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WinNTSetup v5.3.5.2


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Normally WimBoot only supports optimized WIM files, exported or captured with the /WimBoot parameter.

These files have XPRESS compression with smaller dictionary size.

However, normal XPRESS or LZX compressed WIM files can be used, too.

Thanks for the information.

A Win8.1 UP1 DVD bootet:

C:\wimboot>copy d:\sources\install.wim

C:\wimboot>Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:C:\wimboot\install.wim /ApplyDir:F:\ /Index:1 /WIMBoot

Unsupported operation. Check that the WIMBoot applied image is WIMBoot compatible.

Error: 0xc1440137


WinNTSetup applies the same file C:\wimboot\install.wim to drive f: as wimboot.

Windows does boot from the wim file.

Awesome, good work.

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C:\wimboot>Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:C:\wimboot\install.wim /ApplyDir:F:\ /Index:1 /WIMBoot

Unsupported operation. Check that the WIMBoot applied image is WIMBoot compatible.

Error: 0xc1440137

Dism will check if the WIMBoot entry is set in the Wim XML.

But this check can be skipped by setting an environment variable:



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Well here, the link you gave has the same tutorial as the one I posted (at least the same pictures).

Sure it has. :)

The wiki you posted is a "reprint" (correctly linked to, BTW) of the "Original".


There is NOT any difference (since they are the "exact same" thing), though when re-posting it in the Wiki that you linked to some formatting of the text got lost, and or some lines were made a link.


Point #83 on https://sites.google.com/site/vmwarethewiki/Create-WIM-images-of-Windows-XP-for-system-deployment

is a link leading to nowhere :w00t:

While Point #83 in the original is "plain text".

The Wiki has no date, the original has Author and date: Sunday, August 08, 2010 Posted by Jerry Shum



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jaclaz, was your second link meant to be the same as the one that JFX gave?  Your link gave me a "Not found" error.


Cheers and Regards

Strange, it works here.

The link JFX gave is to:


Which is wiki that begins with the text:

How to create a hardware independent sysprepped WIM image

which is the link I posted to the "base" document:






Ah, it seems that link that didn't work, and still doesn't, has some extraneous characters at the end of the link.  A copy link and paste into Notepad gets this, without the extra spaces of course:


http :// www .jerryblogger.com/2010/08/create-wim-image-of-windows-xp-for.html%C2%A0


The new copy of the link you provided works fine.


Cheers and Regards

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Ah, it seems that link that didn't work, and still doesn't, has some extraneous characters at the end of the link.  A copy link and paste into Notepad gets this, without the extra spaces of course:


http :// www .jerryblogger.com/2010/08/create-wim-image-of-windows-xp-for.html%C2%A0


The new copy of the link you provided works fine.


Cheers and Regards

Corrected original link :thumbup, however, JFYI, my Opera ;) has no troubles with it, even with the "spurious" characters at the end, good catch.


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Okay thanks for the info.

I added a combo box to Beta 4, with the 3 firmware option that bcdboot has.

As well as a new cmdline switch: -bcd:{ALL|BIOS|UEFI}


Hallo JFX,


Thanks for the new version and I just like to confirm that Beta 4 is doing fine.

Wimboot option is working OK and I can use UEFI Secure booting from MBR FAT32 USB-Stick used as Boot Drive.



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Thanks for the report.

I see no reason to still call it Beta.


WinNTSetup 3.5 Final


  • added support for WimBoot
  • fixed mounted ISO files on Windows 8 was not unmounted on exit
  • fixed EditionID was not detected on self made  WIM files
  • fixed missing English fallback on not translated strings
  • added combo box to select bcdboot firmware option
  • added new cmdline switch: -bcd:{ALL|BIOS|UEFI} to specific bcdboot firmware option
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Fast? It took 2,5 minutes here, that's much slower that normal wim file.

Well the speed dependent on the used wimgapi.dll.

Currently the Windows 8.1 versions is the fastest, but this one is no longer compatible with windows xp.

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You should have mentioned why you think it's fast.


1. reason why Wimlib is so much slower could be cause it's a cross platform library.

Properly using a not so great compiler.


2. There seams to be a bug, while applying and image to NTFS.




Apparently, it messed up hard links.

Well if it writes 2GB more data, it's actually not that slow.


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