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Posted (edited)

Hi maanu,

nice to see my old friend here again :hello:

You welcome too, AyeHtay.


Thanks, System Restore tweak will be fixed in next version.

Command prompt and TakeOwn tweaks are currently on the hidden extended menu, (holding shift while right clicking).

I will change it for Command prompt as suggested.


Edited by JFX


Update: Version

  • fixed Tweaks for command promt and system restore (Thanks wimb)
  • fixed msvcrt error when running WinNTSetup2_x64.exe under Win 2003/XP x64 (Thanks Lancelot)
  • removed Tweak to disable language bar (was not working in some cases)
  • added Tweak to remove Security warning for newly downloaded files
  • add VHD button for Windows 7 users



Oh, thanks. I had forgot that Server 2008 R2 support NativeVHDBoot too :blushing: .

Uploaded version


Posted (edited)

I am just looking into installing Win7 and I currently use WinNTSetup for doing XP Installs. I tried WinNTSetup V2 to do a Win7 install and it works great.

With XP, I was able to use a cmdlines.txt in \$WIN_NT$.~LS\$OEM$\ to add a RunOnceEx.cmd etc. to do my customizing. The structure for this is created using V1 of WintNTSetup, but With V2, I no longer see a structure to do this. Even though V2 allows regtweaks, I cannot determine how these tweaks are run. I was hoping to find a way to adapt the XP way of doing things to Win7. Is it possible?


Edited by click-click

The setup of windows vista and later does not use a cmdlines.txt during installation.

So for windows 7 winntsetup loads the registry hives of the prepared windows installation and writes the tweaks directly.

I don't know if there is an alternative to cmdlines.txt in windows vista or later :unsure:


Posted (edited)

The setup of windows vista and later does not use a cmdlines.txt during installation.

So for windows 7 winntsetup loads the registry hives of the prepared windows installation and writes the tweaks directly.

I don't know if there is an alternative to cmdlines.txt in windows vista or later :unsure:


Is there a readable version of the regtweaks and how they are applied by V2?

I'd like to get an idea how I could add application registry entries for preloaded software that I copy to Win7.

I have the .reg entries for each application and need to apply them to both HKLM and HKCU keys. I assume

all of the V2 regtweaks apply to the HKLM system and software hives only. Is that correct?

Edited by click-click
Posted (edited)

Is there a readable version of the regtweaks and how they are applied by V2?


IF you want RunOnceEx method similar to http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/31/ then try following:

After Winntsetup finished create a folder on the installtion drive called install

Add your software to that folder.

create a cmd file inside this folder, like the following and run it.

@echo off

Reg Load HKLM\OFFLINE_SOFTWARE %~d0\Windows\system32\config\software
SET KEY=HKLM\OFFLINE_SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /F /D "Installing Applications"

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /F /D "Java Runtime 6"
REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\jre-6u24-windows-i586-s.exe /s /qb /norestart"

REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /F /D ".NetFX 4.0"
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe /norestart /passive"

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /F /D "AutoIt v3"
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\Autoit3\autoit-v3-setup.exe /s"
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 2 /F /D "%systemdrive%\install\Autoit3\SciTE4AutoIt3.exe /s"



Edited by JFX

Thank you very much JFX for posting the reg file and the sample RunOnceEx tip. I am currently doing something similar using a SetupComplete.cmd that I copy to \Windows\Setup\Scripts\. This gets run immediately after Windows Setup completes before the Logon screen appears. Now, all I need to do is to figure out how to convert my winnt.sif to something I can use for Win7 to make the install less interactive. Thanks again ...


I ran a test installing Win7 with SP1 integrated and applied the majority of tweaks supplied by V2.

The following tweaks did not seem to work for me:

Show Take Ownership to context menu -> do not see this on any of the context menus

Show Cmd.exe Icon on context menu -> only shows with shift Right-Click

Disable Language Bar -> Still appears on taskbar (did not see this tweak in tweaks.au3 file)

Disable System Restore -> Still enabled for drive C: (DisableSR entry not present in registry. Tried adding this entry and made no difference)

I did not apply the following tweaks:

Show all tray icons

XP-like taskbar icons

Disable Aero Transparency

Disable Automatic Restart on WU

Force XP Partition Mode for new partitions

Disable Pagefile

The rest looks good. One tweak in the tweaks.au3 (NoSecurityWarning4DownloadedFiles) is not selectable in the GUI for Win7


Posted (edited)

You use an old version, these 4 tweaks were changed with version

the DisableSR doesn't not completely disable system restore, but at least it set the reserved space to 0%, what should have the same effect.


Edited by JFX

Is there any plan to add support for boot drives that are FAT16? I tried to install Win2k onto a NTFS, but my boot drive is a DOS disk, which is a fat16 partition?

The program looks quite good elsewise.

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