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nLite - Honey Turbo 9.1

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Posted (edited)

did u meant the extra addons or tweaks ?

Actually , i said here for SP2, not for SP3...

Edited by dazzlee

fred_gaou, On my setup (slipstreamed sp3 over xp pro sp2 using nLite 1.4.5 Final) I had some different results then yours, however i had some other settings too, but here's what I got.

temp_dir = %SystemDrive%\Temp - works.

My Computer-Add Device Manager to Context Menu - works.

My Computer-Add Event Viewer to Context Menu - works.

My Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context Menu - works.

Boot and Shutdown-Disable automatic restart on System Failure - didn't work for me not even in the 1.4.5b2 (same setup, slipstreamed sp3 over xp pro sp2), wonder wha' happen' :blink:

That's what i can confirm so far.


Posted (edited)
temp_dir = %SystemDrive%\Temp - works.

My Computer-Add Device Manager to Context Menu - works.

My Computer-Add Event Viewer to Context Menu - works.

My Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context Menu - works.

What about IE icon on desktop or at least in the start menu? Is it here?

mmmh... I wonder what would happen if I slipstreamed SP2 on SP0 before I add SP3. May sounds crazy or at least useless but... Did someone try that?

I look forward to testing a next release that corrects some stuffs or at least other feedbacks about slipstreamed SP0 with SP3. Some claims SP0->SP3 (using slipstreaming) should not be a problem. However SP2->SP3 seems to product different effects, so... :}

what about SP0->SP2->SP3 in the same breath using nlite slipstreaming? Will the result be the same as SP2->SP3? Calls for testing ;) I'll do if nobody hasn't did it yet.

PS: I've updated my previous post cause slipstream SP3 causes at least an issue: I noticed that my dependency tabs were missing in the service setting boxes. No other tweaks or components remove, just slipstream SP3 on SP0 XP PRO (nLite 1.45 final)

Edited by fred_gaou
PS: I've updated my previous post cause slipstream SP3 causes at least an issue: I noticed that my dependency tabs were missing in the service setting boxes. No other tweaks or components remove, just slipstream SP3 on SP0 XP PRO (nLite 1.45 final)

This have nothing to do with nLite, something else is the cause. nLite simply use switch for integration, so that can not be the problem. It is SP3 itself, or your installation is corrupted.

Cheers ;)

Posted (edited)

So as I said above, I made a new slipstreaming test: SP0->SP2->SP3

The result is very positive, almost everything seem to work like a charm. The previous failures I noticed directly doing SP0->SP3 have disapeared. :thumbup

- Tasks Sequences

I] Slipstream SP2 then SP3

II] Addons:



IE7 french (didn't try to add the hotfix update E7-WindowsXP-KB947864-x86 since I read it produces some issues with SP3)

III] Unattended Setup (no added theme) NO BUG


V] Options NO BUG

VI] Components NO BUG

- Presets with detailed failures


Env = 1.4.5 - 2.0.50727.1433.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Target = Windows XP Professionnel SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - Français (France)


Service Pack Integration

Remove Components

Unattended Setup

Hotfixes and Update Packs


Create a Bootable ISO



;# Applications #


Internet Games



;# Keyboards #

Afghan keyboard

Albanais keyboard

Allemand (IBM) keyboard

Allemand (Suisse) keyboard

Allemand keyboard

Anglais étendu (Royaume-Uni) keyboard

Arabe (101) keyboard

Arabe (102) AZERTY keyboard

Arabe (102) keyboard

Arménien (Est) keyboard

Arménien (Ouest) keyboard

Azéri cyrillique keyboard

Azéri latin keyboard

Belge (point) keyboard

Belge (virgule) keyboard

Bengali (Inscript) keyboard

Bengali keyboard

Biélorusse keyboard

Bosniaque cyrillique keyboard

Bosniaque keyboard

Bulgare (latin) keyboard

Bulgare keyboard

Canadien multilingue standard keyboard

Chinois (simplifié) - clavier américain keyboard

Chinois (simplifié) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboard

Chinois (simplifié) - NeiMa keyboard

Chinois (simplifié) - QuanPin keyboard

Chinois (simplifié) - ShuangPin keyboard

Chinois (simplifié) - ZhengMa keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - alphanumérique keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - ChangJie keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - clavier américain keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - code Big5 keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - DaYi keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - Matrice keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - nouveau ChangJie keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - nouvelle phonétique keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - phonétique keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - Rapide keyboard

Chinois (traditionnel) - Unicode keyboard

Coréen keyboard

Croate keyboard

Danois keyboard

Devanagari - INSCRIPT keyboard

Divehi Machine à écrire keyboard

Divehi phonétique keyboard

Espagnol (variante) keyboard

Espagnol keyboard

Estonien keyboard

États-Unis - Dvorak pour droitier keyboard

États-Unis - Dvorak pour gaucher keyboard

États-Unis Dvorak keyboard

États-Unis International keyboard

Farsi keyboard

Féroïen keyboard

Finnois et same keyboard

Finnois keyboard

Français (Belgique) keyboard

Français (Canada) keyboard

Français (Suisse) keyboard

Français traditionnel (Canada) keyboard

Gaélique keyboard

Géorgien keyboard

Grec (220) keyboard

Grec (220) latin keyboard

Grec (319) keyboard

Grec (319) latin keyboard

Grec keyboard

Grec latin keyboard

Grec polytonique keyboard

Gujarati keyboard

Hébreu keyboard

Hindi traditionnel keyboard

Hongrois 101 touches keyboard

Hongrois keyboard

IBM Lituanien keyboard

Inuktitut latin keyboard

Irlandais keyboard

Islandais keyboard

Italien (142) keyboard

Italien keyboard

Japonais keyboard

Kannada keyboard

Kazakh keyboard

Kirghyz cyrillique keyboard

Latino-américain keyboard

Letton (Qwerty) keyboard

Letton keyboard

Lituanien keyboard

Luxembourgeois keyboard

Macédonien (Ex Rép. yougoslave de) keyboard

Malayalam keyboard

Maltais 47 touches keyboard

Maltais 48 touches keyboard

Maori keyboard

Marathi keyboard

Mongol cyrillique keyboard

Néerlandais keyboard

Népalais keyboard

Norvégien et same keyboard

Norvégien keyboard

Ourdou keyboard

Ouzbek cyrillique keyboard

Pendjabi keyboard

Polonais (214) keyboard

Polonais (programmeurs) keyboard

Portugais (Brésil ABNT2) keyboard

Portugais (Brésilien ABNT) keyboard

Portugais keyboard

Roumain keyboard

Royaume-Uni keyboard

Russe (machine à écrire) keyboard

Russe keyboard

Same étendu (Finlande/Suède) keyboard

Same étendu (Norvège) keyboard

Serbe (cyrillique) keyboard

Serbe (latin) keyboard

Slovaque (Qwerty) keyboard

Slovaque keyboard

Slovène keyboard

Suédois et same keyboard

Suédois keyboard

Syrien keyboard

Syrien phonétique keyboard

Système de saisie coréen (IME 2000) keyboard

Système de saisie japonais (MS-IME2002) keyboard

Table d'anglais (États-Unis) pour IBM arabe 238_L keyboard

Tamoul keyboard

Tatar keyboard

Tchèque (programmeurs) keyboard

Tchèque (Qwerty) keyboard

Tchèque keyboard

Télougou keyboard

Thaï Kedmanee (sans verrouillage majuscule) keyboard

Thaï Kedmanee keyboard

Thaï Pattachote (sans verrouillage majuscule) keyboard

Thaï Pattachote keyboard

Turc F keyboard

Turc Q keyboard

Ukrainien keyboard

Vietnamien keyboard

;# Multimedia #

Movie Maker

Windows Sounds

;# Network #

MSN Explorer

Windows Messenger

;# Operating System Options #

.NET Framework

Blaster/Nachi removal tool


;# Services #


;# Directories #




;# Compatibility #

























ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"

TargetPath = "WINDOWS"

temp_dir = %SystemDrive%\Temp



TcpIp = 100







Boot and Shutdown-Auto-End tasks immediately

Boot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung applications immediately

Boot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung services immediately

Boot and Shutdown-Disable automatic restart on System Failure

Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Show

Desktop-Wrap icon titles-Disable

Explorer-Advanced Search: preconfigure options

Explorer-Associate additional file types with Notepad

Explorer-Change Windows Explorer folder view-Details

Explorer-Classic Control Panel

Explorer-Disable Autorun

Explorer-Disable Beep on errors

Explorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut to

Explorer-Disable shortcut arrow

Explorer-Disable Web Files and Folders connection

Explorer-Launch folder windows in a separate process

Explorer-Show Drive Letters in front of Drive Names

Explorer-Show extensions of known file-types

Explorer-Show the full path in the Address Bar

Explorer-Show the full path in the Title Bar

My Computer-Add Device Manager to Context Menu

My Computer-Add Event Viewer to Context Menu

My Computer-Add Fonts Folder

My Computer-Add Registry Editor to Context Menu

Performance-Processor scheduling-Programs

Performance-Run 16-bit Windows applications in a separate process

Privacy-Remove Alexa

Start Menu-Add Administrative Tools menu

Start Menu-Control Panel-Display as a menu

Start Menu-My Computer-Display as a menu

Start Menu-My Documents-Display as a menu

Start Menu-My Music-Display as a menu

Start Menu-My Pictures-Display as a menu

Start Menu-Network Connections-Link to Network Connections folder

Start Menu-Number of programs on Start menu-10

Start Menu-Printers and Faxes-Display as a link

Start Menu-Reduce popup delay

Start Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcut

Start Menu-Scroll Programs

Taskbar-Disable Hide inactive icons

Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar

Taskbar-Lock the Taskbar-No

Visual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-Enable


UnattendMode = 0

ComputerType = Automatic

Resolution = 1024x768

BitsPerPel = 32 bit (True Color)

MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 10

RestorePointLife = 30

DesktopTheme = Default||

AutoUpdates = 4

AutoUDay = 5

AutoUHour = 15

ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files"


connname = ""

macaddress = ""

ipaddress = ""

subnetmask = ""

defaultgateway = ""

dnsserver1 = ""

dnsserver2 = ""

winsserver = ""

netbiossetting = "0"

ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"


connname = ""

macaddress = ""

ipaddress = ""

subnetmask = ""

defaultgateway = ""

dnsserver1 = ""

dnsserver2 = ""

winsserver = ""

netbiossetting = "0"

ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"


connname = ""

macaddress = ""

ipaddress = ""

subnetmask = ""

defaultgateway = ""

dnsserver1 = ""

dnsserver2 = ""

winsserver = ""

netbiossetting = "0"

ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"




D:\Sauvegardes\CD_Xp_SP2\nLite\Add-ons\1 - RUNTIMES + FRAMEWORKS\DotNetFx_All_In_1_Addon_v2.1.cab

D:\Sauvegardes\CD_Xp_SP2\nLite\Add-ons\1 - RUNTIMES + FRAMEWORKS\Kels_Runtimes_addon_v4.1.CAB

D:\Sauvegardes\CD_Xp_SP2\nLite\Add-ons\2 - IE7\IE7-WindowsXP-x86-fra.exe

- Conclusion

I didn't recommend to slipstream directly SP3 upon SP0 because some failures (see

If you follow my preset above everything will be fine.

Everybody say : "NUHI !!!"

Edited by fred_gaou
Posted (edited)

Integrated WMP11 with all hotfix, except windowsmedia11-kb946665-x86-intl.exe

I used SP3 here, and the Toolbar shortcut is missing....

attached ini file


Edited by dazzlee

I start playing with v1.4.5 and WinXP Pro GOLD + SP3 Final. No problems so far, although I have to pay attention with the new network components. Some of them should not be removed I suppose.

Too bad SP3 doesn't include IE7 and WMP11. That's really a shame!

Posted (edited)

I have built in sp3 ie7 wmp11, have removed not the components necessary to me (adjustments in the attached file), are 2 mistakes: 1. After the first reboot, the fitter does not define a disk in the device, after extraction and insertions of a disk can back work with it. 2: IE7 it is not started, in what a problem, prompt!

(win xp pro, nlite 1.4.5 final, framework 2.0, 3.0)


Edited by IvanVL
Posted (edited)

ivan please dont extract the wmp 11 installer ...just leave it the way it is..

also be sure u have wmp11 slipstreamer installed before running nlite

Edited by boooggy
ivan please dont extract the wmp 11 installer ...just leave it the way it is..

also be sure u have wmp11 slipstreamer installed before running nlite

But I havn't problev with wmp! Whether wmp introduction influences all rest?

Posted (edited)
silent update to! ;)

Vista Key issue fix?

sp3 slipstream on vista key issue actually.....

Edited by boooggy

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