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nLite - Honey Turbo 9.1

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I had a similar experience (with nLite 1.4.1), when slipstreaming SP3 RTM and using unnatended options (CDKEY etc.). The result: missing Windows components (OOBE, WMP etc.).

i also tried without any addons or winnt.sif file & still have the same problem? :wacko:

:hello: Hi all just need someone to look into my "Last Session.ini file" to see if there's something that I do that makes the IE7 integration unsuccessful. :blink: I've started with a XP Gold as the source and slipstreamed SP3 build 5512. All the other settings including WMP11 integration was successful. Hoping anyone can help me to solve this. Many thanks in advance.
:hello: Hi all just need someone to look into my "Last Session.ini file" to see if there's something that I do that makes the IE7 integration unsuccessful. :blink: I've started with a XP Gold as the source and slipstreamed SP3 build 5512. All the other settings including WMP11 integration was successful. Hoping anyone can help me to solve this. Many thanks in advance.

Sorry about this post I can't select the edit tab. Maybe because am using IE8 Beta. I forgot to include my INI file. :blushing: and is it possible to attach a file? Thanks again.


Env = 1.4.5 beta 2 - 2.0.50727.42.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3, v.3311

Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - English (United States)


Service Pack Integration

Remove Components

Unattended Setup

Integrate Drivers

Hotfixes and Update Packs


Create a Bootable ISO



;# Applications #

Accessibility Options


ClipBook Viewer


Internet Games



;# Drivers #

Display Adapters

Display Adapters (old)

Ethernet (LAN)

IBM PS/2 TrackPoint

IBM Thinkpad

Logitech WingMan

Microsoft SideWinder


Portable Audio

Serial Pen Tablet

Sony Jog Dial

Sound Controllers

Toshiba DVD decoder card

Wireless Ethernet (WLAN)

;# Hardware Support #

Brother Devices

Floppy Support

Iomega Zip drive

Joystick Support

Modem Support

Smart Cards

;# Keyboards #

Albanian keyboard

Arabic (101) keyboard

Arabic (102) AZERTY keyboard

Arabic (102) keyboard

Armenian Eastern keyboard

Armenian Western keyboard

Azeri Cyrillic keyboard

Azeri Latin keyboard

Belarusian keyboard

Belgian (Comma) keyboard

Belgian (Period) keyboard

Belgian French keyboard

Bengali (Inscript) keyboard

Bengali keyboard

Bosnian Cyrillic keyboard

Bosnian keyboard

Bulgarian (Latin) keyboard

Bulgarian keyboard

Canadian French (Legacy) keyboard

Canadian French keyboard

Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard

Chinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboard

Chinese (Simplified) - NeiMa keyboard

Chinese (Simplified) - QuanPin keyboard

Chinese (Simplified) - ShuangPin keyboard

Chinese (Simplified) - US Keyboard keyboard

Chinese (Simplified) - ZhengMa keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - Alphanumeric keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - Array keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - Big5 Code keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - ChangJie keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - DaYi keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - New ChangJie keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - Phonetic keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - Quick keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - Unicode keyboard

Chinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard keyboard

Croatian keyboard

Czech (QWERTY) keyboard

Czech keyboard

Czech Programmers keyboard

Danish keyboard

Devanagari - INSCRIPT keyboard

Divehi Phonetic keyboard

Divehi Typewriter keyboard

Dutch keyboard

Estonian keyboard

Faeroese keyboard

Farsi keyboard

Finnish keyboard

Finnish with Sami keyboard

French keyboard

FYRO Macedonian keyboard

Gaelic keyboard

Georgian keyboard

German (IBM) keyboard

German keyboard

Greek (220) keyboard

Greek (220) Latin keyboard

Greek (319) keyboard

Greek (319) Latin keyboard

Greek keyboard

Greek Latin keyboard

Greek Polytonic keyboard

Gujarati keyboard

Hebrew keyboard

Hindi Traditional keyboard

Hungarian 101-key keyboard

Hungarian keyboard

Icelandic keyboard

Inuktitut Latin keyboard

Irish keyboard

Italian (142) keyboard

Italian keyboard

Japanese Input System (MS-IME2002) keyboard

Japanese keyboard

Kannada keyboard

Kazakh keyboard

Korean Input System (IME 2000) keyboard

Korean keyboard

Kyrgyz Cyrillic keyboard

Latin American keyboard

Latvian (QWERTY) keyboard

Latvian keyboard

Lithuanian IBM keyboard

Lithuanian keyboard

Luxembourgish keyboard

Malayalam keyboard

Maltese 47-key keyboard

Maltese 48-key keyboard

Maori keyboard

Marathi keyboard

Mongolian Cyrillic keyboard

Nepali keyboard

Norwegian keyboard

Norwegian with Sami keyboard

Pashto keyboard

Polish (214) keyboard

Polish (Programmers) keyboard

Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboard

Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboard

Portuguese keyboard

Punjabi keyboard

Romanian keyboard

Russian (Typewriter) keyboard

Russian keyboard

Sami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboard

Sami Extended Norway keyboard

Serbian (Cyrillic) keyboard

Serbian (Latin) keyboard

Slovak (QWERTY) keyboard

Slovak keyboard

Slovenian keyboard

Spanish keyboard

Spanish Variation keyboard

Swedish keyboard

Swedish with Sami keyboard

Swiss French keyboard

Swiss German keyboard

Syriac keyboard

Syriac Phonetic keyboard

Tamil keyboard

Tatar keyboard

Telugu keyboard

Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboard

Thai Kedmanee keyboard

Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboard

Thai Pattachote keyboard

Turkish F keyboard

Turkish Q keyboard

Ukrainian keyboard

United Kingdom Extended keyboard

United Kingdom keyboard

United States-Dvorak for left hand keyboard

United States-Dvorak for right hand keyboard

United States-Dvorak keyboard

Urdu keyboard

US English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L keyboard

Uzbek Cyrillic keyboard

Vietnamese keyboard

;# Languages #


Arabic (Algeria)

Arabic (Bahrain)

Arabic (Egypt)

Arabic (Iraq)

Arabic (Jordan)

Arabic (Kuwait)

Arabic (Lebanon)

Arabic (Libya)

Arabic (Morocco)

Arabic (Oman)

Arabic (Qatar)

Arabic (Saudi Arabia)

Arabic (Syria)

Arabic (Tunisia)

Arabic (U.A.E.)

Arabic (Yemen)

Divehi (Maldives)


Syriac (Syria)











Bengali (India)

Gujarati (India)


Kannada (India)


Malayalam (India)


Nepali (Nepal)

Punjabi (India)



Telugu (India)









Azeri (Latin)


Uzbek (Latin)



;Western Europe and United States





Dutch (Belgium)

Dutch (Netherlands)

English (Belize)

English (Caribbean)

English (Ireland)

English (Jamaica)

English (South Africa)

English (Trinidad)

English (Zimbabwe)



French (Belgium)

French (Canada)

French (France)

French (Luxembourg)

French (Monaco)

French (Switzerland)


Galician (Spain)

German (Austria)

German (Germany)

German (Liechtenstein)

German (Luxembourg)

German (Switzerland)



Inuktitut (Latin)


Italian (Italy)

Italian (Switzerland)


Malay (Brunei Darussalam)

Malay (Malaysia)





Northern Sotho

Norwegian (Bokmal)

Norwegian (Nynorsk)

Portuguese (Brazil)

Portuguese (Portugal)

Quechua (Bolivia)

Quechua (Ecuador)

Quechua (Peru)


Sami, Inari (Finland)

Sami, Lule (Norway)

Sami, Lule (Sweden)

Sami, Northern (Finland)

Sami, Northern (Norway)

Sami, Northern (Sweden)

Sami, Skolt (Finland)

Sami, Southern (Norway)

Sami, Southern (Sweden)

Spanish (Argentina)

Spanish (Bolivia)

Spanish (Chile)

Spanish (Colombia)

Spanish (Costa Rica)

Spanish (Dominican Republic)

Spanish (Ecuador)

Spanish (El Salvador)

Spanish (Guatemala)

Spanish (Honduras)

Spanish (International Sort)

Spanish (Mexico)

Spanish (Nicaragua)

Spanish (Panama)

Spanish (Paraguay)

Spanish (Peru)

Spanish (Puerto Rico)

Spanish (Traditional Sort)

Spanish (Uruguay)

Spanish (Venezuela)



Swedish (Finland)





;# Multimedia #

Images and Backgrounds

Intel Indeo codecs

Luna desktop theme

Media Center

Mouse Cursors

Music Samples

Old CDPlayer and Sound Recorder

Speech Support

Tablet PC

;# Network #

Communication tools

FrontPage Extensions

MSN Explorer


NetShell Cmd-Tool

Outlook Express

Synchronization Manager

TCP/IP Version 6

Web Folders

Windows Messenger

;# Operating System Options #

Blaster/Nachi removal tool

Color Schemes

Desktop Cleanup Wizard

Disk Cleanup

Document Templates

File and Settings Wizard

File System Encryption

Help and Support

Input Method Editor

Manual Install and Upgrade

MS Agent

Out of Box Experience (OOBE)

Search Assistant

Security Center

Service Pack Messages


Visual Basic 5 runtime

;# Services #

Error Reporting

IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service


;# Directories #




;# Compatibility #

















ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"

TargetPath = "WINDOWS"

temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp



TcpIp = 1000

UsbPoll = 125





Boot and Shutdown-Show Administrator on the Welcome Screen

Boot and Shutdown-Status Messages-None

Desktop-Desktop icons size-48

Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Hide

Desktop-My Computer icon-Hide

Desktop-My Documents icon-Hide

Desktop-My Network Places icon-Hide

Desktop-Recycle Bin icon-Hide

Desktop-Wrap icon titles-Enable

Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Details

Explorer-Disable shortcut arrow

Explorer-Show extensions of known file-types

Explorer-Show Statusbar in all windows

Explorer-Show the full path in the Address Bar

Internet Explorer-Disable Go Button

Internet Explorer-Disable Internet Explorer link creation

Internet Explorer-Disable Market Place bookmark

Internet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 Days

My Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context Menu

Performance-Disable Last accessed Timestamp on files

Performance-Disable Optimize harddisk when idle

Performance-Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links

Performance-Do not cache thumbnails

Performance-Speed-up Access to AVI Media Files

Privacy-Disable Tracking of most used programs

Privacy-Remove Alexa

Security-Disable DCOM

Security-Disable Screensaver

Security-Screensaver Password-Protection-Disabled

Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs

Start Menu-Hide Search button in Start Panel

Start Menu-My Music-Don't display this item

Start Menu-Network Connections-Display as Connect to menu

Start Menu-Number of programs on Start menu-0

Start Menu-Reduce popup delay

Start Menu-Remove Logoff User

Start Menu-Remove Search the Internet from Search

Start Menu-Remove Set Program Access and Defaults

Start Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcut

Start Menu-Remove Windows Update shortcut

Taskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttons

Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar

Taskbar-Hide Volume Control Icon in System Tray

Taskbar-Lock the Taskbar-Yes

Visual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-Disable

Visual Effects-Cursor shadow-Disable

Visual Effects-Display mouse pointer trails-Disable

Visual Effects-Fade out selection-Enable

Visual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-Disable

Visual Effects-Menu animation-Fade

Visual Effects-Menu shadows-Disable

Visual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-Standard

Visual Effects-Smooth-scroll list boxes-Disable

Visual Effects-Tooltip animation-Fade

Visual Effects-Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop-Disable

Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Statement

Windows Media Player-Disable auto-add music to library

Windows Media Player-Disable automatic codec download

Windows Media Player-Disable automatic saving of DRM-type music files

Windows Media Player-Disable license backup prompt

Windows Media Player-Disable metadata retrieval

Windows Media Player-Disable MRU

Windows Media Player-Enhanced privacy settings


UnattendMode = 1

ComputerType = Default


AutoLogon = NANiEL

Resolution = 1024x768

BitsPerPel = 32 bit (True Color)

Vrefresh = 60 Hz

MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 10

RestorePointLife = 7



DesktopTheme = Windows Classic|Windows Classic style|Normal

AutoUpdates = 4

AutoUDay = 5

AutoUHour = 15

ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files"


connname = ""

macaddress = ""

ipaddress = ""

subnetmask = ""

defaultgateway = ""

dnsserver1 = ""

dnsserver2 = ""

winsserver = ""

netbiossetting = "0"

ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"


connname = ""

macaddress = ""

ipaddress = ""

subnetmask = ""

defaultgateway = ""

dnsserver1 = ""

dnsserver2 = ""

winsserver = ""

netbiossetting = "0"

ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"






















Posted (edited)

I have make a new project with nLite 1.4.5 b2:

started with XP PRO RTM French

slipstreamed SP3 RTM French

added a bunch of addons (silent installers running at T-13 and .net 2sp1 and 3sp1 at guirunonce)

removed some components (languages, msn explorer, security center, windows tour etc....)

configuring the unatended part

configuring some services and tweaks

patched themes, connections limits and deactivated SFC,

tested on VirtuialBox and only one thing will not work: DirectX_9.0c_End-User_Runtime_AddOn_0.3.3_-_redxii, but i think it's because it's designed for RVM integrator.

Thank you nuhi !!! :thumbup

For infos purpose my last session.ini is attached


Edited by mooms
has anyone got b2 working with sp3 rtm! as u cab see, im missing the quick launch bar in the taskbar, missing media player & windows explorer shortcuts in the start menu, media player doesnt even work! not even sure what im doing wrong to be honest?

ps im also missing automatic update service even tho i never removed it???

ive done another session but this time i left all the services in! it seems this time its working so im guessing by removing some of the services causes the errors? but which service i wonder...? :whistle:

The UXTHEME.DLL patch is not working for SP3 build 5512. I tried two times but failed.

I have some unsigned themes integrated on my last project (see my previous post); patch is working great :angel

The UXTHEME.DLL patch is not working for SP3 build 5512. I tried two times but failed.

I have some unsigned themes integrated on my last project (see my previous post); patch is working great :angel

where is the patch ?

Posted (edited)

I can't see the full path and filename when trying to integrate a driver.

I'm using the multi driver option.

The window is not scrolling and so it clipping off at the right.

I've attached a screenshot.

Can this be fixed please?

Btw, I realise I can use individual method but others might need to multi feature.


Edited by GHR1275
Posted (edited)

1) After slipstream WinXP + SP3 (RTM 5512 Czech version) and couple tweks (no remove or stop services) windows after install do not have working Windows Installer (can't install Net Framewrok, MS Ofiice etc.). I must stop and start Windows Installer again with ...

1.	Unregister Windows Installer. To do this, click Start, click Run, type msiexec /unregister in the Open box, and then click OK.
2. Reregister Windows Installer. To do this, click click Start, click Run, type msiexec /regserver in the Open box, and then click OK.

2) I can't find Indexing Service in nLite Tweak Tab.

Edited by RssRss

I was just about to ask if SP3 causes nLite any trouble ... guess I was right :P Let's wait for some fixes :)

Question though - wouldn't be better to use version 1.4.1 instead? Probably bad thought.

Posted (edited)

I tried to nlite IE7 to Windows XP SP3.

I get repeated restarts when installing.

Also I have noticed that txtsetup .sif seems smaller after running nlite. Dunno if that has any significance.

EDIT: Does uxtheme and other .dll patching works for SP3 based XP as well?

Edited by Angelico_Payne
I tried to nlite IE7 to Windows XP SP3.

I get repeated restarts when installing.

Also I have noticed that txtsetup .sif seems smaller after running nlite. Dunno if that has any significance.

EDIT: Does uxtheme and other .dll patching works for SP3 based XP as well?

can u plese attach your nlite preset?

and patching works fine

has anyone got b2 working with sp3 rtm! as u cab see, im missing the quick launch bar in the taskbar, missing media player & windows explorer shortcuts in the start menu, media player doesnt even work! not even sure what im doing wrong to be honest?

ps im also missing automatic update service even tho i never removed it???

i think ive found the problem! if i remove the file msimn.exe (outlook express), that causes the error! anyone else have any similar problems if you remove outlook express

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