board/topic/181311-usb-format-tool-and-uefi_multi/ Best Performance: Switch AntiVirus Software e.g. Microsoft Defender Off Credits and Thanks to: ChrisR - for making Win10XPE for Booting from RAMDISK https://github.com/ChrisRfr/Win10XPE JFX for making WinNTSetup Program for Install of Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD https://msfn.org/board/topic/149612-winntsetup-v534/
  9. Update: USB_FORMAT-70 simple design for VHD_Compact PDF USB Format Tool - Make Bootable USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions USB Multi-Boot of Win10XPE + Windows 10/11 x64 VHD in BIOS Or UEFI Secure mode More Info: https://msfn.org/board/topic/186068-vhd_compact-repair-and-install-of-windows-1011-x64/ VHD_Compact - Repair and Install of Windows 10/11 x64 - Windows To Go 1 - Format USB Drive with MBR and 2 Partitions = Active FAT32 + NTFS 2 - After Format Copy your boot.wim to Root of USB Boot Drive WinNTSetup can Add Windows 10/11 x64 VHD to Boot Manager Menu USB drive Booting with Windows Boot Manager Menu in BIOS or UEFI Mode
  10. Update: USB_FORMAT-63 and VHD_Compact PDF - ReFormat of GPT partitioned USB Disk as UEFI/MBR partitioned USB Disk is supported by using convert MBR in DISKPART - Error Handling and Messages in USB_FORMAT 6.3.2 are improved
  11. Update: USB_FORMAT-70 and VHD_Compact PDF - ReFormat of GPT partitioned USB Disk as UEFI/MBR partitioned USB Disk is supported by using convert MBR in DISKPART - Error Handling and Messages in USB_FORMAT 7.0 are improved
  12. Thank you for the Link and I think it is certainly an interesting application that can be quite useful. The wumt_x64.exe size is 14.3 MB and makes it less suitable to integrate it in PE_Tools, but we can use it as a standalone app.
  13. In case booting from USB with PE is not available we can use Windows Shift Restart to arrive in Windows Recovery Environment. In WinRE blue menu Advanced Options we can use Command > notepad > File Open > Run as Admin WinNTSetup_x64.exe and Select Captured WIM file of Windows 10/11 x64 and use Setup for Apply in VHD e.g. Inject New System in VHD next to existing Windows. Thank you for making WinNTSetup v5.3.4 which is working quite well for many cases.
  14. In case booting from USB with PE is not available we can use Windows Shift Restart to arrive in Windows Recovery Environment. In WinRE blue menu Advanced Options we can use Command > notepad > File Open > Run as Admin WinNTSetup_x64.exe and Select Captured WIM file of Windows 10/11 x64 and use Setup for Apply in VHD e.g. Inject New System in VHD next to existing Windows.
  15. Update: VHD_Compact PDF and PE_Tools Win10XPE Add Custom Desktop files DPIScalingMFCApp.exe and Run_PE_Tools_x64.exe and VHD_Compact.pdf Win10XPE with PE_Tools Menu for Portable Apps and with WinNTSetup Apply in VHD
  16. Fast Capture: Switch AntiVirus Software like MS Defender Off for Faster Capture and Apply (= Setup) with WinNTSetup Fast Apply: Boot from USB with 10XPE boot.wim and then use WinNTSetup to Apply (=Setup) in VHD Capture and Apply in about 3 min for .wim files of about 8 GB Universal Captured WIM files for Local Account containing about 125 extra Non-Microsoft Drivers suitable for Install of Windows 10/11 x64 on any Hardware e.g. Install in VHD located on USB Portable SSD - Windows To Go
  17. Update: VHD_Compact PDF and WinNTSetup_Settings-2 Update WinNTSetup.ini as to make only UEFI Boot Entry in BCD, which is OK for booting from ESP drive. BCD Setting ALL is auto selected in case of USB Boot drive to allow both UEFI and MBR BIOS booting.
  18. WinNTSetup Capture in running Win11_23H2 in VHD is Fast - 10.2 GB WIM file Captured in 3 min Update VHD_Compact PDF Switch AntiVirus Software like MS Defender Off for Faster Capture and Apply (= Setup) with WinNTSetup Procedure simplified to have less steps. Make USB Portable SSD that can be used for Repair and Install of Windows 10/11 x64
  19. VHD_Compact - Repair and Install of Windows 10/11 x64 - Windows To Go How to make USB Portable SSD booting with PE 10/11 x64 WIM file from RAMDISK and with Windows 10/11 x64 in VHD as FILEDISK How to Reset Windows Password on BitLocker Encrypted Drive Download: VHD_Compact PDF and USB_FORMAT-70 and PE_Tools and Make_WinPE and WinNTSetup Credits and Thanks to: - JFX for making WinNTSetup Program for Install of Windows from ISO File
  20. Can you Add a Tweak so that Password never Expires for LocalAccount UserName as defined in Unattend Installation ? After using WinNTSetup I normally Open Admin Command Window and give command: wmic UserAccount where Name='UserName' set PasswordExpires=False Without this command then Password would Expire which is unwanted.
  21. Ok, I will check this and report about it later and try to find a solution.
  22. That FAT32 Size Option is Unhidden when you use Windows 10 or 11 as Operating System and the Option is Hidden in Windows 8 or 7 Operating System that don't support 2 partitions on Removable Devices. So I suggest you to use Windows 10 x64 or 11 x64 as Operating System.
  23. Update Download: Make_WinPE_Trusted-44 - pw=bootwimb for Windows 10/11 x64 OS Download: Win10_2004_English_x64.iso (best) Or Win11_English_x64v1.iso Or Win11_English_x64.iso (better than 11v1) Download: using Windows-ISO-Downloader.exe - Added 3 Drivers 10x64 - essential for modern laptops and not available in ISO DriverStore Support for Intel Rapid Storage Technology VMD driver iaStorVD.sys - NVME SSD Disks Support Intel Wi-Fi 6 Internet and Intel Thunderbolt Controller USB - Default is LARGE Version - PE_19041_US_L.wim Size = 657 MB - best universal PE for Desktops and Laptops - LARGE Version uses DRIVERS Hive and all \Windows\INF\*.inf files from install.wim so that MS Drivers are installed already - Delete "MinimizeFootprint" limitation imposed by WinRE in SOFTWARE Setup Key - Removal is essential for more Driver Support [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup]
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