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nuhi is back, post your suggestions here

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Posted (edited)
:), I noticed that too and it started bothering me. I've been busy with the new tool and didn't want to stop in the middle of something.

For nLite I have written down what needs to be done, and will be finished as soon as the current stream of updates for the new one is done.

That is what most of people wanted in the first place, to put focus on the next tool.

I'll reply to this topic properly later.

Great to see you are still working on this tool, nuhi :)

As for:

trala, thanks for the kind words, I also tried all the tools out there before choosing to proceed with the next one, and yeah... But now you are on my blacklist, I am not allowed to listen to people which agree with me, sorry ;).

Hehe, that's right, if I'm not nothing but another self that is fine with me. Just remember this particular self does not know how to code, so please make this tool for this, your other agreeable self :D

Edited by trala

Posted (edited)

nuhi? dino? t-rex? :huh:

seriously or just your craziness? :crazy:

need an answer asap! :angrym: :realmad:


Edited by Weed
  • 1 month later...

Welcome back, nuhi.

Can I say, your contributions to the OS customizing community are what *created* the community, more than any other tool or process. Your amazing programming skills and OS knowledge have been SORELY missed!

I simply cannot wait to see (and use) your new tool for Windows 7+... We've had to put up with some less than ideal "impostors" in your absence. Yours will surely blow the other previous attempts out of the water!


RicaNeaga, I am kinda swamped with the basics for now, my todo list is too long as it is, I first want to present to the public my vision, then we can adjust it to fit to a broader audience.

I have no ETA, hopefully a public beta in 2-3 months, then we can open a feedback loop.

Weed, hey :), long time...

Legolash2o, yeah, well, it was good. Worked on a different things in a professional environment, but the itch for this "hobby" was too strong, so here I am, broke some ties that were binding me from doing this.

I saw that now you have a tool of your own, congratulations, looks great.

Ultimist, hehe thanks, but it's all about different tastes and expectations, there will always be more than one solution to a problem.

Posted (edited)

Well, the other day I tried to vLite an updated Win7 image (IE11 integrated, sysprep'd image). I made many such images before but not since I had been including IE10 (and later) to the images. I think vLite is finally not working anymore on images with the newest updates/IE11 included. I thought this might happen and I think it just did :( I think Win7 is being backported many updates and files from NT6.2/3. It might just be the platform update 2670838 (prerequisite to IE10/11 and having DirectX 11.1 components) or a combination of things.

Please don't forget Win7 nuhi, it is the best recent Windows desktop OS but it never had a good lite-ning tool, only vLite. If you need some images with IE11 integrated, etc., for testing (or want me to test anything) let me know via PM. Thanks :D

Edited by trala

I would love the abillity to install an nLite'd XP x64 from USB-drive. I've tried many tools to accomplish this, and they all fail in their own ways.

If XP is to "survive" a future with no readily available optical media and >4GB systems I feel this is wery much needed (Also I just want it NOW! :P).


I would love the abillity to install an nLite'd XP x64 from USB-drive. I've tried many tools to accomplish this, and they all fail in their own ways.

If XP is to "survive" a future with no readily available optical media and >4GB systems I feel this is wery much needed (Also I just want it NOW! :P).

Installing an XP x64 from USB is perfectly possible, making use of the 64 bit version of firadisk driver, maybe you nlited it "wrongly" or "too much":




Installing an XP x64 from USB is perfectly possible, making use of the 64 bit version of firadisk driver, maybe you nlited it "wrongly" or "too much":



I find it odd that one single thing I've "nlite'd" would cause these tools to fail in entirelly different ways. Some cause my auto-logon not too work(WinSetupFromUSB), some stop in the middle of "registering Components"(WinNTSetup) and others BSOD before I'm even able to select my drive in text-mode(UnetBootIn etc.)

This too much?

Last Session.ini


Installing an XP x64 from USB is perfectly possible, making use of the 64 bit version of firadisk driver, maybe you nlited it "wrongly" or "too much":



I find it odd that one single thing I've "nlite'd" would cause these tools to fail in entirelly different ways. Some cause my auto-logon not too work(WinSetupFromUSB), some stop in the middle of "registering Components"(WinNTSetup) and others BSOD before I'm even able to select my drive in text-mode(UnetBootIn etc.)

This too much?

Cannot say.

You reported that you were not able to install an XP 64 from USB.

I told you how there is at least one method (tested and working) to do so.

It is up to you to test that method (and NOT any other one) first with an untouched source and later with your nlited .iso.

You were seemingly whining :ph34r: and besides whining barking up the wrong tree :w00t:, you were also whining generically, we have now several different methods and tools to install from USB, if one doesn't work, try another one, my scope was only to let you know how installing XP 64 from USB is possible and it has been done.



It's only "possible" if you're willing to use an un-touched ISO, not exactly the nLite way now is it?.

As I said, I've tried many ways of making this work. It's clearly an nLite issue.
It seems to me like I would have to become somewhat of an expert in Grub, how the XP-installer works and more or less create my own tools (which I have no hope in hell of doing). I would have to become nuhi...

Which is why it seems logical to me for nuhi to look into an option in the last stage of nLite for creating a bootable USB-stick that works with nLite. if nuhi doesn't know how to do it, who would?


As I said, I've tried many ways of making this work. It's clearly an nLite issue.

Did you try that method (and NOT any other one) with an untouched source?

Did you try that method (and NOT any other one) with your specific nlited source? :unsure:

Did the former succeed and the latter fail?

If yes, HOW exactly (with which error, etc.)?

I am BTW pretty sure that if you start a new thread asking ilko_t about your issues with your nlited source with WinSetupfromUSB and/or try asking Akeo about Rufus support, they may be able to pinpoint the issue, and workaround it in their respective tools/methods.

IMHO installing from USB is outside the scope of nlite and well within the scope of the tools designed to install from USB.



thank you to be back .

i would like to have some win 7 or 8 very slim but with best performance for gamer pc or server .

may be you should also add firadisk+vhd+grubfordos support : they are the tools to load os in ram .

even a 11 Go vhd [made with unlocker for few deletion] for 16 Go of ram is very cool and stable

for the very new things to add , i think it is a tool that read lastsession.ini , plus the original win 7 or 8 iso and the iso used for install , and the windows installed .

so the tool would find where the install sequence started to derail .

may be another tool to check dependencies could help to have stable nlited os .

i hope you ll give us something for x-mas , even only for win7 x64 without sp1


Hi Nuhi,

would it be possible to create the .ISO image, starting nLite via CLI (script)?

Currently I'm able to integrate AddOns via CLI, but the .ISO wouldn't be created ....


  • 4 weeks later...

was it nuhi or its account is hacked ?

he said he was having done something near official-release the coming weeks or days .....months later he no longer comes .

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