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The Solution for Seagate 7200.11 HDDs

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Just a thought. Has anyone who recovered their disk from the BSY state and not upgraded the firmware experienced this problem again?

If the problem is related to data being left by the test machine, and the solution presented here zeros the SMART log area, does this solution mitigate the original problem? Is it wiping the affected areas?

I have 10 MX15 disks that are sitting in a bag waiting to be re-installed in a machine. It's a fingers crossed type of wait as I have no idea if any or all of them will come back up, but the reports I'm seeing on the SD/MX1A firmware appear to have other "issues" with sleep times and timeouts, while the MX15 has been ok for me. I was wondering if a pre-emptive wipe of the areas required to recover from the BSY state might prevent it from actually occurring ?

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This happened to my friends drive after about 4 days. This was when the bunk firmware was released, so I didn't have a good firmware to upgrade with.

Just a thought. Has anyone who recovered their disk from the BSY state and not upgraded the firmware experienced this problem again?

If the problem is related to data being left by the test machine, and the solution presented here zeros the SMART log area, does this solution mitigate the original problem? Is it wiping the affected areas?

I have 10 MX15 disks that are sitting in a bag waiting to be re-installed in a machine. It's a fingers crossed type of wait as I have no idea if any or all of them will come back up, but the reports I'm seeing on the SD/MX1A firmware appear to have other "issues" with sleep times and timeouts, while the MX15 has been ok for me. I was wondering if a pre-emptive wipe of the areas required to recover from the BSY state might prevent it from actually occurring ?

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I was about to ask the same question. Aviko, since you are the expert here please

any ideas on where is this incorrect test machine pattern and if it can be changed?

Since the event log is said to be directly related to S.M.A.R.T operations I put my 2

cents that the count (ie. 320 or 320 + any multiple of 256) can be affected/exploited

by running short self-tests or off-line data collection.

I made a very simple procedure (using smartmontools 5.39) for almost complete S.M.A.R.T

dump (including some vendor logs 0xa1, 0xa2, etc) except drive serial# at every shutdown

for anyone keeping affected drive under old firmware (AD14, SD15, SD16, MX15, etc) and

interested in a small failure analysis research. Once the drive bricks again and is fixed the

information may help to develop a simple workaround that predicts or avoid drive failure.

Dumping some information at the terminal before fixing a bricked drive may also help.

Level T (/T):
V4 (dump G-List)
Level 1 (/1):
N5 (dump SMART attributes)
N6 (dump SMART thresholds)
N7 (dump G-List)
N8 (dump critical event log)

Just a thought. Has anyone who recovered their disk from the BSY state and not upgraded the firmware experienced this problem again?

If the problem is related to data being left by the test machine, and the solution presented here zeros the SMART log area, does this solution mitigate the original problem? Is it wiping the affected areas?

I have 10 MX15 disks that are sitting in a bag waiting to be re-installed in a machine. It's a fingers crossed type of wait as I have no idea if any or all of them will come back up, but the reports I'm seeing on the SD/MX1A firmware appear to have other "issues" with sleep times and timeouts, while the MX15 has been ok for me. I was wondering if a pre-emptive wipe of the areas required to recover from the BSY state might prevent it from actually occurring ?

how about downgrade it to AD15 ? when you connect to terminal you have only pcb or disk with pcb ?
Edited by sieve-x
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Just wondering if anyone here is located in London at all who have managed to recover their drives. I've bought the necessary parts and and have had no luck at all with my drive. If you could spare your time to recover my seabrick I dont mind paying you for your service. I can bring all the parts that I've bought along.


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I love everyone

I success. and I take the my family pic & working folder

so much thanks !!!!

my experience:

typing slow each command line !! fast typing make 0000ce error

and I fix some confusing command.


On terminal you'll see nothing, just press CTRL+Z. And you'll get F3 T> prompt.

With PCB disconnected from HDA with a paper card (or similar), you'll see:

On terminal press CTRL+Z:

F3 T>

(Wait 5sec)

F3 T>/2

(Wait 5sec)

F3 2>Z (not small z)

Spin Down Complete

Elapsed Time 0.147 msecs

F3 2>

(Wait 5sec)

remove the paper card, this will connect the PCB to HDA (spin motor), but since is in Spin Down state (from cmd), you'll feel nothing.

Now screw just enough to make a good contact between PCB and HDA (be real careful here, don't drop the screw, just be calm, relax!).

Then press CTRL+Z again:

F3 T>

(Wait 5sec)

F3 T>/2

(Wait 5sec)

F3 2>U

Spin Up Complete

Elapsed Time 7.457 secs (if you get this msg you did everything fine until here)

F3 2>/1

(Wait 5sec)

F3 1>N1

(Wait 5sec)

F3 1>/T

(Wait 5sec)

F3 T> <<< At this step you'll need to POWER OFF your HD for 10sec, and then POWER ON again. By power off, remove the SATA power (not PCB!).

When done, press CTRL+Z.

F3 T>

F3 T>i4,1,22

F3 T>

F3 T>m0,2,2,,,,,22 <<< This command takes a little over a minute to complete!

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 14, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 00C8

User Partition Format 5% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00004339, ErrCode 00000080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

F3 T>


Edited by maxjix
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Firstly thanks for your efforts on this issue.

I performed all the steps as in the first post (Had BSY problem) .

after last command F3 T>m0,2,2,,,,,22 (enter)

the response i get is only 2 lines instead of 3 and says completed successfully in 0 seconds.

when i connect the drive to SATA, it's now recognized by BIOS, SMART test passes ok, but:

1. Can't boot from drive.

2. Can't install OS on drive, OS installation can't find and drives.

3. when connecting as secondary drive, I can see the drive in the device manager, but drive doesn't show up in active drives.

in all cases computer is extremely slow, and takes a long time to boot.

Any ideas?

connect to terminal, dont take off pcb. ctrl+z then F,,22 then m0,6,2,0,0,0,0,22

Thanks for the quick reply.

Tried it now, got same result as when i tried m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22.

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 0000

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 00 secs

Any more ideas? Some info commands that could help understand what's going on??

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congrats. it looks exactly as how i did as well to fix mine.

have you updated to SD1A? if no, can you do a quick check using seagate seatools short/long dst/generic tests and see if those pass? If yes, then it's fine. After you update to SD1A, check again with seatools and see if those pass. In my case, I updated to SD1A immediately after copying out data, and then seatools gave me failure in the dst/generic tests.

If no, check out my post below - you will need to use Seatools for DOS to do a long test to 'fix' some of the issues.



I love everyone

I success. and I take the my family pic & working folder

so much thanks !!!!

my experience:

typing slow each command line !! fast typing make 0000ce error

and I fix some confusing command.


On terminal you'll see nothing, just press CTRL+Z. And you'll get F3 T> prompt.

With PCB disconnected from HDA with a paper card (or similar), you'll see:

On terminal press CTRL+Z:

F3 T>

(Wait 5sec)

F3 T>/2

(Wait 5sec)

F3 2>Z (not small z)

Spin Down Complete

Elapsed Time 0.147 msecs

F3 2>

(Wait 5sec)

remove the paper card, this will connect the PCB to HDA (spin motor), but since is in Spin Down state (from cmd), you'll feel nothing.

Now screw just enough to make a good contact between PCB and HDA (be real careful here, don't drop the screw, just be calm, relax!).

Then press CTRL+Z again:

F3 T>

(Wait 5sec)

F3 T>/2

(Wait 5sec)

F3 2>U

Spin Up Complete

Elapsed Time 7.457 secs (if you get this msg you did everything fine until here)

F3 2>/1

(Wait 5sec)

F3 1>N1

(Wait 5sec)

F3 1>/T

(Wait 5sec)

F3 T> <<< At this step you'll need to POWER OFF your HD for 10sec, and then POWER ON again. By power off, remove the SATA power (not PCB!).

When done, press CTRL+Z.

F3 T>

F3 T>i4,1,22

F3 T>

F3 T>m0,2,2,,,,,22 <<< This command takes a little over a minute to complete!

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 14, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 00C8

User Partition Format 5% complete, Zone 00, Pass 00, LBA 00004339, ErrCode 00000080, Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 05 secs

F3 T>


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Tried it now, got same result as when i tried m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22.

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 0000

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 00 secs

Any more ideas? Some info commands that could help understand what's going on??

I have repaired my hdd with this command: m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22 and 0 mins 00 secs too.

You have other problem, because you have BSY and LBA0 repaired.

You can see all commands of your 7200.11 disc with this:


F3 T>/C

F3 C>Q

(List all commands of your hdd)

Check your lists:


F3 T>V1

F3 T>V2

F3 T>V4

F3 T>V8

F3 T>V10

F3 T>V20

F3 T>V40

F3 T>V80

F3 T>V100

If you have G-List entries you have bad sectors.

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Please help me!!!! see the pic...


What Can I do?

Here is what you can do:

Tell whats Model, F/W ? Do you have connected terminal to pcb or pcb with hdd?

What you do between send Z and U ? Describe everything. Screenshot doesnt tell much. As I think you did nothing after Z and before U.

Ok, STM3500320AS firmware MX15 problem BSY error, HDD not recognized.

I have connected terminal to pcb (only).

Between Z and U I have simply mounted PCB on HDD with power connected.

someone can help me?

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Hi friends, with your big help I fixed my Seagate ST3500320AS from 0gb problems.

I've updated from AD14 to SD14 when the drive was in 0gb size and to resolve this problem I just used a Ca-42 cable and this command :

F3 T>m0,2,2,0,0,0,0,22, [firm.SD14]

I Received this output:

Max Wr Retries = 00, Max Rd Retries = 00, Max ECC T-Level = 00, Max Certify Rewrite Retries = 0000

User Partition Format Successful - Elapsed Time 0 mins 00 secs

I tested now the drive with Seatool DOS and all seems to be OK (Short and long test passed, SMART ok, low format ecc...) but If i try any command in the section to set the HD capacity I receive an error.

For example if i try the command: RESET TO DRIVE MAXIMUM I have this: Errore on SetMaxAddressExt(97.......)=51:10

Is it normal or my drive has other problems?

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