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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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In the end I mixed a little. I used 2 pieces of paper card to isolate both the Motor connector (3 pin connection) and HDMA contacts (IC-style connection) and started with Gradius' approach. As I have a 500gb Seagate however, I couldn't resist trying the F712 commands that Aviko mentioned which are only apply to my drive (see post #610). Therefore I ended up not using the Glist Erase command ("F3 T>i4,1,22 (enter)").

I have a 500gb drive, too. Can you tell me where are the locations where I need to put the paper cards in, and which screws I need to remove? Thanks.

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if you remove the entire PCB you'll see the connector between the drive and the PCB (not the one that goes over to the center of the drive where the motor is). that is the connector i blocked with a paper business card, then screwed down the rest of the PCB just enough to make sure the board was grounded to the drive (don't know if that mattered). following the steps on page 27 from Aviko, i had success once i realized i needed to remove the business card before spinning the drive back up.

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here, just to get this on the current page - and to update a few things to make it easier for people to understand - i will repost this from page 27 in a modified form....

Drive is Busy (a.k.a. BSY) error.

Drive tested with this solution was a ST3500320AS with firmware SD15 and worked perfectly using all of the steps provided below.


Step 1: Remove the PCB (circuit board on the drive), take note of where the PCB makes contact with the actual hard drive. Leave the motor contacts connected, and put something like a business card or piece of thick paper between PCB and hard drive where the other connector is. Replace all the screws you can, and snug down at lease a couple of them furthest away from where the business card is stuffed in there.


Step 2: Connect the RX, TX, and GND wires from your custom fabricated cable to the drive. I used a CA-42 cell phone cable and it worked perfectly. (Note that the RX as listed on your cable goes to the TX on the Hard Drive, and the TX as listed on your cable goes to the RX on the Hard Drive).

I Purchased mine from eBay seller "edirect" for $5.35 and took 1 week to arrive. I recommend purchasing a cable you know works such as this one. The large plastic end comes off very easily and is clearly labeled on the circuit board which wire is which.


Here is the cable after I modified it. I used a CD-ROM audio cable with the end removed and a very small piece of electrical tape around the connectors at the end of the wire to prevent them from touching each other.


Here's the pin arrangement on the drive - remember to hook up the RX and TX "backwards" or you will not be able to talk to the drive.


Step 3: Plug the SATA power cable into the drive, and wait until drive motor stops.

Step 4: Open Hyperterminal, when prompted choose the COM port that your cable is using. If you are unsure of which COM port to use, check your device manager (look in the "ports" sub-section) to see which COM port your cable is using. Choose 38400, 8, None, 1, None in the COM properties box that should pop up. If you hit "OK" and you get no errors, you should be in.


Step 5: Type ctrl+z and you should see a prompt that says F3 T>

Step 6: Type /2 and press enter. It should say F3 2>

Step 7: Type Z and press enter. It should say "Spin Down Complete, Elapsed Time 0.146 msecs", the elapsed time may not be the same - that's OK.

Step 8: Remove business card and mount the PCB as normal, tighten up all the screws.

Step 9: Type U and press enter. It should say "Spin Up Complete, Elapsed Time 6.864 secs". Again, the elapsed time may not be the same and that's OK.

This next part is not necessary, it's just checking that everything is OK. Use this when the first try fails (command F712 works only on 500 GB 7200.11 drives with firmware SD15, if this isn't your Firmware version just skip this part.)

Type / and press enter. It should say F3 T>

Type F712 and press enter. It should say.....

Byte:0712: RealTimeUpdatedFlags = 00 00

Byte:0712: Bit:0, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:1, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX_EXT = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:2, DCO_SET_ACTIVE = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:3, CONGEN_READ_FROM_MEDIA = 0 <- configuration not loaded from surface

Type F,,22 and press enter. It should say Drive Configuration restored to defaults.

Type F712 and press enter. It should say.....

Byte:0712: RealTimeUpdatedFlags = 08 00

Byte:0712: Bit:0, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:1, HPA_SET_BY_SETMAX_EXT = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:2, DCO_SET_ACTIVE = 0

Byte:0712: Bit:3, CONGEN_READ_FROM_MEDIA = 1 <- done

(This is the end of the part that was not necessary unless the first try failed).

Step 10: You should see F3 T3> at this point, type /1 and press enter. It should say F3 1>

Step 11: Type N1 and press enter. It should say F3 1>

Step 12: Type / and press enter. It should say F3 T>

Step 13: Type m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 and press enter. (Note the "m" is lower case and the 0's are zeros). It should say.....

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 0000

User Partition Format 5% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00008DED, ErrCode 00000080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

And should bring you back to the F3 T> Prompt.

Step 14: Unplug the SATA power cable from your drive, unhook the RX, TX, and GND wires. Turn off computer and re-install your drive. Everything *should* be working fine. Be sure to update your drive with the latest firmware as soon as possible.

Edited by my77stang
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Guys I finally got a DKU-5 nokia cable and it has 3 wires red white and green, which one would be Rx and Tx?

Read the whole thread man. All the answers are already here and have been answered more than a lot of times... Here is yours (No sea flojo man :D).

With a little help of a volt meter you can find the ground: connecting the negative pole to the ground wire and the positive to RX or TX you will see that 3.3 voltage in the meter. Once you set up your terminal session, by typing some random chars in the terminal you'll see in the meter that voltage slighty go up or down in the TX line, the other one should stay fixed on 3.3v. With this you can find RX and TX wire too and then you're done, connect TX and RX to the HD and if you don't share a common ground (if you use your notebook for the usb plug and another PSU for powering the HD) connect the ground wire on the HD pin 2 as showed on one of my previous posts.

If you don't have a volt meter, you can also do a very rough test. Set up your terminal session and slightly let touch 2 wires at once. If you see come up strange characters in your terminal window, then you have in your hands RX and GND wires. Then, type random characters in your terminal and do the same with the other wire and when you'll see what you type come back in your terminal window it just means you connected RX and TX togheter (a loopback connection!!).

Do some trial and error and don't be hurry! Good luck!

Slds. ToKuRo.

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Aviko, do you know if the method/commands will work for a ST31000340AS that has SD81 firmware?

This is a HDD from a Freeagent Desktop 1TB...


Can I use this enclosure to power HDD, instead of my Desktop's PSU? I'm scared of damaging my Desktop, it's only a week old now.


Better to potentially damage an enclosure than an entire computer.

Note I've bought a USB to RS232 converter for this fix, and am planning to use my Notebook:


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I too would like to thank Gradius for the BSY fix. I just used it up un-brick a 500Gb hard drive.

If your living in the UK, the following may be useful:

I got my RS232 - TTL board from Active Robots: http://www.active-robots.com/products/acce...s/act-sib.shtml

RS232 Serial Interface Module - Product Code: ACT-SIB This runs on 7 - 20 volts, which allowed me to connect it to the 12v supply from the computers PSU.

For the serial lead to the hard disk, Maplin sell a Graphics Card Fan Adapter, part no: A3GF http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=98840 this comes with the standard molex as well as the smaller connector that fits the serial port on the hard disk. It'll work without modification, but may be a bit short. I extended mine by cutting off the white connector, and soldering in 30cm of cable.

Thanks again


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Hi everyone !!

Thank you very much for this tutorial.

I've made a RS232 cable buy at sparkfun.

I've got a 500Gb barracuda 7200.11 ST3500320AS SD15 in BSY

In hyperterminal I've the correct connection but I've a big problem.

F3 T>/2

F3 2>Z

Spin Down Complete
Elapsed Time 0.141 msecs

[color="#4169E1"](here I connect the pcb after a little moment)[/color]

F3 2>U

[color="#4169E1"](here I listen the hdd motor with a little "clic-clic")[/color]

Error 1009 DETSEC 00006008
Spin Error
Elapsed Time 7 mins 21 secs
R/W Status 2 R/W Error 84150180
F3 2>

I've try the 2 methods, with a card or by removing all the pcb ...

Thanks for your help !!

WolfDie and mrkimrkonja

What power supply are you using?

Edited by pichi
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First I've use a power supply from an usb external disk. I've got the problem of the arrow " -> " in the terminal

So I've used an internal power supply like this :


with the orange wire I can have the shell in hyperterminal : F3 T>

and for the rs232 adapter I've used 2 battery 1.5V (LR03)

thanks a lot

Edited by WolfDie
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First I've use a power supply from an usb external disk. I've got the problem of the arrow " -> " in the terminal

So I've used an internal power supply like this :


with the orange wire I can have the shell in hyperterminal : F3 T>

and for the rs232 adapter I've used 2 battery 1.5V (LR03)

thanks a lot

I have used molex-4 to sata power adapter.

Orange 3.3V wire isn't need.

I think you have staggered spin-up problem (or others currents problems). See Pin 11 in SATA power connector.



Try other power supply or other SATA power connector.

I recommend you one with minimum of 2.0A on 12V line.


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F3 2>U
Error 1009 DETSEC 00006008
Spin Error
Elapsed Time 7 mins 21 secs
R/W Status 2 R/W Error 84150180
F3 2>

WolfDie and mrkimrkonja

What power supply are you using?

i use SATA power cable for the disk from PC's power supply

and 3V CR2032 batery for the TTL-RS232 adapter

I duobt is it power problems, the disk probubly has more bugs then other disks

the disk makes same noises every time I power it up, nomater is it by software

(hyperterm) or hardware by normal PC power up

it spins up and than makes 10-11 head movment before it stops and spins down

the other 3 segates 500GB make normal starup noises: spin up and short head movment

listen to the sound in attachmenet


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HD model : ST3750330AS

Firmware : SD15

I would like to ask can I use this model of RS-232 to TTL converter?? I need to comfirm it can be used before ordering.

BTY, from the pic I not sure which pins are the TX and RX... :wacko:


Hopefully someone can help me, thank you.

Edited by okyo
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