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I'm not sure if this is a known bug or not (sorry if it is) but when you have configured the taskbar to use small icons (i.e. where the clock is only a single line), then the default start menu button disppears.

I don't confirm this. Are you using non-standard skin or other theming / shell enhancement programs?

Here is an example of one of my start menus with the open box removed and how it looks on SIB+

But I thought you will remake those themes with the search box? Wasn't it removed to get rid of glass?

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I'm not sure if this is a known bug or not (sorry if it is) but when you have configured the taskbar to use small icons (i.e. where the clock is only a single line), then the default start menu button disppears.

I don't confirm this. Are you using non-standard skin or other theming / shell enhancement programs?

Here is an example of one of my start menus with the open box removed and how it looks on SIB+

But I thought you will remake those themes with the search box? Wasn't it removed to get rid of glass?

Some of them I will remake and have already done one a couple of days ago that I thought the search bar looked ok with but tbh I have come to like not seeing it there and I think most of my start menus look much better without them, plus you still get a search menu even if you cant see the bar there, you can still open the start menu and start to type and it will still search, or Ctrl+V to paste something if you need, so I have never missed it anyway.

Please if you can anyway, just think of us themers and giving us a bit more of a wow experience with our creativity, you already have hands down the best start menu Windows has ever seen, especially for all of us who like to show our creativity to share with others, plus the start menu was the only thing really that Stardock ever had over us msstyles designers, just amount of flexibility they had there with being able to create a menu with any sort of shape they wanted and even have it fully animated was pretty impressive.

Plus I will make it worth your while, I will happily donate $50 if you throw in a few extra nice features for us :w00t:

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I'm not sure if this is a known bug or not (sorry if it is) but when you have configured the taskbar to use small icons (i.e. where the clock is only a single line), then the default start menu button disppears.

I don't confirm this. Are you using non-standard skin or other theming / shell enhancement programs?

I just realized that the issue only presents itself if you go to Control Panel -> Display and turn on scaling. I run 125% since 1920x1080 on a 13" screen is a bit small. If I step it back down to 100%, then the icon shows up fine.

I'm using the round Windows 7 (I think) logo meanwhile which seems to work fine with scaling enabled.

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Okay, different heights for logoff and search boxes - done! To the extent of good enough. It's matter of compatibility, not the time / money.

Making existing skins look right is compatibility so next version should fix this. :angel

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Hi, I am on StartIsBack+ RC3. I found out that the recent programs list never update once it reaches the number of 10 which I set in Options. Is it designed for, or I did something wrong? I never used StartIsBack before.

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Okay, different heights for logoff and search boxes - done! To the extent of good enough. It's matter of compatibility, not the time / money.

Making existing skins look right is compatibility so next version should fix this. :angel

That's "good enough" for me mate :)

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I've really come to hate the new StartIsBack+ (RC3) with a vengeance. There is no way to disable searching the user profile folder. I just want it to search the shortcuts in the start menu. Now when I search for a program all kinds of crap turns up in the results. Disabling this was of course possible in both Win7 and in StartIsBack 2.x.

The initial post here says "no features were lost" and I have to disagree :-(

Edited by AnybodyM
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Kinda harsh. You get more what you want with sugar than with vinegar.

Instead of being rough, all you had to say was that you miss some functionality of SiB and detail what it was.

Have you tried going into Indexing in the Control Panel and disabling indexing for the things you don't want?

Don't know if it automatically clears what it's already indexed since I've only added to it, not removed anything, before.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 4

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I always thought the quote was "You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word."

But perhaps the sugar quote works too.

Regarding the Windows Indexing settings: Those are not a solution because even if they would result in the startmenu behaviour I want they would also disable searching in explorer. I want to be able to use indexing for my profile folder when searching in explorer. I just don't want to find all this crap in the startmenu when i want to START something.

It's not called the FIND menu, or did I miss something here?

Kinda harsh. You get more what you want with sugar than with vinegar.
Have you tried going into Indexing in the Control Panel and disabling indexing for the things you don't want?

Don't know if it automatically clears what it's already indexed since I've only added to it, not removed anything, before.

Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 4

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They're both quotes. Al Capone the gangster said the one you quoted, or at least made it well known.

I've always gotten the same results in both the Search field in the Windows Start Menu, starting with Vista and on, as in Windows Explorer. I've always used it that way and never had problem finding programs with it which are in the Start Menu, like "Calculator", and programs which there aren't even Start Menu entries for, like netplwiz, msconfig and others.

If you ask nicely, maybe Tihiy would add that setting option to SiB+. If you want to try a kind word and a gun, YMMV. ;D

Edited by roirraWedorehT
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You can disable file searching this way:


I'll try to return this feature into next version or +1.1.

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- On a touch screen, invoking Shutdown shows 'Slide to shutdown' to prevent accidental shutdown
- Custom themes support different searchbox / logoff heights
- Custom themes can be used with alternate start menu skins
- Start screen shortcut opens it on active monitor
- Turning off 'Search public folders' turns off file search in Start menu instead of searching user profile
- Fixed: start menu may not hide when invoking search results
- Fixed: default start button may not display on 125% DPI

Can we has rlz nao?

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