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Posted (edited)


I have problem to reproduce this error, so far with the new GENA release i tested a lot combination and all work well :unsure:

The link you gave, describe overwriting bootstr.dll.mui with one of the Win7 beta files. I can figure that it will be a solution nor that it would be good since you use Vista.

the good thing so far: the error message(s) are not critical and should not cause a problem for booting the new Windows installation.

Have not much time currently, but will continue trying to find a solution.

Maybe you can try to describe how you create/boot your GENA. Made special GENA support topic --> WinNTSetup2 script


Edited by JFX
  • 4 weeks later...



Thank you for your great work.

Is there a way of installing Windows with your tool without extracting the iso? Could it be possible for your program to access directly isos?

Posted (edited)

Hi Drake,

a direct use of an ISO would not be possible, but you could mount it with imdisk. That's the way I do it.

create a sub folder ISO and put imdiskinst.exe and your ISO inside.

create a batch file next to winntsetup similar like this:

@echo off

set ISO="ISO\de_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677306.iso"

ISO\imdiskinst -y
imdisk -a

for /f "TOKENS=3,4 SKIP=1 DELIMS=: " %%i in ('imdisk -a -m #: -f %ISO%') do (
set Imdisk_device=%%i
set Imdisk_letter=%%j

echo Imdisk Device Number: %Imdisk_device%
echo Imdisk Device Drive : %Imdisk_letter%:

WinNTSetup2_x64.exe -NT6 -Source:%Imdisk_letter%:\sources\install.wim

rem optional unmount and imdisk uninstall

rem imdisk -D -u %Imdisk_device%
rem rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultUninstall 132 %windir%\INF\imdisk.inf


sorry for keeping your waiting so long, next version will completely solve that issue with XP Based PE.


Edited by JFX

at first, i'm sorry for my bad English. I'm trying to improve it.

i got a problem with your tool when i used it to setup my own windows xp ( i built it by RVMi with 3 addons: XPSP3_QFE_UpdatePack for Windows XP Post-SP3, OnePiece Windows Media Player 11 True AddOn v2.5.0 ENU and OnePiece IE8 WinXPSP3 v2.8.0 AddOn ENU, and i created a winnt.sif (attached file)








Language Group I choosed is: US, Vietnamese, Japanese, Chinese, Korean.

And all problem i had is:

1. At blue screen stage ( i don't know what its name ), when copying, it misses some file: ie4uinit.mui.... about 4 or 5 files. I have esc to skip

2. At next stage ( i think it is gui stage ), it misses all of font file i need for the Languege Group and some file i don't know.

But when I run setup.exe (winnt32.exe) directly from Setup folder, the installation work normally.

can anyone help me?


Posted (edited)

Hi dlinh9, Welcome here :)

1. problem is caused by the IE8 AddOn, nlite Addon Packs are not supported.

It would require a complete parsing of dosnet.inf, txtsetup.sif layout.inf, ... , like the original winnt32.exe does.

2. Problem occurs because Winntsetup does not copy the \I386\LANG folder from the Windows source

I will adjust next version to copy LANG folder, if LanguageGroup has multiple selections


Edited by JFX
Posted (edited)

I've just found a manual solution instead :D. I found that in ref.chm

H:\i386\winnt32 /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /makelocalsource /copysource:lang /unattend

But windows doesn't reboot automatically.

What can I do if I want computer reboot after source copying finish as your tool does.

Did I miss some code?

Edited by dlinh9
Posted (edited)

I think you need to tell it where the setup answer file (winnt.sif) is located.

H:\i386\winnt32 /syspart:c: /tempdrive:c: /makelocalsource /copysource:lang /unattend:"D:\winnt.sif"

will release next version in a few days, that will copy lang folder if necessary.


Edited by JFX
Posted (edited)

Update: Version

  • - Support for Windows 8 Pre Release
  • - GUI upscale on higher Windows DPI settings
  • - Now automatically finds Vista/7 "system reserved" boot partition
  • - filesize and speed improvment
  • - file patching no longer changes NTFS ACL attributes (Thanks Jeff Bush - bcopy tool)
  • - added support for splitted WIM files (.swm)
  • - added support for direct USB install for Windows 7 (Thanks cdob, wimb, maanu)
  • - added more manufactors for XP CD OEM detection
  • - fixed bootstr.dll error message on certain WinPE1.x
  • - fixed small issue with reboot option
  • - fixed small issue with command line
  • - fixed shutdown option not works correclty on certain winpe version
  • - fixed app crash when running under Windows 8 Pre-Release
  • - fixed wrong warning on too low disk space
  • - fixed Service Pack not displayed for Vista sources
  • - fixed copy LANG folder if multiple selections are used for LanguageGroup in winnt.sif
  • - Improved VHD creation:
  • - fixed .vhd file extention was not auto appended for VHD creation
  • - fixed VHD creation output on unicode languages
  • - fixed WIM file discription not displayed correctly on some selfmade install.wim files
  • - fixed VHD creation possible even in forensic WinPE

:now use diskpart script like this one:

create vdisk file="C:\Windows7.vhd" maximum=25600 type=(fixed|expandable)
select vdisk file="C:\Windows7.vhd"
attach vdisk
online disk noerr
attributes disk clear readonly noerr
create partition primary align=(32|64|128|256|512|1024|2048)
online volume noerr
attributes volume clear readonly noerr
format quick fs=ntfs label="Win7 VHD" uint=(512|1024|2048|4096|8192|16K|32K|64K)
assign letter=X:


Edited by JFX
Posted (edited)

Thank you for all version Windows setup from HDD.

it's excellence if you make : from WinNTSetup, we simple browse to ISO setup windows XP or 7, 8 ... like en_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_619077.iso). Do you attend to make this for Windows 8 beta (release at 30 september 2011)

Edited by meigyoku
Posted (edited)

Hi, sorry for late respond.

Yes the Windows 8 Pre-Beta is supported by the current release.

Will add ISO file browsing, that's running user defined batch file and scan for new drives ...


Edited by JFX
Posted (edited)

Thank, but I do not understand somes problem:

A. After finish install, log in Windows XP, remain OEM folder contain Driver pack. Why do not you make automatic delete OEM folder after log in Windows XP successful?

B. I made follow steps:

1. Use nlite make Windows XP setup.iso (tried to run Windows XP setup.iso to setup Windows, successfully )

2. On Vmware 8.0, I use Winnt setup 2.1 made setup into Hard disk C:

3. Use Norton Ghost to make image.GHO of C hard disk

4. But recover Image.GHO on really computer, can not boot with message: disk error (I think Winnt setup do not support Vmware disk, Am I correct?)

C. I made follow steps:

1. Use nlite make Windows XP setup.iso (tried to run Windows XP setup.iso to setup Windows, successfully )

2. Do not use Vmware, use Winnt setup 2.1 made setup into Hard disk C (actived, primary) (MBR, NTLDR, BOOT FLAG are green colour)

3. Use Norton Ghost to make image.GHO of C hard disk in Computer 1

4. But recover Image.GHO on other computer, computer can not log in with black screen in CMOS (do not appear some words, only blank screen)

5. I tried recover Image.GHO on Computer 1, it's successfully

Please help me solve A, B, C problem, thank you so much! Sorry for my bad English.

Edited by meigyoku
Posted (edited)

hmm, i wouldn't call "A" a problem, it's just that I prefer keeping the folder. Deleting it manually should not be that much of a problem

I guess B and C are the same problem:

Have not used Norton Ghost for ages, maybe it does not cause the problem.

anyway if you want to make an image of "Pre" - setup phase, that should run on different hardware make sure you have necessary SATA drivers in setup.

Also do NOT use, the 2 options: "Mount installation drive as ..." and "use migrate.inf for drive lettter pre assignment". Both saving disk/partition infos that will cause trouble if use on different hardware.


Edited by JFX

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