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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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Well first make sure the installation has the wof driver installed.
Best if you have installed that system with any of WinNTSetups compact option.

Than start the compression:

WofCompress -c:LZX -path:C:\

It will automatically use the exclusion list in WimBootReCompress.ini that WinNTSetup has placed in Windows\System32 folder.


You can also use it to just compress any folder, if you want:

WofCompress -c:LZX -a -path:D:\Programs


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I keep forgetting what some of the WinNTSetup ini values do or mean. I assume they are related to the command line switches. Are these explained anywhere or could you briefly explain the different values below?

OEM=\sources\$OEM$                                                                                                                                                                          BCD= (0, 1, 2, ?, ?)
BootSect=(0, 1, 2, ?, ?)
Win7USBBoot=(0. 1, ?, ?)
AddOtherOS=(0 ,1, ?, ?)

Also where is the wimlib.ini supposed to be put if you enable using wimlib as stated in the ReadME. for wimlib - in  \Tools with the other ini files?


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Can I install XP from Windows 10 PE using an XP ISO as the source within the 'XP' tab form?

The only way I can do it is to first go to the Win10 tab and select the XP ISO so it is mounted as a virtual drive and then go to the XP tab and select the virtual XP CD.

I have found that winnt32.exe does not work under Win10 PE - it complains about a 'Basic disk'


So using WinNTSetup to install XP from an ISO is useful when booting to WinPE10...


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These are just the GUI options on the Ready? GUI.
The last 3 should be 0 or 1.

You just add all options in the WinNTSetup.ini there is no wimlib.ini.


On XP Tab you need to right click on the source button to select an ISO.

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  • 1 month later...


I have used before the option for add drivers, but not for unsigned drivers, and I have some questions:

AFAIK: The procedure should be select + Drivers (Bottom left corner) making right click to allow install unsigned drivers, and the path to the drivers folder.

1 - Is this all?

I allready did this and made a WinNTSetup.ini to take a look and I can find Drivers= The path to Drivers folder, but I can't find anything about allow install unsigned drivers.

2 - How can I verify this option is selected?

I'm assuming using this option is like ForceUnsigned on Dism.

3 - Is this right?

4 - Wath OSs (and arch.) can use the option for install unsigned drivers?

5 - Does this also modify the BCD to allow Test Mode and/or No integrity checks, or not?

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Hi alacran,

1) Yes, that's all. Just select the drivers folder and use right click on checkbox to change the unsigned option.

2) Should look like this https://imgur.com/X8Zgd8V for 3 seconds

3) Yes, it just passed the ForceUnsigned parameter to Dism

4) Windows 7 and newer

5) It set testsigning in BCD

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 6/29/2018 at 8:02 PM, JFX said:

Oh, fixed now.

Seems we lost a lot of content in this topic.
I think you asked for an option to exclude some volumes from being mounted.

This can now be done in the ini, Choose eihter a dos device name or just a disk number.



hi ! i don't remember , is it possible to disable all "boot" partition ?

tried BootMountExclude=1 , doesn't work

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18 minutes ago, Sonic said:

hi ! i don't remember , is it possible to disable all "boot" partition ?

tried BootMountExclude=1 , doesn't work

Conventionally the "pipe" sign "|" means "or", these (from JFX's post) are valid options:







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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure if what I am asking is possible, but I would like to create a recovery flash drive that will boot on
PCs that have either UEFI or legacy set in the BIOS. I currently have a recovery flash that I created with WinNTSetup
that has W10 installed in a VHD. The system boots and runs well if the hardware BIOS is set for legacy. The other
day I tried to boot from a laptop that was set up for UEFI and the flash gets ignored and there is no way to boot it
unless I go into the BIOS and set it to legacy. Not all BIOS implementations allow a legacy mode, so is there a way to
avoid having to create 2 flash recovery drives to accommodate both modes?

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