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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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Hello Guys. I copied my source files using WinNTSetup2_x86.exe of XP SP3 to the C: and the computer reboots and starts the install. I am using a Modded XP source that I integrated IE8 and Nov updates into . I get cannot copy any file with mui in the extension. I read all the pages and I am sorry if I am posting this and miss the answer.

I use only Microsoft Updates and Tools from Microsoft to Integrate. I use no 3rd part apps to make my monthly disc

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How did you integrated IE8? It has no integrate switch, surely for a reason.

IE8 or wmp11, can only be installed via svcpack / runonceex method.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hello my dear friend , i hope you are all right and same with your family and loved ones,

i have a small question / suggestion for your great tool (on account of NT5 installation )

i saw it on one of chinese pre-install XP GHO image , and i thought you might as well like the idea,

1- is there possibility of adding an option at NT5 tab , " install following tool during windows install " ,

2- and that tool , will be run in GUI phase (not sure at which point it should run) , it will be basically a Chinese made custom driver pack with the gui (EasyDriver ) .

3- This tool if runs during windows install , it automatically decompress and install drivers from the 7z files .

4- now what we need to do is , when your tool will finish copied windows Files , it will then copy the target Easy driver exe with its 2 folders to the user's already selected partition (example C:) in $WIN_NT$.-LS

5- and the most important point should be , that the windows should wait for the driver installation to finish .

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Hi maanu, alright here, hope everything is okay by you too.

Sounds interesting, please send me additional "information" about this GHO image via PM.


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Is it necessary to format the target partition for a clean Win7 install with WinNTSetup?

The reason I ask is because I often rebuild my Win7 system and would like to keep one

of my directories without having to back it up and restore it each time I redo the

system. I have not found a way to remove all other files from the system other than

doing a quick format which also removes my local applications folder. I've tried taking

ownership, but that does not work for everything such as the winsxs and many of the other

folders. It is such a pain to remove Win7 from a partition without formatting it. If anyone

knows a way to do this please let me know.

WinNTSetup seems to allow setup on a previous Win7 installation, but I still see a lot of

files from the old installation which may affect the new installation. Not formatting doesn't

seem to be the clean way of installing.

Thanks for any infos ...

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Is it necessary to format the target partition for a clean Win7 install with WinNTSetup?

No, it's not mandatory. install will overwrite files and abort if there would be a problem.

But yes there will be files remaining from old Windows installation.

With removing an old installation without formating, i see 2 problems:

1. NTFS security settings

- one would need to take ownership & grant access

or using a tool like xdel

2. Junctions and Symlink (and this is the thing that scares me ! :ph34r: )

- junctions and symlinks in Win7 are created with full path.

think you have an offline win7 that has C: as normal drive letter and is now under your current running windows mounted as D:

It's junctions and symlink will still point to C:, but that could be the current running windows :ph34r:

Even Mircosofts own tools like robocopy don't handle symlinks right.

It might happen that deleting an offline windows switch the drive and start deleting files/folder one the current system drive !

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hello guys i have a USB HDD and i want to install xp on one of the partitions by the way i have partitioned it to 4 partitions 3 primary and 1 logical partitions i have sucessfuly installed windows 7 on the first primary partition and it worked but xp always causes problems and i need xp because my computer is old since i had hard time installing xp i installed windows 7 but i dont have drivers for windows 7 the second is for file storage and it has encrypted truecrypt virtual image i wanted to install xp on the third partition i tried other xp to usb tools but all of them halted with BSOD i don't have CD so i want to install from from either hard disk to 3 usb primary partition or from one of the usb partitions to the other usb partition in this case the 3 primary.

how can i do it with this tool.

thank you

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how can i do it with this tool.

You can not! Only Windows 7 and later is supported for direct install to USB device.

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Thanks for the useful tool. Before I try it, could you clarify a few things:

- does the latest version support install of WES7 or Thin Client to HD or VHD? If not - why exactly?

- should your program run from a hard drive (for what OSs) or WinPE (for what OSs) to install the OS?

- after an unsigned driver is integrated into the OS during install, will the OS still require to boot it only in Test mode (64-bit )?

- what BCD commands do you use to enable install to a VHD (suppress error)?

Thanks for clarification.

Also, I'm trying to run WES7 installed onto VHD on my real machine, inside a VM, and it gets 07b BSOD. What would you suggest to do possibly during install or now to make it run in both environments? Is this issue related to your tool not supporting Embedded?

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Hi maanu, alright here, hope everything is okay by you too.

Sounds interesting, please send me additional "information" about this GHO image via PM.


sorry JFX , i have been busy lately , i forgot the source , but i will again look into it , and PM you later.

i have a request to make , and i hope you will endorse me to it,

wit the power of PECMD , i managed to stop my WIN7PE and very begining (after loading winpeshl) , and it gives 2 options, 1 , continue PE , 2 . Install win7 from WINNTSETUP.

now , i realised ,that a user MUST will format the target partition first , and i hope it is easy , as we already have BOOTICE there in your tool .

1- just show the user , drive chart

2. format the selected partition as NTFS , and Make it active .

and your tool will in the end , write boot sector to it as it already doing .

hope you liked the idea.

thank you.

edit : plz check pm

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You posted that your prog now use this Diskpart script:

create vdisk file="C:\Windows7.vhd" maximum=25600 type=(fixed|expandable)
select vdisk file="C:\Windows7.vhd"
attach vdisk
online disk noerr
attributes disk clear readonly noerr
create partition primary align=(32|64|128|256|512|1024|2048)
online volume noerr
attributes volume clear readonly noerr
format quick fs=ntfs label="Win7 VHD" unit=(512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16K|32K|64K)
assign letter=X:

Could you explain, what benefits gives using ALIGN and NOERR options? Also, how ALIGN and UNIT commands choose block size from the list - should a user type it manually when formatting a drive? If yes, which size would you recommend for which OS? If not, how the size is chosen - based on output of FILESYSTEMS command?

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Hi zamarac.

- does the latest version support install of WES7 or Thin Client to HD or VHD? If not - why exactly?

Also, I'm trying to run WES7 installed onto VHD on my real machine, inside a VM, and it gets 07b BSOD. What would you suggest to do possibly during install or now to make it run in both environments? Is this issue related to your tool not supporting Embedded?

Thin Client and Embedded versions are not supported, one reason they mssing boot files.

Another reason they often gives 0x7b or a blank screen with this direct install method.

I never had the time to find out what really happens there.

- should your program run from a hard drive (for what OSs) or WinPE (for what OSs) to install the OS?

You can run Winntsetup from any OS (Windows XP SP1 up to Windows 8 Pre)

It also support running from WinPE and from any read-only device like CD-ROM's

- after an unsigned driver is integrated into the OS during install, will the OS still require to boot it only in Test mode (64-bit )?

Unsingned drivers are only integrated if cmdline option -NT6 -ForceUnsigned -TESTSIGNING is used.

A driver that have not a trusted signed cretificated, win7x64 will always need to run in testmode

- what BCD commands do you use to enable install to a VHD (suppress error)?

it use bcdboot X:\Windows /s C: /l en-uS

there is actually no suppression of error, it would show error message.

Could you explain, what benefits gives using ALIGN and NOERR options? Also, how ALIGN and UNIT commands choose block size from the list - should a user type it manually when formatting a drive? If yes, which size would you recommend for which OS? If not, how the size is chosen - based on output of FILESYSTEMS command?

some people want to create VHD's in their forensic WinPE (no automount, readonly disk access).

The 4 NOERR lines are added that this works now.

ALIGN and UINT is usually not needed to set by user, Windows 7 default is okay in all cases.

Newer harddisk, will often have a recommanded Aligment size, if this case user should select it.

higher UINT values can result in slightly better perfomence


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now , i realised ,that a user MUST will format the target partition first , and i hope it is easy , as we already have BOOTICE there in your tool .

1- just show the user , drive chart

2. format the selected partition as NTFS , and Make it active .

Hi maanu,

bootice is not included anymore, because of bugs and missing x64 version.

an option to format i can properly add. but why not launch Partition Guru before or parallel to Winntsetup and use it to make partitions ready?


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hi JFX ,

i have already included PG in my PE , but the problem is , i HAVE to call WInNTsetup before the PE loads , actually i make PE stop before loading WInpeshl.exe , and give choice menu by PECMD ,

F1 Install Win7 ( WinNTsetup )

F2 Continue booting Win7 PE

There is no way to call PG before F1 . thats why i requested to have this native function at hand. thanks.

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