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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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It was accessing the wrong array index in 1 check routine for online Windows 7 systems.
Here it was checking the path for the first entry in listview, but the BIOS/MSDM has not folder so it was crashing.

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  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v4.6.2

WinNTSetup 4.6.2

- fixed a crash on Windows 7 with MSDM key in BIOS/UEFI
- WinRE driver integration uses fallback \Recovery\WindowsRE\WinRe.wim
- WinRE option for Windows 7 USB 3 driver integration
- CAPTURE command line did not respect "-min" switch
- CAPTURE command line may not set taskbar progress to indeterminate while scanning
- some fixes for custom WinPE

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WinNTSetup 4.62

Localization issue (with italian).

When with Windows 78/10/etc you open an installtion file browse dialog appear a striung "Images (*.iso;*.win;*.swm;*.esd)" that is not translated. 


Please add to the language file DDL.

In Italian is "File immagine (*.iso;*.wim;é.swm;*.esd)"


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  • 5 weeks later...

app crash (no error) if mounted chained vhd is selected in Boot or Drive location 

copy/paste to cmd to create a chained .vhd :

(echo create vdisk file="full_path_of_the_chained.vhd" parent="full_path_of_the_existing.vhd" ) | diskpart


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  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v4.6.3

WinNTSetup 4.6.3

- "Disable the new taskbar icons of windows 10" tweak removes the new "Feeds"
- fixed crash with differencing VHD
- fixed vhd icon right click
- vhd icon tooltip shows VHD chain

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4 hours ago, Asifmute said:

Can you Make PE version of this application, which run from ISO file.

WinNTSetup is fully compatible with WinPE/WinRE. Just run it once to download needed files and than copy it to your ISO || WIM.

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thanks for your lightening :w00t: update to fix vhd diff !

in sorting folders, i see imdisk, it should be in x64 folder and its x86 subfolder drop to 32bits legacy xp version , no ?

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Guess I placed the imdisk folder directly under tools to make it easier to update it.
Some guys may confuse with the different architecture names (x64 == amd64) && (x86 == i386).

The x86 subfolder is still there for 32-bit wofadk.sys, if you want to setup a 32-bit windows with WOF support.

Edited by JFX
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  • 2 weeks later...
21 hours ago, Asifmute said:

I mean make it like windows ISO, which can bootable.

YOU should make it (the PE) from YOUR Windows files, THEN you add to the build the winntsetup.

Windows PE .iso's are NOT redistributable.


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On 1/31/2011 at 4:49 AM, JFX said:



  • - Install Windows 2k/XP/2003/2008/2012/Vista/7/8.x/10 x86/x64
  • - Practically runs even on the most minimalistic WinPE
  • - Choose able drive letter for the new Windows installation
  • - Install Windows also if nlite/vlite has remove winnt32.exe/setup.exe
  • - Integrate Drivers: normal PNP and Textmode Drivers also
  • - patch uxtheme to allow unsigned Themes
  • - Some tweaks
  • - Support "Windows to Go" for Windows 7 and later installs
  • - Supports WimBoot option for Windows 8.1 Update 1
  • - supports all current WIM files: WIM/SWM (XPRESS / LZX / XPRESS HUFFMAN = Wimboot compression)
  • - supports unencrypted ESD files (LZMS compressed WIM)


Not Supported:


  • - No Windows embedded version (this includes WinFLP)
  • - No Installation onto USB disk *New* only Windows 7 and later
  • - No upgrades of existing installations


As some may know the last version 1.5 had only Support for Win 2000/XP/2003.
Fujianabc present an very easy approach to install Windows 7 NT 6.x fast installer

basically it's simply applying the windows image from install.wim and generating the boot files.
He also discovered that the drive letter of a Windows 7 image can be (opposed to Vista) easily changed.
So I have added that way of installing to WinNTSetup.

For the driver installation:

Every driver added in NT6.x windows will be added to the driver store.
So it's not recommended to add countless driver, but rather more really required ones.

NT5.x massstorage driver integration is possible thanks to Mr dUSHA powerful MSSTMake.exe tool

To the Unattend option:

It's possible to use an unattend.xml to run the Setup unattended.
But as the actual WinPE Setup Phase isn't effective in that way of install, all Winpe related settings inside the unattend.xml
won't be applied.

Ini config file

It's possible to save all GUI-settings to a ini file:

push Ctrl + S to save all settings to an ini.
push Ctrl + L to load all settings from an ini.

A WinNTSetup.ini file in the same dir as the app itself will be loaded automatically at startup.

It also can be selected via command line:

WinNTSetup.exe /cfg:"C:\mysettings.ini"

more command line options


  Reveal hidden contents


- nt6, nt5 or vhd have to be the first parameter all other don't require any order
- does not matters if -paramter or /Parameter
- give paths can be relative (to WinNTSetup_x??.exe)
- if a path includes spaces enclose it with " "

- nt6 or nt5 - will let winntsetup know which os to install (nt6: for vista and later, nt5 for XP/2003)

- /source:(path) - defines the installation sources (for nt5 the root of the windows CD, for nt6 the install.wim file)
- /syspart:(driveletter:) - defines the driveletter you want as boot drive
- /tempdrive:(driveletter:) - defines the driveletter you want as installation drive

- /unattend:(file) - defines the path of the unattend file (winnt.sif or unattend.xml)
- /drivers:(path) - defines the path to a drivers folder you want to use
- /wimindex:n - defines the edition inside install.wim which should be installed beginning with 1 (like in the combo box Edition)

- /setupwait - will push the setup button and show you the proceed page
- /setup - will start the setup
- /reboot - will automaticly reboot 30 seconds after setup finished

- /forceunsigned - (only for installing Windows 7) will let the driver integration accept unsigned drives
- /testsigning - will set testsigning flag for the new Windows installation
- /disableuac - will disable User Account Control

- /Sysletter:{Letter} - will define the systemdrive letter the new windows installation will have
- /SaveDriveLetters - will save the current driveletter assaignment for the new windows installation
- /Uxtheme - will patch the uxtheme related dll's to enable the use of custom msstyles files
- /nobootsect - will not update BootSector and Master Boot Record

- /DisableHiberBoot - disable the fast boot feature of Windows 8, that can cause trouble in multiboot enviroments
- /DisableHibernate - disable the hibernate functions
- /DisableSystemRestore - disable the system restore functions
- /DisablePagefile - disable the virtual memory and the pagefile.sys file
- /DisableSFC - disable the system file protection of windows xp
- /RunAfter:{command} - will run a command before reboot

- /OEM:(path) - defines a custom $OEM$ folder

- /DisableVHDChecks - Disables all setup checks for VHD partitions

- /cfg:{inifile} - load settings from ini file

- /lng:nnnn - loading a different language file
- /bcd:{type} - select the firmware type to be set with bcdboot {ALL | BIOS | UEFI}

- /wimboot - will not apply the install.wim, but instead create pointer files

- /compact:{type}     - uses system comprresion of Windows 10
 [xpress4k | xpress8k | xpress16k | lzx}

- /wimlib - will use wimlib instead of wimgapi to handle wim files,
 requires to have wimlib dll files inside Tools\x??\wimlib

- /regtweaks:(path) - let you set a folder with *.reg files that will be merged into the installation

- /noreg - does not make any changes to the registry of the new windows installation

- /ref:{filter} - disables interal search for reference WIMs and uses a custom filter

- /wbc:{wimboot.ini} - use a custom wimbootcompressed.ini for Wimboot

- /timeout:{n} - use a custom timeout for the bootmenu (default = 30)

- vhd-create

- /File:{path} - defines the full path for the new VHD file
- /Size:{size} - defines the size in MB or GB (ex. 25600MB or 25GB)
- /Type:{type} - defines the type of VHD: fixed, expandable or fixedfast

---- optional ----

- /Label:{Label} - label for the vhd partition
- /Alig:{Alig} - Allignment (32|64|128|256|512|1024|2048) of the partition
- /Allo:{Allo} - Allocation unit (512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16K|32K|64K) of the partition

- vhd-attach - attach a VHD to system

- vhd-detach - detach a VHD from system


- Install Windows7 Ultimate (usually Wimindex 5) to drive C:, using unattend.xml file and define driver to integrate.
Use 😄 as driveletter for the new Win installation, run set_7_usb_boot.cmd before rebooting

WinNTSetup_x86.exe NT6 -source:G:\sources\install.wim -WimIndex:5 -syspart:C: -tempdrive:C: -unattend:"unattend\Win7x86_Ultimate_en.xml"-ForceUnsigned -drivers:"D:\driver_Win7x86" -Sysletter:C -RunAfter:"set_7_usb_boot.cmd C:\windows" -setup -reboot
- Install Windows XP to drive D:, where boot drive is C:, using unattend file [app dir]\unattend\winnt.sif,
integrate drivers [app dir]\XP_drivers, finsih install and reboot. But does not change MBR and BPR

WinNTSetup_x86.exe NT5 -source:E:\XPCD -syspart:C: -tempdrive:D: -unattend:"unattend\winnt.sif" -drivers:"XP_drivers" -setup -reboot -nobootsect
- creating a 25GB fixed VHD file

WinNTSetup_x86.exe vhd-create -File:"C:\my.vhd" -Size:25GB -Type:fixed
-attach vdisk "C:\my.vhd"

WinNTSetup_x86.exe vhd-attach-File:"C:\my.vhd"
-detach vdisk "C:\my.vhd"

WinNTSetup_x86.exe VHD-detach -File:"C:\my.vhd"


To install Windows in a VHD file:

- requires Windows 7 as OS and Windows 7 Ultimate, Enterprise or Server 2008 R2 as Source
- create a partitioned VHD and assign a drive letter (push Ctrl + Shift + V to use build in diskpart wrapper for this)
- select the VHD drive as installation drive (make sure you boot drive ist a active primary partition on a physical disk)

If you get an Antivirus warning from your AV software, please report it to them as a false positive and let them check it.

Current Version: 4.6.3

Mega - MediaFire




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On 6/10/2021 at 12:04 PM, JFX said:

WinNTSetup is fully compatible with WinPE/WinRE. Just run it once to download needed files and than copy it to your ISO || WIM.

When installing WIN10 with Winntsetup, the EFI part has a red fork (Win10 installing UEFI system installation)

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I wouldn't actually call that a fork, but it means you have selected the wrong boot partition.
Or this partition is just not marked as EFI System part.

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  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v4.6.3.1

Does  NoPageFile=0 have any effect when installing to a VHD? In such a case, I've been setting NoPageFile=1 and wondering if it even matters.

I read somewhere that if you use a vhd file for booting, you have no possibilities to reserve space for the pagefile inside the vhd (Windows does not support it). You need to place the file outside of the virtual drive. I'm not sure if that's correct though.

Edited by click-click
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