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RemoveBootMountsOnExit does remove the mounted boot partitions (active primary or ESP) usually mounted as Z:.
There was a bug with this option, you will need the re-download RC2.

Posted (edited)

May be Size of Hidden FAT32 drive can be reduced to 100 MB for MBR - BIOS/UEFI and GPT - UEFI types of VHD.

Now it is 500 MB which is relatively large and a waste when loading e.g. a 3 GB VHD to RAMDISK for booting with UEFI Grub2 or UEFI Grub4dos.

Edited by wimb
  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v4.2.5 / 4.5.0 RC3
  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v4.5.0

WinNTSetup 4.5.0 Final

- Dropped 32-Bit version, system requirements are now Windows 7x64 +
- VHD functions no longer uses diskpart.exe
- VHD Attach / Detach supports ISO files
- VHD Creation supports GPT Partitionsttyle
- VHD Install will always create internal boot files depending on partition style
- new default VHD creation type MBR - BIOS/UEFI
- added VHD command line options /gpt and /mbr
- fixed instant VHD creation cylinder bug
- fixed iso mount does not select install.swm
- Fixed open file dialog pattern not working on default WinPE 3.x +
- Fixed wimgapi capture build number on H2 Systems (19041 instead 19042)
- Support multiple "-regtweaks" cmdline switches
- Workaround Win10 MessageBox Font bug
- added ini option [vhd] bootpartsize
- new ini option "RemoveBootMountsOnExit"
- ini option BootMountExclude supports Vendor name
- rewrote all file and registry recursion functions to use iteration
- command line VHD creation uses expandable by default
- command line VHD ignores disk size for expandable type
- removed NT5 uxtheme patch
- DPI-Awareness for Imdisk
- Darkmode and DPI-Awareness for Bootice
- ARM64 password reset
- fixed ARM64 uxtheme patch

Posted (edited)

Thanks for New WinNTSetup 4.5.0 version  :thumbup

Thanks for adding Hidden feature in VHD Partition style to adjust size of FAT32 Part (sorry, but at first sight I did not see it in RC3 ....)

The VHD FAT32 Part Size can be initialized in WinNTSetup.ini file [vhd] section using value bootpartsize=100

An improvement of WinNTSetup program could be that Settings as used in VHD dialogue will be saved in WinNTSetup.ini file when using Save ini from menu.

It would be interesting in that case to Save in [vhd] section the selected VHD Partition style (MBR BIOS/UEFI  vs MBR - BIOS vs GPT - UEFI)

and Save VHD hard disk format (Fixed vs Dynamically expanding) and bootpartsize (Size of VHD FAT32 Part)


Edited by wimb
Posted (edited)

Thanks for improvements !


ini option BootMountExclude supports Vendor name

an example ?

is BootMountExclude support GUID disk ID ? edit: tried guid disk : or serial number from get-disk powershell not supported

Edited by Sonic

thanks , it seems first line of diskpart / detail disk .
for my case, my two NVMe disk has name :
HD2: NVMe Samsung SSD 970
HD3: NVMe Samsung SSD 970
but the first is a 970 Pro and the second is a 970 Evo :-( 
can be Disk ID supported for BootExclude ? :worship:


Right, for 2 equal disk vendor name is useless here, next version will support disk id. 

  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v4.5.1

WinNTSetup 4.5.1

- VHD GUI will be saved to ini
- ini option BootMountExclude supports DiskID
- fixes listview font on non darkmode

On 2/23/2021 at 6:41 PM, JFX said:

WinNTSetup 4.5.1

- VHD GUI will be saved to ini
- ini option BootMountExclude supports DiskID
- fixes listview font on non darkmode

Thank you, Everything is working OK :thumbup

Posted (edited)

is it possible to RemoveBootMountsOnExit to remove letter of the efi boot letter selected in winntsetup after successful applied image ?
this prevent windows to display the letter of the efi partition in explorer even with disk is unplugged. this bug doesn't exist with MBR boot part.

edit: my problem is my diskpart script mount the EFI part letter before WinNTSetup, but after thinking myself, i can skip this step in my diskpart script ! 

Edited by Sonic
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, JFX,

is it possible to install Windows from Windows to Go USB drive into internal drive? If yes, then how?

If not, I would be glad to have it in the next version...



Hi Renodos,

not really, WinNTSetup needs an WIM or ESD image to work with.
However, you could capture this WTG to a WIM file and use this - let's call it backup.wim - as source.

Only downside with this is that no Recovery menu option (WinRE) will be created.

  • JFX changed the title to WinNTSetup v4.6.0
Posted (edited)

WinNTSetup 4.6.0

- fixed vhd detection regression
- fixed dism dowload was missing logprovider.dll
- fixed possible freeze caused by PathCompactPath
- fixed possible freeze with "-noapply" mode
- fixed some High DPI issues
- fixed commandline iso attach did not return errorlevel for driveletter
- dismount of vhd with hidden bootpart will force remove all it's drive letters
- driver integration now uses dismapi, trys to avoid adding drivers of different architecture
- driver export now sorts by driver class
- move Tools\WimBootCompress.ini to Tools\Compact\
- logging content of internal VHD BCD store
- added Win7USB3 driver integration / post install fix option (see Tools\Win7USB3\ReadMe.txt)
- added wofcompress option
- added remove autocheck option

*Last 3 are right click features: https://ibb.co/NmXNbY0

Edited by JFX

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